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Película > How I Got Lost (2009)
Poster How I Got Lost

How I Got Lost (2009)



Elenco principal:



  • 2009-04-24
  • 01 hr 27 min (87 minutos).
  • Drama.
  • ✮56
    • 56 Imdb
Ver película
Publicidad Amazon


En una travesía impulsada por la desesperación y la amistad, Andrew y Jake abandonan Nueva York en busca de respuestas y consuelo tras la muerte del padre de Andrew. Mientras Jake, un escritor de deportes atrapado en su propio dolor, intenta mantener el rumbo, se enfrenta a su pasado al reencontrarse con su volátil ex, Sarah. La carretera se convierte en un escenario de revelaciones y tensiones, donde la lealtad de Jake se pone a prueba y los secretos salen a la luz. En un viaje que los lleva a lo profundo de Pennsylvania, ambos amigos deben confrontar sus miedos y encontrar la forma de sanar.

How I Got LostTrailer oficial de la película How I Got Lost2009-04-24T08:00:00+08:00 Trailer
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Publicidad Amazon

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Información técnica y general

Duración: 01 hr 27 min (87 minutos) .

Color: Color

Paises productores: La película How I Got Lost fué producida en EE.UU.

Lenguaje original: Inglés.

Títulos en cada país:


Créditos completos de la película How I Got Lost




Andrew Peterson
Male Cop
Jake Glass
Hipster Chick
Bob at Sports Weekly
Coach McLean
Escritor de deportes
Escritor de deportes
Nets Fan
Katie (as Jill Frutikin)
Phil (as Jace McLean)
Modelesque Girl
Ivar the Cab Driver
Lion's Club Member
Mrs. Rankey /Funeral Reception
Jugador a la pelota
Hysterical Woman
Hombre sin hogar
Harry Peterson
Law Office Receptionist
Spencer's Waitress /Spencer's Grill
St Vincent's Bloodline
St Vincent's Bloodline
Police Station
Police Station
Police Station
Sports Weekly
Sports Weekly
Sports Weekly
Sports Weekly
Sports Weekly
Sports Weekly
Sports Weekly
Sports Weekly
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Funeral Reception
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Spencer's Grill
Custard Station
Custard Station
Custard Station
Custard Station
Custard Station
Custard Station

, Ray Hartmann (Custard Station), Kerri Hartmann (Custard Station), Ansley Keeter (Custard Station), Michelle Keeter (Custard Station), Kelly McLaughlin (Custard Station), Krista Menghini (Custard Station), Marcus Menghini (Custard Station), Melissa Menghini (Custard Station), Travis Menghini (Custard Station), Priscilla Ward (Custard Station), Katie Bahn (Little League Spectator), Paula Bahn (Little League Spectator), Sam Baughman (Little League Spectator), Allison Baughman (Little League Spectator), Emily Baughman (Little League Spectator), Don Gourde (Little League Spectator), Martha Johnston (Little League Spectator), Dan Kertz (Little League Spectator), Kevin McKone (Little League Spectator), Cindy Nichols (Little League Spectator), Liz Walker (Little League Spectator), Caitlin Westfall (Little League Spectator), Sue Westfall (Little League Spectator), Sean Carey (St Peter's Ballplayers), Aidan Chase (St Peter's Ballplayers), Ben Dargue (St Peter's Ballplayers), Michael Elsner (St Peter's Ballplayers), Jackson Fortner (St Peter's Ballplayers), Will Fortner (St Peter's Ballplayers), Franky Landers (St Peter's Ballplayers), Lee Lueker (St Peter's Ballplayers), Trenton Marshall (St Peter's Ballplayers), Sean McLaughlin (St Peter's Ballplayers), Blake Schoenberg (St Peter's Ballplayers), Adam Zirges (St Peter's Ballplayers), Alex Zirges (St Peter's Ballplayers), Kevin McLaughlin (St Peter's Coaches), Jim Landers (St Peter's Coaches), David Lueker (St Peter's Coaches), Eliot Deters (Press Box), Kevin Robinson (Press Box), Donald Singer (Press Box), Andy Leonard (Press Box), Matt Corcoran (Press Box), Lily Holleman (Gas girl) y Philip Greene (9 /11 NYC Survivor (u))



Productor asociado
Consultor de producción
Productor asociado
Productor asociado
Productor asociado
Productor asociado
Productor ejecutivo
Consultor de producción
Productor asociado
line producer / producer
Productor ejecutivo
Productor asociado
Productor asociado
Productor asociado
Productor asociado
Productor ejecutivo
Productor asociado
Productor asociado
Productor asociado
Productor asociado


Paul Schnee


Christopher Chambers (Director de fotografía)

Ayudante de dirección

Andrew Klubertanz (second second assistant director: New York City), Eric Sucher (second assistant director: St. Louis) y Jeff Yang (Asistente de dirección)

Dirección artística

Katie Akana

Departamento de arte

Kate Dougherty (Jefe de utilería)


Mike Burke (Acrobacias) y Manny Siverio (Coordinador de dobles)

Diseño de vestuario

J.R. Hawbaker ((as JR Hawbaker))

Diseño de producción

Matthew Munn ((as Matt Munn))

Departamento de maquillaje

Vanessa Elese (Jefe de estilistas/Jefe de maquillaje) y Anne Gottlieb Knudsen (assistant hair stylist / assistant makeup artist)

Departamento de musica

Gabe Hilfer (music supervision: Clearsongs, Inc.) y Clifford Lane (Grabador de partituras)

Departamento de vestuario

Lexi Cuesta (Supervisor de vestuario), Libby Massa (costume production assistant: St. Louis), Clare McKee (costume production assistant: New York City), Chelsea Robinson (costume production assistant: St. Louis) y Ryan Todd (Vestuarista)

Departamento de reparto

Andy Leonard (extras/background casting: St. Louis), Lisa Lohman (extras/background casting: St. Louis), Jace Mclean (extras/background casting: New York City (as Jace McLean)) y Jennifer Ricchiazzi (Ayudante de casting: Los Ángeles)

Departamento de editorial

Sam Mestman (Colorista)

Departamento de transporte

Jerry Eickel (vehicles: St Louis: Bommarito Nissan, Inc.)

Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

Christian Baird (dolly grip: New York City), Chad Battinelli (Iluminador), Ben Burke (electrician: St. Louis), Michelle Coughlan (second assistant camera: New York City), Martin Dicicco (gaffer (as Martin DiCicco)), Corey Eisenstein (Asistente de electricidad), Ray Fuller (grip & electric intern (as Raymond Fuller)), Nicholas Gartner (grip: St Louis), Alfonso Germany (grip & electrical intern), Christopher Hamilton (electrician: New York City), Brian Harnick (key grip: New York), Mélanie Hoedts-Klein (second assistant camera: St. Louis), David Houlle (key grip: St. Louis (as Dave Houlle)), Clayton Jackson (grip & electric intern), Olivia Kuan (electrician: New York City), Bryan Landes (Iluminador), Jason McCammon (Iluminador), Ryan Minelli (Iluminador), Sebastien Nicolet (Ayudante del encargado de equipamientos de cámara), Erica Parise (still photographer: New York City), Alex Peterson (Asistente de cámara), Adam Reisz (key grip: St. Louis), Alan R. Sohn (grip: St Louis (as Alan Sohn)), Sam Sparks (camera production assistant: St. Louis), Krista Sucher (still photographer: St. Louis), Yousheng Tang (camera production assistant: New York) y Andrew Voegeli (Operador de Steadicam)


Sarah Broshar y Sam Mestman

Gestión de producción

Elizabeth Garrett (Jefe de producción)

Otras personas que participaron

Laurifer Abrams (Guionista supervisor), Dirk Alander (housing: St. Louis), Genna Alander (catering/craft services: St Loui), Sarah Alander (housing: St. Louis / medic: St Louis (as Dr. Sarah Alander)), Phil Allende (production assistant: New York City), Jason Banker (documentary blackout footage), Royce Binion (Grupo de loop), Jeff Bowers (housing: St. Louis), Patti Bowers (housing: St. Louis), Debbie Caby (catering/craft services: St Loui / housing: St. Louis), Henry Caby (housing: St. Louis), Marty Chapman (catering/craft services: St Loui), Nicole Compas (production legal: Gray Krauss, LLC), Tara Edwards (caterer: New York City), Ellen Eisenstein (housing: St. Louis), Rhody Eisenstein (housing: St. Louis), Becky Esrock (production intern: St. Louis), Jill Frutkin (assistant to the director: New York City), Lori Gallo (Buick Roadmaster picture car), Boyd Geary (housing: St. Louis), Jim Geyser (Grupo de loop), Jonathan Gray (production legal: Gray Krauss, LLC), Jose Gutierrez (parking coordinator: New YorkCity), Clayton Jackson (honorary teamsters), Judie Jackson (craft services: New York City), Sara Kelce (production intern: St. Louis), Matt Kemper (production intern: St. Louis), Christine Klamer (catering/craft services: St Loui), Becky Kridel (catering/craft services: St Loui / housing: St. Louis), Don Kridel (housing: St. Louis), Walter Lamkin (housing: St. Louis), Ann Lapides (catering/craft services: St Loui), Andrew B. Leonard (production legal: McCarthy, Leonard and Kaemmerer), Andy Leonard (honorary teamsters / housing: St. Louis), Karen Leonard (catering/craft services: St Loui / housing: St. Louis / medic: St Louis), Ronald J. Levin (production legal: Babok & Levin LLP), Tana Lewis (catering/craft services: St Loui), Lisa Lohman (catering/craft services: St Loui / housing: St. Louis), Liz Lohman (catering/craft services: St Loui), Tim Lohman (housing: St. Louis), Debbie Long (catering/craft services: St Loui), Stephanie Long (catering/craft services: St Loui / production assistant: St. Louis), Don Marchetto (locations: St Louis), Greg Marchetto (locations: St Louis), Greg McCarthy (Grupo de loop), Holly McKinney (catering/craft services: St Loui), Don McLean (Buick Roadmaster picture car / housing: St. Louis), Gayle McLean (Buick Roadmaster picture car / housing: St. Louis), Jace Mclean (loop group (as Jace McLean)), Jessica McLean (production intern: St. Louis), Hardy Menees (locations: St Louis), Sue Miller (catering/craft services: St Loui), Amy Mitchell (production assistant: St. Louis), Fredia Murphy (Grupo de loop), Cindy Nichols (catering/craft services: St Louis / housing: St. Louis), Eric Nichols (locations: St Louis), Larry Ortmann (locations: St Louis), David Osborn (baseball safety shield / catering/craft services: St Louis / housing: St. Louis), Jeannine Osborn (catering/craft services: St Loui / housing: St. Louis), Katie Osborn (catering/craft services: St Louis), Beth Petti (Ram van), Keith Petti (Ram van), Debbie Ross (catering/craft services: St Louis), Pamela Ross (catering/craft services: St Loui / craft services: New York City), Jill Rowett (Grupo de loop), Jennifer Schindewolf (catering/craft services: St Louis), Don Sessions (medic: St Louis (as Dr. Don Sessions)), Randy Shinn (production assistant: St. Louis), Brian Spector (documentary blackout footage), Debbie Stream (housing: St. Louis), Scott Stream (housing: St. Louis), Eric Sucher (catering/craft services: St Louis), Krista Sucher (catering/craft services: St Louis / locations: St Louis (as Kristsa Sucher)), Mark Sucher (catering/craft services: St Louis / locations: St Louis), Vanessa Villanova (documentary blackout footage), Jim Walker (housing: St. Louis), Liz Walker (housing: St. Louis), Priscilla Ward (catering/craft services: St Louis), Honey Watel (catering/craft services: St Louis), Nancy Watkins (catering/craft services: St Louis (as Nancy Watkins-Owen)), Caitlin Weaver (catering/craft services: St Louis), Gigi Weaver (catering/craft services: St Louis), Ellen Wentz (catering/craft services: St Louis) y Dan Zoffness (production assistant: St. Louis)


Mark Arywitz (very special thanks), Mike Bales (Agradecimiento especial), Pierre Belleville (special thanks: Wyman Center), Jennifer Bond (the producers would like to thank), Trent Bond (the producers would like to thank), Bradley Buecker (the producers would like to thank (as Brad Buecker)), Bill Burckhalter (special thanks: Kirkwood Train Station), Chris Clark (the producers would like to thank), Doc Crotzer (the producers would like to thank), Joe Leonard's Dad (very special thanks (as Dad)), Linda Estelle (Agradecimiento especial), Christine Fazio (the producers would like to thank: Eastern Effects), Matt Flugger (the producers would like to thank), Max Frankston (the producers would like to thank), Cliff Froehlich (the producers would like to thank), Jill Frutkin (the producers would like to thank), Evan Gabriele (the producers would like to thank), Stephen Geraghty (the producers would like to thank: NYFD Chief), Morgan Gibbons (the producers would like to thank), Don Gourde (Agradecimiento especial), Melissa Irwin (the producers would like to thank), Lindsay Jaeger (the producers would like to thank), Jake (the producers would like to thank: The Mud Spot / very special thanks), Maia Kaufman (the producers would like to thank: Abel Cine Tech, New York), Gene LaVigne (Agradecimiento especial), Dan Lohman (Agradecimiento especial), Scott Macaulay (the producers would like to thank: IFP/NY Director's Lab), Jace Mclean (the producers would like to thank (as Jace McLean)), Joe Mokwa (Agradecimiento especial), Joe Leonard's Mom (very special thanks (as Mom)), Eric Nichols (the producers would like to thank), Nina (the producers would like to thank: The Mud Spot), Larry Ortmann (the producers would like to thank), Sam Osterhout (the producers would like to thank (as Samuel Osterhout)), David Park (the producers would like to thank), Natalia Parsons (the producers would like to thank), Barb Pfuhl (special thanks: The Custard Statio), Chris Powers (special thanks: Spencer's Grill), Justin Ritson (the producers would like to thank), Tara Samuel (the producers would like to thank), Lamar Sanders (the producers would like to thank), Theo Sena (the producers would like to thank), Jack Shapiro (the producers would like to thank), Anne Silman (the producers would like to thank), Jim Towey (Agradecimiento especial), Celia Venezia (special thanks: Labadie Market), Lisa Venezia (special thanks: Labadie Market), Matt Vertin (the producers would like to thank), Anne Westermann (special thanks: Wyman Center), Jill Wider (special thanks: Wyman Center) y Bob Wilson (the producers would like to thank)

Empresas distribuidoras

BigStar.TVOsiris Entertainment

Empresas productoras

Digiart Productions

Otras empresas

Abel Cine TechBabok & LevinRetro VideoCarol Stumpf T ShirtsClearsongsComplex, TheCustard Station, TheEastern EffectsGray Krauss Stratford Sandler Des RochersHollywood-DIRiksarkivetMayor's Office of Film & Television, NYCImperial Personal ManagementPabst Blue RibbonSpank Machine

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Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Joe Leonard, Aaron Stanford o Keith Boyd? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre How I Got Lost. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine y series nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!

Necesitamos tu ayuda

Aficionado a la pantalla grande, su participación es clave para hacer de un paraíso cinéfilo completo. Queremos construir juntos la mejor base de datos cinematográfica, pero necesitamos su ayuda. ¿Encontraste algún dato faltante en la ficha de How I Got Lost? ¿Detectaste algún error en la sinopsis o el elenco? ¡Queremos saberlo todo!

Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!

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