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Película > La nuée (2020)
Poster La nuée

La nuée (2020)



Elenco principal:



  • 2020-08-29
  • 01 hr 41 min (101 minutos).
  • ✮61 (1967 votos)
    • 53 Imdb
    • 50 Filmaffinity
    • 80 Rottentomatoes
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Publicidad Amazon


Virginie, madre soltera y agricultora, lucha por mantener a flote su granja de saltamontes comestibles mientras enfrenta la presión de las deudas y las tensiones familiares. Con su hijo menor, Gaston, y su adolescente, Laura, cada día es una batalla por la supervivencia. Sin embargo, un giro inesperado en su cría de saltamontes revela que estas criaturas tienen un insaciable gusto por la sangre. A medida que su obsesión por los insectos crece, Virginie se aleja de sus hijos, atrapada en un mundo donde la necesidad de prosperar puede llevarla a cruzar límites inimaginables.

La nuéeTrailer oficial de la película La nuée2020-08-29T08:00:00+08:00 Trailer
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Publicidad Amazon

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Críticas de La nuée realizadas por profesionales


Resumen de reseñas

La última entrega de Philippot es una notable exploración del terror fantástico, donde se entrelazan elementos de intriga y conflictos familiares en un entorno asfixiante. La película, con su banda sonora hipnótica que incorpora el ominoso zumbido de los saltamontes, crea una atmósfera inquietante que acompaña al personaje principal en su descenso a la locura.

Con un trazo elegante y una dirección que sabe cuándo mostrar y cuándo ocultar, Philippot logra mantener al espectador en un constante estado de tensión. La puesta en escena combina el naturalismo con ambientes alucinados, ofreciendo una experiencia visual perturbadora que recuerda a los clásicos de Carpenter y a la estética dardenniana. Aunque algunos giros de la trama pueden parecer convenientes, el filme se sostiene gracias a su astucia y ritmo envolvente.

A pesar de sus sencillos efectos digitales, la película se presenta con una personalidad única y un poder visual que cautiva. Brahim ofrece una actuación destacada, contribuyendo al impacto emocional de la historia. En conjunto, este ambicioso debut resuena con un público que aprecia el terror inteligente y sugerente.

..ver fuentes

- /5

Reseña de

Notable vuelta de tuerca al terror fantástico (...) película de terror inteligente y sugerente, cuya excelente banda sonora integra el amenazante zumbido de los saltamontes en el ritmo interior de todo el filme y el de su personaje principal.

Reseña de

Philippot consigue impregnar a las imágenes de una poderosa personalidad propia y su trazo resulta de lo más elegante (...) sabe lo que quiere o no mostrar para ir marcando el ritmo y la tensión (…)

Reseña de

Hay buenos y sencillos efectos digitales, una cámara próxima y sórdida, algo de intriga con los voraces saltamontes y mucho conflicto familiar sin un médico ni psiquiatra cerca. Que tendrá, sin duda, su público (…)

Reseña de

La película exprime, con astucia, elegancia y buen ritmo, la capacidad alegórica del material de partida. (...) una puesta en escena firme, que conjuga naturalismo y ambientes alucinados en su justa medida (…)

Información técnica y general

Duración: 01 hr 41 min (101 minutos) .

Color: Color

Paises productores: La película La nuée fué producida en Francia

Lenguaje original: Francés.

Títulos en cada país:



Créditos completos de la película La nuée




Virginie Hébrard
Laura Hébrard
Gaston Hébrard
Eleveur 1
M. Briand
Le livreur de sang
Eleveur 2
Le livreur de serres
Coach de foot
La mère de Kévin
La fille avec Kévin





Marine Albert


Romain Carcanade (Director de fotografía)

Ayudante de dirección

Romain Cros (Asistente de dirección)

Dirección artística

Margaux Mémain

Departamento de arte

Amaury Brumauld (Artista del guión gráfico), Anthony Gouraud (Jefe de utilería) y Giuseppe Liotti (Artista del guión gráfico)


Julien Duverger (Doble de riesgo), Jean Adrien Espiasse (stunt performer (as Jean Adrien Espiasse)), Anne Eyer (free diving double: Suliane Brahim) y Albert Goldberg (Coordinador de dobles)

Diseño de vestuario

Charlotte Richard

Efectos visuales

David Danesi (Productor de efectos visuales), Steven Dupuy (Supervisor de CG), Julien Fabbris (Efectos visuales), Geoffroy Givry (Supervisor de composición), Antoine Moulineau (Supervisor de efectos visuales), Thomas Ruiz (Compositor digital) y Alexis Vieil (Productor de efectos visuales)

Departamento de maquillaje

Frédérique Foglia (Efectos especiales con maquillaje), Ruth Parry (prosthetics technician), Clémentine Pellissier (makeup artist (as Clémentine Pelissier)), Pierre Olivier Persin (special makeup effects supervisor) y Vanessa Ricolleau (Efectos especiales con maquillaje)

Departamento de editorial

Manlio Helena (Asistente de post-producción), Samy Kim (data manager) y Damien Ulmer (Colorista)

Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

Matthieu Agius (Primer asistente de cámara), Bertrand Artaut (Capataz), Audrey Bordessoules (second assistant camera: additional), Marco Contaldo (electrician / gaffer), Adrien Dal Bello (Electricista), Florian Desobeaux (additional electrician), Marc Dumontet (additional first assistant camera), Thomas Journal (first assistant "b" camera / gimbal operator / second assistant camera), Tanguy Le Breton (Additional Electrician), David Meurgues (additional grip) y Charlotte Picard (second assistant camera: additional)


Pierre Deschamps

Gestión de producción

Mélanie Amphonesinh (Asistente del director de producción), Nabil Bourdareau (Asistente de producción), Pierre Gomez (Jefe de producción) y Clélia Koothan (Jefe de producción)


Juliette Aiquel-Godart (the producers wish to thank), Barbara Albucher (the producers wish to thank), Loic André-Casali (the producers wish to thank), Arnaud Anselle (the producers wish to thank (as Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Anselle)), Lucille Artigaud (the producers wish to thank), Maxime Artures (the producers wish to thank), Gérard Audoye (the producers wish to thank), Olivier Auguste-Dormeuil (the producers wish to thank (as Olivier Auguste Dormeuil)), Cédric Auriol (the screenwriters would like to thank), Jonathan Bablon (the director would like to thank), Yacine Badday (the director would like to thank), Sylvie Balloy (the producers wish to thank), Dorine Barets (the producers wish to thank), Isabelle Barrere (the producers wish to thank), Maxime Barroso (the producers wish to thank), Fanny Barrot (the producers wish to thank), Bertrand Barthe (Sofilm would like to thank), Axel Basquiat (the director would like to thank), Laurence Bedjaoui (the producers wish to thank), Samy Bedjaoui (the producers wish to thank), Marie Belhomme (the director would like to thank), Pascal Belzunce (the decoration team would like to thank: Geopod), Emmanuel Bernard (the producers wish to thank), Alexandre Blanc (the producers wish to thank), Arthur Blanc (the producers wish to thank), Kalanna Bonfanti (the producers wish to thank), Audrey Bonnet (the director would like to thank), Hervé Bonnet (the producers wish to thank), Charles Bosco (the producers wish to thank), Sandrine Bouffaut (the decoration team would like to thank), Ollivier Briand (the screenwriters would like to thank: Sofilm), Sanne Brinkhoff (the producers wish to thank), Nadia Brossard (the producers wish to thank), Hugo Brun (the producers wish to thank), Rémi Burah (the producers wish to thank), Marie-Françoise Carles (the producers wish to thank), Coralie Chalamet (the producers wish to thank), Marius Chalamet (the producers wish to thank), Floria Chalard (the producers wish to thank), Camille Chandellier (the director would like to thank), Boris Chapelle (the producers wish to thank), Tina Chatary (the producers wish to thank), Deborah Coustols Chatelard (the director would like to thank), Alain Cheraa (the producers wish to thank), Yamis Chouabi (the producers wish to thank), Théophile Collier (the producers wish to thank), Catherine Colomb-Nancy (the producers wish to thank), Christophe Commères (Sofilm would like to thank / the producers wish to thank), Mélanie Constant (the producers wish to thank), Eric Correia (the producers wish to thank), Michaël Correia (the director would like to thank), Enzo Cosse-Tarrit (the producers wish to thank), Candela Cottis (the director would like to thank), Laurence Coudert (the director would like to thank), Benoît Couzinet (Sofilm would like to thank), David D'Aquaro (the director would like to thank (as David D'Acquaro)), Pierre Da Silva (the producers wish to thank), Aurélie Dailloux (the producers wish to thank), Cyprien Dailloux (the producers wish to thank), Yves Darondeau (the director would like to thank), Enzo De Araujo (the producers wish to thank), Bernard de Bacon (the producers wish to thank), Arnaud de Crémiers (the screenwriters would like to thank), Caroline Decroix (the screenwriters would like to thank), Pierre Dejon (the director would like to thank), Simon Delorme (the director would like to thank), Bruno Deloye (the producers wish to thank), Nathali Demaille (the producers wish to thank), Mathieu Descamps (the director would like to thank), Philippe Deschamps (the director would like to thank), Gérard Dessales (the screenwriters would like to thank), Margaux Devidal (the producers wish to thank), Noémie Devide (Sofilm would like to thank / the producers wish to thank), Esther Devos (the producers wish to thank), Julien Dias (the producers wish to thank), Lionella Drigeard-Millet (the producers wish to thank), Chloé Duarte (the producers wish to thank), Elodie Dufau (the producers wish to thank), Sébastien Dupuy (the producers wish to thank), Ylann Dupuy (the producers wish to thank), Sébastien Durup (the producers wish to thank), Sabine Duveau (the director would like to thank), Sébastien Duveau (the director would like to thank), Anne Eberlé (the producers wish to thank), Sylvie El Sayegh (the producers wish to thank), Gregory Faes (the producers wish to thank (as Grégory Faes)), Pascale Faure (Sofilm would like to thank / the director would like to thank), Vladimir Feral (the director would like to thank), Chloé Fernandes (the producers wish to thank), Marina Fernandes (the producers wish to thank), Noann Fernandes (the producers wish to thank), Thierry Fernandes (the producers wish to thank), Emmanuel Feulié (the producers wish to thank), Arnaud Fouquet (the director would like to thank), Gregory Frutin (the producers wish to thank (as Grégory Frutin)), Rafaele Garcia (Sofilm would like to thank / the producers wish to thank), Jean-Louis Genevray (the screenwriters would like to thank), Jérôme Genevray (the screenwriters would like to thank), Philippe Germain (the director would like to thank), Alexis Gibelin (the producers wish to thank), Mikael Giraud (the producers wish to thank), Naomi Giraud (the producers wish to thank), Valérie Giraud (the producers wish to thank), Vincent Girerd (Sofilm would like to thank), Guillaume Godard (the screenwriters would like to thank: Sofilm), Alexandra Gomez (the producers wish to thank), Ambre Gontier (the producers wish to thank), Nathalie Goutas (the producers wish to thank), Sylvestre Gremy (the director would like to thank), Margaux Grimal-Martin (the producers wish to thank), Enzo Guerrero (the producers wish to thank), Karine Guiho (the producers wish to thank), Lisa Guillot (the producers wish to thank), Varujan Gumusel (the producers wish to thank), Ivan Guyot (Sofilm would like to thank), Emmanuel Guérineau (the producers wish to thank), Myriam Hacene (Sofilm would like to thank (as Myriam Hacène) / the producers wish to thank (as Myriam Hacène)), Laurent Hassid (the producers wish to thank), Gaspard Hecker-Jars (the director would like to thank), Elizabeth Hervy (the producers wish to thank), Adrien Heudier (the director would like to thank), Magali Jammet (the producers wish to thank), Matthias Jenny (the director would like to thank), Vincent Kaluza (the producers wish to thank), Michaëla Kozaric (the director would like to thank), Kungs (the producers wish to thank (as Valentin Brunel)), Clémentin Laclare (the producers wish to thank), Vanessa Lafaille (the producers wish to thank), Timothée Lamy (the producers wish to thank), Pierre Lanouzière (the decoration team would like to thank), Sandrine Launier (the producers wish to thank), Richard Lavest (the producers wish to thank), Annie Lavoix (the producers wish to thank), Matys Laylace (the producers wish to thank), Marie Le Gac (the producers wish to thank), Philippe Le Gal (the producers wish to thank), Pierre Lefour (the producers wish to thank), Marie Claude Brispot Lespinasse (the decoration team would like to thank: Art et Faune), Nathalie Leuret (the producers wish to thank), Sophie Lixon (the producers wish to thank), Aubin Lonjon (the producers wish to thank), Rémy Lonjon (the producers wish to thank), Grégory Louis (the producers wish to thank), Xavier Louvel (the director would like to thank), Caroline Lutz (the producers wish to thank), Thady Macnamara (the director would like to thank (as Thady McNamara)), Jackie Maillé (the producers wish to thank), Delphine Majou (the decoration team would like to thank: Art Broc Café), Caroline Maleacuteot (the producers wish to thank), Aurélie Malfroy (the producers wish to thank (as Aurélie Malfroy-Camine)), Quentin Manevy (the producers wish to thank), Vincent Maraval (Sofilm would like to thank), Fanny Marchal (the screenwriters would like to thank), Louis Masson (the producers wish to thank), Fanny Mazet (the producers wish to thank), Pascal Mazurier (the producers wish to thank), Laurina Mechin-Barbanchon (the producers wish to thank), François Mergier (the screenwriters would like to thank), Lindsay Meunier (the producers wish to thank), Christelle Montastier (the producers wish to thank), Clément Montastier (the producers wish to thank), Julien Montastier (the producers wish to thank), Maxime Montastier (the producers wish to thank), Benoit Montel (the producers wish to thank), Julien Morel (the producers wish to thank), Thais Morel (the producers wish to thank), Mathieu Naert (the screenwriters would like to thank: Sofilm), Adrien Neels (the producers wish to thank), Julien Neutres (Sofilm would like to thank), Florian Nock (the producers wish to thank), Ethan Orenes (the producers wish to thank), Angèle Oryroyme (the producers wish to thank), Timothée Palomo (the producers wish to thank), Yannick Panarotto (the screenwriters would like to thank: Sofilm), Brice Pancot (the director would like to thank), Brigitte Pardo (the director would like to thank), Jérôme Parlange (the director would like to thank), Léna Perard (the producers wish to thank), Elisa Perrard (the producers wish to thank), Anna Perraudin (the director would like to thank), Nicolas Peufaillit (Sofilm would like to thank / the screenwriters would like to thank), Isabelle Peyraud (the producers wish to thank), Léa Philippon (the director would like to thank), Louison Py (the producers wish to thank), Olivier Père (the producers wish to thank), Thibaut Quéru (the decoration team would like to thank: Les Toiles d'Aquitaine), Judith Razon (the producers wish to thank), Didier Recusse (the producers wish to thank), Nicolas Rey (Sofilm would like to thank / the screenwriters would like to thank), Simon Roca (the director would like to thank), Laurent Rougeaux (the producers wish to thank (as Commandant Laurent Rougeaux)), Valentine Roulet (Sofilm would like to thank), Mathieu Roussenac (Sofilm would like to thank), Clément Rénouvin (the director would like to thank), Céline Sallette (the director would like to thank), Nicola Sburlati (the director would like to thank), Andréa Sedes (Sofilm would like to thank: Wildbunch), Bruno Smadja (the screenwriters would like to thank), Thomas Sonsino (Sofilm would like to thank / the producers wish to thank), Stéphane Souillat (the producers wish to thank), Anne Tautou (the producers wish to thank), Johann Thiers (the producers wish to thank), Laura Thiers (the producers wish to thank), Vanessa Toinet (the director would like to thank), Véronique Toutain (the producers wish to thank), Vincent Tremel (the director would like to thank (as Vincent Trémel)), Clara Vaille (the producers wish to thank), Fred Valay (the producers wish to thank), Daniel Valéro (the producers wish to thank), Mael Vantalon (the producers wish to thank), Gabin Vidal (the producers wish to thank), Cristina Vieira (the director would like to thank), Jean Vieira (the producers wish to thank), Manon Vieira-Ribeiro (the producers wish to thank), Frédérique Vilcocq (the producers wish to thank), Patrick Volpihac (the producers wish to thank), Mathilde Vray (the producers wish to thank) y Maud Wyler (the director would like to thank)

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Capricci FilmsLes BookmakersCapricci CineNetflix

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Puce à L'oreille, La

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Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Just Philippot, Suliane Brahim o Sofian Khammes? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre La nuée. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine y series nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!

Necesitamos tu ayuda

Aficionado a la pantalla grande, su participación es clave para hacer de un paraíso cinéfilo completo. Queremos construir juntos la mejor base de datos cinematográfica, pero necesitamos su ayuda. ¿Encontraste algún dato faltante en la ficha de La nuée? ¿Detectaste algún error en la sinopsis o el elenco? ¡Queremos saberlo todo!

Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!

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