George Merritt
Créditos en:
Películas en las que George Merritt trabajo como parte del reparto
1973 | Gawain and the Green Knight1971 | El monstruo de Londres1970 | Cromwell, hombre de hierro1969 | La batalla de Inglaterra1969 | Dos ladrones en apuros1961 | The Day the Earth Caught Fire1960 | La manos de Orlac1960 | Tread Softly Stranger1960 | The Full Treatment1958 | Drácula1957 | Vasallos del mal1954 | Night of the Silvery Moon1954 | The End of the Road1954 | El Solitario1953 | Noose for a Lady1951 | Pool of London1951 | Mr Drake's Duck1950 | Something in the City1949 | Dark Secret1949 | Marry Me1948 | Love in Waiting1948 | Calling Paul Temple1948 | Good-Time Girl1948 | Daybreak1948 | Escape1948 | Daughter of Darkness1946 | Quiet Weekend1946 | The Voice Within1945 | Home Sweet Home1944 | Don't Take It to Heart!1944 | Love Story1944 | Give Us the Moon1944 | The Way Ahead1944 | Un cuento de Canterbury1944 | Demobbed1943 | Escape to Danger1943 | The Adventures of Tartu1943 | I'll Walk Beside You1942 | Let the People Sing1942 | Renacerá la aurora1942 | Back-Room Boy1942 | Hatter's Castle1942 | The Big Blockade1942 | Black Sheep of Whitehall1941 | Ships with Wings1941 | El tren fantasma1940 | Spare a Copper1940 | They Came by Night1940 | The Proud Valley1939 | Young Man's Fancy1939 | The Four Just Men1939 | Nubes sobre Europa1938 | The Gaunt Stranger1938 | Inocencia y juventud1937 | The Rat1937 | El retorno de la Pimpinela Escarlata1937 | Doctor Syn1937 | Wife of General Ling1936 | Windbag the Sailor1936 | Rembrandt1936 | Spy of Napoleon1936 | Ticket of Leave1935 | Brown on Resolution1935 | Crime Unlimited1934 | Jew Süss1934 | My Song for You1933 | Yo he sido espía1933 | The Ghost Camera1933 | Money for Speed1933 | Going Straight1932 | F.P.11932 | El vengador1931 | A Gentleman of ParisEnlaces externos
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