En un mundo donde una guerra invisible asola las calles, dos policías se adentran en una investigación clandestina tras el rastro de un camión sospechoso. Mientras tanto, un impactante documental revela la oscura realidad de la violencia sexual en el Ejército de EE.UU., donde las mujeres en servicio enfrentan un enemigo implacable: sus propios compañeros. Con testimonios desgarradores, se desenmascara un sistema que perpetúa el silencio y el sufrimiento, mostrando que, en este conflicto, la verdadera batalla se libra en el corazón de las instituciones y en las vidas de quienes deberían protegerse mutuamente.
Lamentablemente por el momento no contamos con enlaces a proveedores para esta obra. Pasa por nuestro catálogo películas para ver online y encuentra films disponibles. También puedes dejarnos un comentario para que le demos prioridad y te avisaremos cuando se encuentre disponible
Duración: 01 hr 33 min (93 minutos) .
Color: Color
Paises productores: La película The Invisible War fué producida en EE.UU.
Lenguaje original: Inglés.
Títulos en cada país:
Kirsten Johnson y Thaddeus Wadleigh
Bil White (Diseñador)
Bil White (Animador)
Gary Calamar (Supervisor musical)
Edward Patrick Alva (Editor asistente), Brian Hutchings (Colorista), Andrea Lewis (Segundo asistente de editor), Matt Radecki (Editor on-line) y Jason Zeldes (Segundo asistente de editor)
Scott Bison (additional camera), Steven Bradford (additional camera), River Finlay (additional camera), Ian N. Kellett (additional camera (as Ian Kellett)), Aaron Kopp (additional camera), Patrick Lee (Primer asistente de cámara), Michael T. Miller (additional camera (as Michael Miller)), Marie Joëlle Rizk (additional camera (as Marie-Joelle Rizk)), Gopi Shastri (additional camera) y Michael Wooten (additional camera (as Michael JC Wooten))
Douglas Blush ((as Doug Blush)) y Derek Boonstra
David Eisenberg (production manager: ITVS (u))
Becky Altringer (investigator: Ariel Investigations), Edward Patrick Alva (webmaster), Michael Banks (production assistant (as Michael Scott Banks)), Maggie Begley (publicist: MBC Inc.), Caitlin Boyle (grassroots and community distribution: Film Sprout), Kira Brekke (Asistente de producción), Lisa Callif (production legal: Donaldson & Callif), Kate Coe (archival research and clearances), Jonathan Dana (distribution advisor), Olivia Dawson (Asistente de producción), Elizabeth De Saussure (production assistant (as Elizabeth Laurens De Saussure)), Joann Do Hockersmith (production assistant (as Joann Hockersmith)), Michael Donaldson (production legal: Donaldson & Callif), Rosie Dupont (grassroots and community distribution: Film Sprout), Wendy Ettinger (completion funding: Chicken & Egg Pictures), Martha Fisher (footage and stills courtesy of), Brendan J. Gillett (production intern (as Brendan Gillett)), Sheema Golbaba (Pasante de producción), Ryan Gorcester (Asistente de producción), Judith Helfand (completion funding: Chicken & Egg Pictures), James Helmer (footage and stills courtesy of), Arpita Kumar (Asistente de producción), Grace Le (Asistente de producción), Vivian Le (Asistente de producción), Patrick Lee (Asistente de producción), Deborah Lippert (production bookkeeper), Kahmai Martin-Kirkland (Pasante de producción), Kelly McCrossan (Asistente de producción), Garrick Monaghan (Pasante de producción), Susan Norget (publicist: Susan Norget Film Promotion), Julie Parker Benello (completion funding: Chicken & Egg Pictures), Lai Phetsada (footage and stills courtesy of), Orly Ravid (sales agent: Film Collaborative), Brian Schroeder (footage and stills courtesy of), Nancy Schwartzman (outreach: Sundance), Carol Sewell (footage and stills courtesy of), Jamie Shor (publicist: PR Collaborative), John Stack (Asistente de producción), Emily Verellen (outreach consultant), Nancy Willen (publicist: Acme PR), Meredith Willis (Pasante de producción), Maria F. Leon (production coordinator: ITVS (u)), Winnie Wong (insurance (u)) y Christopher M. Wood (production assistant (u))
Jacklyn Abell (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Claire Aguilar (Agradecimiento especial), Sarah Albertson (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Anna Allen (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Ryl Anderson (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Lorraine Antonia (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jeremiah Arbogast (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Angela Arellano (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Susan Avila-Smith (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Diana Barrett (Agradecimiento especial), Sonja Batten (special thanks (as Dr. Sonja Batten)), Teah Bedney (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Helen Benedict (Agradecimiento especial), Panayiota Bertzikis (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Anu Bhagwati (Agradecimiento especial), Mary Birmingham (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Mary J. Blige (Agradecimiento especial), Sarah Blum (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Tom Boggs (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Charlene Bradley (Agradecimiento especial), Jessica Brakey (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Bruce Braley (special thanks (as Rep. Bruce Braley)), Merri Bright (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jeanette Fisk Brown (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Lillian Brownstein (Agradecimiento especial), Nathan Brownstein (Agradecimiento especial), Carol Burke (Agradecimiento especial), Susan Burke (Agradecimiento especial), Thomas Burke (Agradecimiento especial), Alex Busanksky (Agradecimiento especial), Colleen Bushnell (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Paula Bushon (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Catherine Butler (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Paula Byrnes (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Colleen Campbell (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Helen Candace (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Yvonne C. Canute (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Billy Joe Capshaw (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jeanne Marie Carodeau (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Andrew P. Carpenter (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jillian Carrick (Agradecimiento especial), Sean Carroll (Agradecimiento especial), Rebecca Catagnus (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Kirsten Cender-Stark (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jennifer Chaiken (Agradecimiento especial), Renee Champagne (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Tia Christopher (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Kori Cioca (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Sharon Cioca (Agradecimiento especial), Lou Colen (Agradecimiento especial), Carolyn Collins (Agradecimiento especial), Joann Compton (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), April Cook (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Diana Coontz (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Genni Copeland (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Marilyn Cornell (Agradecimiento especial), Cherish Cornish (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Mereya Corso (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Paula Coughlin (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Carla Croft (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Thomas Crossen (Agradecimiento especial), Lamanda Cummings (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Sandra Daniel (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Steve Danyluk (special thanks (as Steve 'Liker' Danyluk)), Cherie Davis (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Preston K. Davis (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible (as Prestone K. Davis)), Susan Davis (special thanks (as Rep. Susan Davis)), Godeleine De Rosamel (Agradecimiento especial), Ayana Defour (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Valine DeMos (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Kim Demos-Davies (Agradecimiento especial), Debra Dickerson (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Joan Dickson (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Sharon Dorsey-Smith (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Mary Dowling (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), D. Wright Downs (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Sandi Simcha Dubowski (special thanks (as Sandi Dubowski)), Meghan M. Duprey (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Deborah Eagleheart (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Janelle Emmons (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Amy Fairweather (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Shannon Farley (Agradecimiento especial), Wayne Farmer (Agradecimiento especial), David Felsen (Agradecimiento especial), Eldonna Fernandez (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Olga Ferrer (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Deborah Filter-Dionne (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Tandy Fink (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Beadie Finzi (Agradecimiento especial), April Fitzsimmons (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Marlin Fletcher (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Louise Forrest (Agradecimiento especial), Jason Forrester (Agradecimiento especial), Eddie Fourcell (Agradecimiento especial), Rick Frey (Agradecimiento especial), Luella Gale (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Art Gall (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Mary Gallagher (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Ryan B. Gallegos (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Laquita Garcia (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Rich George (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Lori Gholson (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Amanda M. Gibbs (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Allison Gill (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Leslie Gladjo (Agradecimiento especial), Wendi Goodman (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Carri Goodwin (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Patricia Gregory (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Rachael Grossman (Agradecimiento especial), Roberta Grossman (Agradecimiento especial), Maricela Guzman (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Myla Haider (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Kathleen Hamling (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Kathi Hardy (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Ayana Harrell (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Rebekah Havrilla (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Melanie K. Hedden (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Elle Helmer (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Amy Herdy (Agradecimiento especial), Jay Herron (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Mary Kay Hertog (special thanks (as Maj. Gen. Mary Kay Hertog)), Jessica Hinves (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Katee Hoffman (Agradecimiento especial), Kathleen Hoffman (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Michelle Hughes (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Courtney Huntington (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Joel Hyatt (Agradecimiento especial), Susan Hyatt (Agradecimiento especial), Kendu Isaacs (Agradecimiento especial), Kimberly Ison (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Q. Nicole Jackson (Agradecimiento especial), Greg Jacob (Agradecimiento especial), Steve James (Agradecimiento especial), Amando Javier (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jaha Johnson (Agradecimiento especial), Lavena Johnson (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Christina Jones (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Judy Jones (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Michael Jorgensen (special thanks (as Mike Jorgensen)), Jackie Judd (Agradecimiento especial), Susan Kahn (Agradecimiento especial), Janice Karpinski (Agradecimiento especial), Lori Katz (Agradecimiento especial), Marta Kauffman (Agradecimiento especial), Jodie Kelly (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Claudia Kennedy (special thanks (as Ret. Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy)), Audra King (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Ben Klay (special thanks (as Ret. Capt. Ben Klay)), Ava Kofman (Agradecimiento especial), Emma Kofman (Agradecimiento especial), Gil Kofman (Agradecimiento especial), Hannah Kofman (Agradecimiento especial), Mary P. Koss (Agradecimiento especial), Kathleen Kramer (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Kimberly Krechko (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Bethany Kunkle (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Anthony Kurta (special thanks (as Rear Adm. Anthoiny Kurta)), Dennis Laich (special thanks (as Ret. Maj. Gen. Dennis Laich)), Maria Lauterbach (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Lee Le Teff (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Debbie Lee (Agradecimiento especial), Jessica Lee (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Sarah Lee (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Laurie Leitch (Agradecimiento especial), John Paul Lent (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Brian Lewis (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jennifer Lewter (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Cynthia Lindenmeyer (Agradecimiento especial), Julie Linder (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jill Loftus (Agradecimiento especial), Patricia Loftus (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), D. Lohr (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Tiffany Lovalace (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Elizabeth Lykins (Agradecimiento especial), Dorothy Mackey (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Russell Maheras (Agradecimiento especial), Rose Martin (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Emily Martinez (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Geri Lynn Matthews (Agradecimiento especial), Michael Matthews (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Donna McAleer (Agradecimiento especial), Elise McCave (Agradecimiento especial), Yvette McClelland (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jenny McClendon (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), BriGette McCoy (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Rob McDonald (Agradecimiento especial), Shae McDonald (Agradecimiento especial), Trina McDonald (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Kimberly McDonough (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Bobbie Jo McKinney (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Meg McLagan (Agradecimiento especial), Roger McNamee (Agradecimiento especial), Cara Mertes (Agradecimiento especial), Nicole Meserole (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Rebekah Mil (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Kriten Miller (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jessie Mindlin (Agradecimiento especial), Terry C. Mitchell (special thanks (as Terry Mitchell)), Sharon Mixon (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Stephanie Moles (Agradecimiento especial), Matt Morris (Agradecimiento especial), Daniel J. Morrison (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Kira Mountjoy-Pepka (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Mari Mucky (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Anne Munch (Agradecimiento especial), Patty Murray (special thanks (as Sen. Patty Murray)), Sarah Nance (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), John T. Nash (special thanks (as John Nash)), Stace Nelson (Agradecimiento especial), Jennifer Norris (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Stacey Norris (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Terri J. Odom (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Marilyn Oliva (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Ed Ottepka (Agradecimiento especial), Nancy Parrish (Agradecimiento especial), Rebecca Parrish (Agradecimiento especial), Angela Peacock (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Miranda Peterson (Agradecimiento especial), Chellie Pingree (special thanks (as Rep. Chellie Pengree)), Ted Poe (special thanks (as Rep. Ted Poe)), Erin Powers (Agradecimiento especial), Luanne Preusner (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Tina Marie Priest (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Orly Ravid (Agradecimiento especial), Ann Reeder (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), C. Renner (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Dobby D. Renner (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Kristen Reuss (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Paul D. Rhynard (Agradecimiento especial), Marti Ribeiro (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Marti D. Ribeiro (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Arabella Ribera (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), George Rich (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Greg Rinckey (special thanks (as Ret. Capt. Greg Rinckey)), Willy Ritch (Agradecimiento especial), Elspeth Cameron Ritchie (special thanks (as Ret. Col. Elspeth Cameron Ritchie)), Mary River (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Virginia Roberts (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jerryka Robinson (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Alice Rockwell (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Mitch Rosaaen (special thanks (as Mitchell Rosaaen)), Tim Rosaaen (special thanks (as Timothy Rosaaen)), Amy Rosaaen-McDonald (Agradecimiento especial), Susan Sajadi (Agradecimiento especial), Mary Ellen Salzano (Agradecimiento especial), Susan Samuel (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Loretta Sanchez (special thanks (as Rep. Loretta Sanchez)), Cathy Santos (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Laura Saponara (Agradecimiento especial), Diana Schulz (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Thelma Schweitzer (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jess Search (Agradecimiento especial), Laura A. Narvaez Sellinger (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Hannah Sewell (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jerry Sewell (special thanks (as Sgt. Maj. Jerry Sewell)), Karen Shatzkin (Agradecimiento especial), Emily Siefken (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Ann Sikes (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Steve Silberstein (Agradecimiento especial), Jessica Simes (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Sandra Singer (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Louise Slaughter (special thanks (as Rep. Louise Slaughter)), Cynthia Smith (Agradecimiento especial), Gena Smith (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Lisa Smith (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Steve Smith (Agradecimiento especial), Erin Sorenson (Agradecimiento especial), Jackie Speier (special thanks (as Rep. Jackie Speier)), Grace Stallings (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Loretta Steffy (Agradecimiento especial), Nicole Steffy (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Blake Stephens (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Devorah Stewart (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Russell Strand (Agradecimiento especial), Loree Sutton (special thanks (as Ret. Brig. Gen. Loree Sutton)), Joel Swanson (Agradecimiento especial), Jim Swartz (Agradecimiento especial), Susan Swartz (Agradecimiento especial), Linda Sue Swisher (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Ashley Lynn Tafoya (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Rahdi Taylor (Agradecimiento especial), Margaret Torrisi (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Rick Tringale (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Niki Tsongas (special thanks (as Rep. Niki Tsongas)), Mike Turner (special thanks (as Rep. Mike Turner)), Melissa Tyner (Agradecimiento especial), Monica A. Valdiviez-Wiley (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Rita Valencia (Agradecimiento especial), Regina Vasquez (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Wilma Vaught (special thanks (as Ret. Brig. Gen. Wilma Vaught)), Theresa Verderber-Phillips (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Emily Verellen (Agradecimiento especial), Louis Vossen (Agradecimiento especial), Sharon Waddell (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), David Wadley (Agradecimiento especial), Georgina Baker Walker (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Lisa Morgan Wallace (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Kara Walton (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Laura Watterson (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), G. Weathers (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Dawn Webb (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Mary Catherine Weber (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jenny Wells (Agradecimiento especial), Miette Wells (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Andrea Werner (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Susan West (special thanks (as Sue West)), Kaye Whitley (Agradecimiento especial), Adrienne Willis (Agradecimiento especial), Natalie Wilson (Agradecimiento especial), Stefanie Winter (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Anne Marie Wise (Agradecimiento especial), Nicole Worrell (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Shawn Wren (Agradecimiento especial), Amber Yeager (thanks: to all the courageous survivors who helped make this film possible), Jacki Zehner (Agradecimiento especial), Deborah Zeitman (special thanks (as Debbie Zeitman)), Ira Ziering (Agradecimiento especial) y Marilyn Ziering (Agradecimiento especial)
En esta sección podrás acceder a los recursos externos que utilizamos como fuentes. Así podrás chequear toda la información que publicamos y también ampliar tu conocimiento sobre "La guerra invisible".
Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Kirby Dick, Amy Ziering o Kirby Dick? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre La guerra invisible. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine y series nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!
Aficionado a la pantalla grande, su participación es clave para hacer de Cineyseries.net un paraíso cinéfilo completo. Queremos construir juntos la mejor base de datos cinematográfica, pero necesitamos su ayuda. ¿Encontraste algún dato faltante en la ficha de La guerra invisible? ¿Detectaste algún error en la sinopsis o el elenco? ¡Queremos saberlo todo!
Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.
No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!
Este thriller paraguayo cautivó al mundo entero. 7 Cajas es una explosión de acción y suspenso. Esta joya cinematográfica latinoamericana sigue la historia de un carretillero del Mercado 4 de Asunción que se ve envuelto en un oscuro mundo de crimen
Por más sólido que sea un guión siempre hay espacio para que improvisaciones que se dan durante el rodaje de determinadas escenas queden en el producto final.
Desde Buenos Aires hasta el mundo, Tesis sobre un Homicidio se ha convertido en uno de los filmes más recomendados del cine argentino, cautivando audiencias y dejando su huella en la escena internacional.
En Hollywood casi todo lo que ocurre es mentira y parte de una película, sin embargo, existen cintas donde los actores realmente han tenido relaciones y fue parte de la obra publicada. Conócelas acá.
Conoce cómo se filmaron algunas escenas icónicas de Jurassic Park, con improvisaciones incluidas. ¡Descubre las curiosidades detrás del rodaje de un clásico cinematográfico!
Un grupo de cinéfilos se juntaron para debatir acerca de cuáles son sus escenas de acción favoritas y éste fue el resultado. No te pierdas los vídeos de estas secuencias inolvidables.