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Película > Muertos vivos: La batalla final (1979)
Poster Muertos vivos: La batalla final

Muertos vivos: La batalla final (1979)



Elenco principal:



  • 1979-12-25
  • 2h 7m (127 minutos).
  • ✮77 (9252 votos)
    • 78 Imdb
    • 71 Metacritic
    • 69 Filmaffinity
    • 91 Rottentomatoes
  • 1 nominaciones
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Publicidad Amazon


La películas Muertos vivos: La batalla final del año 1979, conocida originalmente como "Dawn of the Dead", está dirigida por George A. Romero y protagonizada por David Emge quien interpreta a Stephen, Ken Foree en el papel de Peter, Scott H. Reiniger como Roger, Gaylen Ross personificando a Francine y David Crawford desempeñando el papel de Dr. Foster (ver créditos completos).

producida en EE.UU. e Italia. Con una duración de 2h 7m (127 minutos), esta película tiene diálogos originales en Inglés y Español. La banda sonora para esta producción ha sido compuesta por Dario Argento, Goblin, Agostino Marangolo, Massimo Morante y Fabio Pignatelli.

En cuanto al guión de esta obra, se encuentra a cargo de George A. Romero Escrito por George A. Romero (Escrito por).

Muertos vivos: La batalla finalTrailer oficial de la película Muertos vivos: La batalla final1979-12-25T08:00:00+08:00 Trailer
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Muertos vivos: La batalla finalVideo de la película Muertos vivos: La batalla final1979-12-25Trailer
Muertos vivos: La batalla finalVideo de la película Muertos vivos: La batalla final1979-12-25Trailer
Muertos vivos: La batalla finalVideo de la película Muertos vivos: La batalla final1979-12-25Trailer
Publicidad Amazon

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          Críticas de Muertos vivos: La batalla final realizadas por profesionales


          Resumen de reseñas

          “Dawn of the Dead” es una obra maestra del cine de terror que va más allá del mero entretenimiento para ofrecer una feroz sátira de la sociedad consumista norteamericana. George A. Romero utiliza con maestría el contexto de un centro comercial, evocando un monumento vacío que refleja la crisis de identidad de una cultura atrapada en su propio consumismo. La película se caracteriza por su tono lúgubre y nihilista, donde el horror y la violencia se entrelazan con un humor oscuro que recuerda a Jonathan Swift, destacando la aguda crítica a un mundo cada vez más racista y sexista.

          Con efectos especiales impresionantes y una narrativa incisiva, este filme no solo es un festival de sangre y vísceras, sino también un provocador comentario social. A través de su brutalidad, “Dawn of the Dead” revela lo poco que hemos cambiado como sociedad, convirtiéndose en un testamento inquietante sobre las políticas de recortes y el vacío del consumismo. Aunque sus personajes pueden parecer arquetípicos, la visión de Romero es innegablemente poderosa y relevante, lo que cimenta su lugar como la película definitiva de zombis.

          ..ver fuentes

          - /5

          Reseña de

          Sustos aparte, la película le da a Romero la plataforma que necesita para recrear una feroz sátira sobre una Norteamérica racista y sexista
          - /5

          Reseña de

          Una película mejor lograda y más inteligente (...) La sensibilidad de Romero se acerca a la de [Jonathan] Swift gracias a su ingenio, precisión, exceso y profunda misantropía.

          Reseña de

          Una de las mejores películas de terror que jamás se han hecho (...) Filmada con elegancia, divertida, graciosa y sin piedad alguna a la hora de retratar la sociedad consumista norteamericana (...)

          Reseña de

          No cabe ninguna duda que [Roger Ebert] tiene razón al decir que esta es la película definitiva sobre zombis, porque lo es (...) Tiene un tono decididamente lúgubre y nihilista sobre el mundo


          Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA

          Saturn Award (1980)

          Información técnica y general

          Duración: 2h 7m (127 minutos) .

          Color: Color

          Paises productores: La película Dawn of the Dead fué producida en EE.UU. y Italia

          Donde se filmó: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Monroeville Mall - Business Route 22, Monroeville, Pennsylvania, USA, Harold W. Brown Memorial Field - 3926 Logans Farm Road, Monroeville, Pennsylvania, USA, WPGH-TV, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA y 247 Fort Pitt Blvd, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

          Lenguaje original: Inglés y Español.

          Títulos en cada país:



          Créditos completos de la película Muertos vivos: La batalla final




          Dr. Foster
          Mr. Berman
          Comentarista de TV
          Young Officer on Roof
          Old Priest
          Officer in Project Apt.
          Officer in Project Apt.
          Officer at Police Dock
          Officer at Police Dock
          Officer at Police Dock
          Officer at Police Dock
          Asaltante en motocicleta
          Asaltante en motocicleta
          Asaltante en motocicleta
          Asaltante en motocicleta
          Asaltante en motocicleta
          Asaltante en motocicleta
          Asaltante en motocicleta
          Asaltante en motocicleta
          Asaltante en motocicleta
          Asaltante en motocicleta
          Asaltante en motocicleta
          Asaltante en motocicleta
          Lead Zombie
          Lead Zombie
          Lead Zombie
          Lead Zombie
          Lead Zombie
          Redneck Rifleman That Misses
          Military Jacket Zombie on Mall Rooftop
          On Air Girl at WGON-TV
          Zombie Who Sticks Fingernails Into Roger's Wounded Leg
          Dead Yellow Shirt Zombie Lying Down on Escalator
          Bearded Glasses Biker Riding Blue Harley-Davidson Shovelhead Custom Trike
          Blonde Biker Chick Riding Blue Harley-Davidson Shovelhead Custom Trike
          Wild Haired Plaid Shirted Apartment Zombie
          Cowboy Hat Zombie Hit by Sledge
          Long Haired Denim Shirted Zombie in Bikers' Battle
          Shorthaired Female Redneck Holding Sleeve of Cups
          Donna - Beautiful Young Smiley Faced Blonde Lady Redneck
          Redneck Wearing Red Coat
          Beautiful Young Blonde Lady Redneck Wearing Blue Jacket
          Blonde Lady Redneck Wearing Blue Coat and Glasses
          4th SWAT Cop in Project Apt.
          Brown Haired Fu Manchu Mustachioed Zombie Hit by Sledge
          3-Piece Gray Suited Zombie Shot by Roger in J.C. Penney
          Blonde Zombie Who Attacks Roger in Truck
          Long Black Coat Zombie Fighting Blades on Balcony
          Short Mustachioed Yellow Collar-Shirted Zombie
          Red Bearded Black Suit Coat Parking Lot Zombie Shot by Roger
          2nd Biker in Elevator
          Narrator of Theatrical Trailer
          Featured Light Blue Bathrobe Zombie
          Blonde Biker Chick Riding Motorcycle
          Sledgehammer Zombie
          19 Year Old Blonde Long-Haired Zombie Shot in Bikers' Battle
          Tall Bearded Zombie Clawing at Mall Door
          Crosshairs Zombie #3
          Curly Haired Lavender Turtleneck Sweatered WGON-TV Member
          Bathing Suit Zombie
          White Nightgown Zombie Decapitated by Blades
          Mall Zombie Boy touching bicycles
          Young WGON-TV Man Wearing Plaid Shirt
          Zombie Girl in Airport Chart House
          Jim - WGON-TV Cameraman
          Dark Haired Zombie Wearing White Collared Green Sweater and Glasses
          Mustachioed Biker (riding Chopper)
          Winky's Uniform Waitress Zombie shot in Bikers' battle
          Zombie Sprayed with Seltzer Water
          Zombie Who Gets Pied in the Face
          Nun Zombie
          Bearded Sportster Biker Wearing Black Leather Jacket and Yellow Shirt
          Cowboy Zombie
          Featured Elderly Zombie
          Productor de televisión
          Tony, Man at WGON - TV ('You all right?')
          Mall Zombie Wearing Blue Nightgown
          Firefighter Wearing White Helmet
          Bandana Girl Zombie
          1st Pie-in-Face Zombie
          Landlord Zombie in Tenement Cellar
          Mustachioed Plaid Shirted Zombie Grabbing at Peter's Legs
          Red Turtleneck Sweater Zombie Grabbing at Peter's Legs
          News Reporter on Radio
          Red Bandana Biker Chick - Jack's Girlfriend
          Parking Lot Zombie Knocking Sign Over
          Blue Plaid Shirt Zombie Shot by Chickie
          Shorthaired Female Blue Sweater Zombie Shot by Chickie

          , Scott Griffith (Curly Haired Green Jacket Parking Lot Zombie), George Haeck (Biker Riding in White Sidecar), John Harrison (Screwdriver Zombie), Gary Hartman (Blonde Biker Wearing Olive Green Jacket and Black Helmet), Jon Hayden (Zombi), Bill Hayes (Blonde Mustachioed Firefighter (wearing black helmet)), \'Sidecar\' John Helbig (Long Bearded Sunglasses Biker (riding White 1969 Harley-Davidson FL Electra Glide Motorcycle)), Karen Hildebrand (Bathrobe Zombie), Chuck Hoffman (Bearded Zombie Outside Gun Store), David Hykes (Red Knit Capped Bearded Redneck), Michael James (Bald Red Sweater Zombie), Kevin Johnson (Tan & Gray Flannel Shirt Zombie fighting Blades on balcony), C. Courtney Joyner (Zombie Wearing Eyeglasses), Evan Karelitz (Firefighter Wearing Black Helmet and Glasses), Harold Katofsky (Dark Mustachioed Firefighter Wearing Red Helmet), Peter Keefer (Curly Haired Mustachioed Demin Shirt Zombie eating Sledge's intestines), Bill Keyes (Mustachioed Navy Blue Suit Coat Zombie who attacks Stephen in Elevator), Susan Kilmartin (Yellow-Green Striped Shirt Zombie), John Kiss (4th Pie-in-Face Zombie), Vic Kleman (Charlie Parker - WGON-TV Typist), Patti Kohl (Blonde Green Sweatered Zombie Hit by Sledge), Katherine Kolbert (Brunette Biker Chick Throwing Pies and Cakes), Walter Krayvo (Bearded Zombie Who Bites Moonbaby's Neck), Jim Krut (Helicopter Zombie), 'Wild Bill' Laczko (Head Bandage Redneck), Tommy LaFitte (Miguel, The Zombie), Ralph Langer (Green Collared-Shirted Zombie in Ice Skating Rink), Robert Langer (Mustachioed Plaid-Shirted Zombie Eating Bikers' Flesh), Maxine Lapiduss (Redhead Zombie Outside J.C. Penny), Ellen Lauren (Mall Rooftop Zombie), Ed Letteri (Long-Haired Man by Door at WGON-TV), Leonard Lies (Machete Zombie), Michael Lies (WGON-TV Bearded Man Wearing Green Dress Shirt), Barbara Lifsher (Mary 'Chickie'), Tom Lytle (Biker Riding with Brown Headband Biker Chick), Paul Macaluso (Afro Haired Puerto Rican Gang Member on Roof), Frank Maimone (Motociclista), Mike Marcheck (Biker Wearing Leather Cowboy Hat), Teddy Marcheck (Biker Handing Out Weapons), Gary Marlatt (Red Leather Jacket Parking Lot Zombie), Hap (Blonde Biker Riding Red Harley-Davidson Servi-Car Motorcycle), Nicholas Mastandrea (Mall Zombie Outside Gun Store), Molly McCloskey (Lovely Woman at WGON - TV ('My turn for the coat.')), Doug Mertz (Preppie Zombie - 2nd Pie-in-Face), Robert V. Michelucci (Bearded Scope Zombie), Bob Miller (Funeral Zombie Wearing Three-Piece Suit), Keith Murphy (Mike - Bearded Cowboy Hat Redneck), Ken Nagin (Pendant Headband Biker with Axe), Jack Pappalardo (Lead Zombie - Bach's Arco Pitcairn Pitcher), Tom Passavant (Teepee Zombie Hit by Sledge), Jeff Paul (Biker Who Shoots Flyboy), John Paul (Bald Zombie - Airport Chart House), Gary Peabody (Blue Plaid Shirted Apartment Zombie with Foot Stump), Edward Perchaluk (Unknown Zombie), Charlie Peters (Bearded White Collared Shirted WGON-TV Crew Member), Donald Pollock (Zombie in Parking Lot), Rick Quinn (Black Haired White Plaid Shirt Zombie Pounding on J.C. Penney Door), Sukey Raphael (Red Nightgown Zombie - 3rd Pie-in-Face), Doris Rees (Large Orange Caftan Zombie), Evelyn Reynolds (Unknown Zombie), E. Butler Richards (Zombi), Russell L. Richards (Zombi), Rosemary Rixey (17 Year Old Brunette Pale Blue Dress Shirt Zombie Clawing at Mall Door), Cindy Roman (Blue Bandana Biker Chick Riding with White Headband Biker), Lenny Roman (White Headband Biker Riding Harley Motorcycle), George A. Romero (Director de TV), Donald Rubinstein (Roger's Zombie Attacker in Parking Lot), Carey Sampson (Timmy - Biker Holding TV Set), Robert \'Banjo\' Saunders (Parking Lot Zombie Who Bites Roger), Mike Savini (Zombie Boy in Airport Chart House), Frank A. Serrao (Fat Grey-Suited Zombie), Gina Sestak (Longhaired Glasses Zombie Entering Our Heroes' Mall Hideout), Warner Shook (Security Guard Zombie Who Attacks Stephen in Mall Basement), Donna Siegel (Dark Haired Light Brown Bloused Woman Heading Out Door at WGON-TV), Daniel Silk (Blonde Denim Shirt Zombie Who Attacks Roger in Truck), Paul Silverman (17 Year Old Brunette Yellow Dress Shirt Zombie Clawing at Mall Door), Stephen M. Silverman (Zombi), Chris Singer (Unknown Zombie), Chris Steinbrunner (Unknown Zombie), Larry O. Stricek (Bearded Biker Riding Blue and Yellow Harley-Davidson Panhead Chopper), Christopher Dean Sullivan (Braided Haired Gray Jumpsuit Zombie), Billy Swick (Zombie shot by Rednecks), Ron Swick (Cowboy Hat Zombie shot by Rednecks), Ralph Tallo (Stephen's Grey Suited Airport Zombie Attacker Hit by Sledgehammer), Milt Thompson (Checkered Shirted Zombie Who Attacks Stephen in Elevator), Danny Vail (Mall Zombie), Jeanette Lansel Vaira (Biker Chick), Bobbi Van Eman (Beautiful Curly Haired Female WGON-TV Technician Behind TV Station Employee), Sara Venable (Leotard Zombie Hit by Sledge), Susan Vermazen (Dark Curly Haired Plaid Shirted Zombie in Bikers' Battle), Vincent Vok (WGON - TV Station Employee), Billie Walters (Biker Chick Wearing Brown Headband), Vickie Walters (Brown Leather Jacket Biker Chick Riding with Bearded Sportster Biker), Billy \'Weezer\' Wickerham (Black Knit Cap Sunglasses Bearded Biker Riding 1977 Harley-Davidson FX Super Glide Motorcycle), Robert Williams (Soldier in Apartment Project) y Laura Ziemba (Ice Skating Rink Zombie)


          (as The Goblins)
          Sin acreditar
          Sin acreditar
          Sin acreditar
          Sin acreditar


          A Laurel Group Production in association with
          co-producer (u)
          executive producer (u)
          A Laurel Group Production in association with
          Asistente de productor
          executive producer (u)


          John Amplas


          Michael Gornick (Director de fotografía)

          Ayudante de dirección

          Christine Forrest (Asistente de dirección)

          Departamento de arte

          Joseph Eberle (gráficos)


          Leonard DeStefans (stunt driver: truck), John Konter (stunt driver: truck), Tom Savini (stunts / stunt double: Jeannie Jefferies (u) / stunt double: Larry Vaira (u)), Carl Scott (stunt driver: truck), Taso N. Stavrakis (stuntman / stunt double: Nancy Friedman (u)), Trudy Gray (motorcycle stunts (u) / stunt driver (u) / stunts (u)), \'Sidecar\' John Helbig (motorcycle stunts (u) / stunts (u)), Benjamin Meade (stunt driver (u)), Marty Schiff (stunts (u)) y Joe Shelby (stunts (u))

          Diseño de vestuario

          Josie Caruso (Vestuario)

          Efectos visuales

          Arthur J. Canestro (optical consultant) y Luciano Vittori Jr. (restoration coordinator: remastered version)

          Departamento de maquillaje

          Nancy Allen (make up assistant/1st assistant. makeup), Jeanie Jefferies (make up assistant/1st assistant. makeup), John Amplas (second assistant makeup artist (u)), Ted Bank (second assistant makeup artist (u)), Greg Besnak (makeup artist: Lee Cummings (u)), Joseph A. Campayno (second assistant makeup artist (u)), Randy Kovitz (second assistant makeup artist (u)), Joseph Pilato (second assistant makeup artist (u)) y Joe Shelby (second assistant makeup artist (u))

          Departamento de musica

          Goblin (original soundtrack / scoring band (u)), Giorgio Agazzi (music recordist (u)), Pierre Arvay (composer: stock music (u)), Herbert Chappell (composer: stock music (u)), Roland de Candé (composer: stock music (u)), Even de Tissot (composer: stock music (u)), Gordon Grant (composer: stock music (u)), Maurizio Guarini (musician: piano, synthesizer & violin (u) / scoring band (u)), Don Harper (composer: additional music (u) / composer: stock music (u)), Paul Lemel (composer: stock music (u)), Agostino Marangolo (musician: drums, percussions, piano (u) / scoring band (u)), Antonio Marangolo (musician: saxophone (u) / scoring band (u)), Phil May (singer (u)), Massimo Morante (musician: guitar, bass, mandolin (u) / scoring band (u)), Keith Papworth (composer: stock music (u)), Simon Park (composer: stock music (u)), Fabio Pignatelli (musician: bass and acoustic guitar (u) / scoring band (u)), John Povey (musician: drums & percussions (u)), Carlo Rustichelli (composer: stock music (u)), Derek Scott (composer: stock music (u)), Claudio Simonetti (musician: keyboards, organ and violin (u) / scoring band (u)), Barry Stoller (composer: stock music (u)), Dick Taylor (musician: lead guitar (u)), Reg Tilsley (composer: stock music (u)), Jack Trombey (composer: stock music (u)), Cliff Twemlow (composer: additional music (u)), Tommy Walker (composer: additional music (u)), Wally Waller (musician: bass guitar (u)) y DeWolfe (composer: stock music (u))

          Departamento de sonido

          Tony Buba (sound recordist / sound), Rick Dior (Re-grabación de sonido) y Robert Williams (boom man)

          Departamento de vestuario

          Michèle Martin (Guardarropa) y Michael Lies (wardrobe (u))

          Departamento de reparto

          Ellen Hopkins (Asistente para casting) y Michael Lies (Asistente para casting)

          Departamento de editorial

          Piero Bozza (assistant editor: Italian edition), Kenneth Davidow (Editor asistente), Michael Gornick (restoration supervisor), Otto Paoloni (advisor: Technicolor), Joe Violante (advisor: Technicolor) y Lauren Quinn (lead restoration artist (u))

          Departamento de transporte

          Frank A. Serrao (production driver (u))

          Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

          Carl Augenstein (Técnicos de iluminación), Dan Bertha (Iluminador), Bradley Drumheller (Iluminador), Tom Dubensky (assistant cameraman), Cliff Forrest (Encargado de equipamiento de cámara), Katherine Kolbert (Fotógrafo), Leonard Lies (Iluminador), Nicholas Mastandrea (Encargado de equipamiento de cámara), Clayton McKinnon (Iluminador), Ken Nagin (Iluminador), Daniel Silk (Iluminador) y Tom Wholey (electrician (u))

          Decoración de escenario

          Josie Caruso y Barbara Lifsher

          Gestión de producción

          Zilla Clinton (Jefe de producción) y Jay Stover (Gerente de unidad)


          Robert Cox (produced with the cooperation of), Marvin Lieber (produced with the cooperation of), Miguel Lisenberg (produced with the cooperation of), Alvin Rogal (produced with the cooperation of), Frank Rubinstein (produced with the cooperation of), Irvin Shapiro (produced with the cooperation of), Max Toberoff (produced with the cooperation of) y Susan Vermazen (produced with the cooperation of)

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          Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de George A. Romero, David Emge o Ken Foree? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre Muertos vivos: La batalla final. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine y series nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!

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          Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

          No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!

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