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Let's Talk About Sex

Let's Talk About Sex (2010)



Elenco principal:

  • James Houston como Él mismo - Anfitrión
  • Randall Balmer como Himself - Episcopal Priest, Professor of Religious Studies, Barnard College
  • James Barnwell como Himself - Pastor (as Rev. James Barnwell)
  • Chris Cuomo como Himself - ABC News Correspondent (archive footage)
  • Greg Flint como Himself - First Congregational Church, Eugene, OR (as Pastor Greg Flint)


  • 01 hr 2 min (62 minutos).
  • Documental.
  • 7/10
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La película Let's Talk About Sex del año 2010, está dirigida por James Houston y protagonizada por James Houston quien interpreta a Él mismo - Anfitrión, Randall Balmer en el papel de Himself - Episcopal Priest, Professor of Religious Studies, Barnard College, James Barnwell como Himself - Pastor (as Rev. James Barnwell), Chris Cuomo personificando a Himself - ABC News Correspondent (archive footage) y Greg Flint desempeñando el papel de Himself - First Congregational Church, Eugene, OR (as Pastor Greg Flint) (ver créditos completos).

Es un filme de género Documental producido en EE.UU.. Con una duración de 01 hr 2 min (62 minutos), esta película tiene diálogos originales en Inglés. La banda sonora para esta obra ha sido compuesta por The Rumor Mill.

Obtuvo una calificación sólida en IMDb, con 7 puntos sobre un máximo de 10.

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          Duración: 01 hr 2 min (62 minutos) .

          Color: Color

          Paises productores: La película Let's Talk About Sex fué producida en EE.UU.

          Lenguaje original: Inglés.

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          Créditos completos de la película Let's Talk About Sex



          Él mismo - Anfitrión
          Himself - Episcopal Priest, Professor of Religious Studies, Barnard College
          Himself - Pastor (as Rev. James Barnwell)
          Himself - ABC News Correspondent (archive footage)
          Himself - First Congregational Church, Eugene, OR (as Pastor Greg Flint)
          Herself - Principal, Roosevelt Middle School
          Herself - Prevention outreach worker
          Herself - Cascade AIDS Project
          Himself - Professor of Sociology, Universitof Utrecht, The Netherlands (as Evert Ketting PhD)
          Herself (archive footage)
          Herself - Sexuality & Family Life Educator (as Debbie Roffman)
          Himself - Community outreach director
          Himself - Columbia University School of Public Health (as Dr. John Santelli)
          Herself - Teacher
          Himself - The Daily Show (archive footage)
          Herself - Reporter, ABC News, Washington, D.C.
          Himself - Oregon Department of Education
          Himself - Pastor (as Rev. Hubert Williams)
          Himself - Doctor
          Herself - Real Reason






          Claudia Raschke

          Ayudante de dirección

          Ben Nott (Director de la segunda unidad)

          Departamento de animación

          Jordan Bruner (Animador) y Sean Donnelly (Director de animación)

          Departamento de musica

          Joseph Arbagey (Supervisor musical)

          Departamento de reparto

          Brooke McDaniel (Asistente para casting)

          Departamento de editorial

          David Beck (Editor asistente), John Dowdell (hd colorist (as John J. Dowdell III)), Jennifer Kardiak (Editor asociado), Brad Kimbrough (Editor asistente), Veronica Williams (logger) y Jean Lane (Productor intermedio digital)

          Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

          Peter Heady (hd finishing artist), Wolfgang Held (additional photography), Jean Lane (DI Producer), Christy MacKarell (hd tilting), David Mandel (data wrangler), D.J. Markuson (data acquisition specialist), Steve Mortell (Técnico de vídeo ), Brittany Petros (additional camera) y Tim Spitzer (hd supervisor)


          Richard Hankin

          Otras personas que participaron

          Melissa Cahill (archival clearance), Dean R. Cheley (legal counsel / special legal counsel), Genevieve Tanya Detering (production coordinator: language lab), JorDan Fuller (digital utility), Anthony Garrido (digital utility), Sarah Geller (archival assistant), Barry Gothelf (Contador), Peter R. Hjelm (insurance), Joseph Lawskey (digital utility), Alison Li (Asistente de producción), Craig MacNee (production associate), David Mandel (digital utility), D.J. Markuson (digital utility), Real Reason (consultant), M. Kilburg Reedy (production legal), Javier Rico (Asistente de producción) y Amy Schewel (archival consultant)


          Sami Abbitt (the producers wish to thank), Michelle Alejo (the producers wish to thank), Harvey Appelbaum (the producers wish to thank), Dorris Applebaum (the producers wish to thank), Anna Arendshorst (the producers wish to thank), Nancy Baker (Agradecimiento especial), Mia Barker (the producers wish to thank), James Barswell (the producers wish to thank (as Reverent James Barswell)), Ian Bloom (the producers wish to thank), Bill Bowtell (the producers wish to thank), Daniel Brown (the producers wish to thank), Kenesha Brown (the producers wish to thank), Stefan Campbell (the producers wish to thank), Jim Czarneski (Agradecimiento especial), James Daniels (Agradecimiento especial), Julie Diaz (the producers wish to thank), David Droga (the producers wish to thank), Brian Ferraro (the producers wish to thank), The Franklin Family (the producers wish to thank), Deborra-Lee Furness (the producers wish to thank), Panos Galanopoulos (the producers wish to thank), Mary Gossart (the producers wish to thank), Kate Grusovin (the producers wish to thank (as Kathryn Grusovin)), Deb Hauser (Agradecimiento especial), Jeff Hill (Agradecimiento especial), Kristy Hinze (special thanks (as Kristy Hinze-Clark)), Camelia Hison (the producers wish to thank), Steve Hollander (the producers wish to thank), Hugh Jackman (the producers wish to thank), Doc Jarden (Agradecimiento especial), Leslie Kantor (the producers wish to thank), Kathryn Keating (the producers wish to thank), Shannon Kilduff (the producers wish to thank), Kaki Kirby (Agradecimiento especial), Alexandra Korijn (the producers wish to thank), Josephine Korijn (the producers wish to thank), Irene Lambers (the producers wish to thank), Jason Liu (the producers wish to thank), Olga Loeber (the producers wish to thank (as Olga Loeber M.D.)), Tyler Lough (the producers wish to thank), James Maule (the producers wish to thank), Daylajane Mays (the producers wish to thank), Brian McGrory (the producers wish to thank), Bobby Minton (the producers wish to thank), Yuri Ohlrichs (the producers wish to thank), The Oinkster (the producers wish to thank), Melanie Oommen (the producers wish to thank), Trevor Owsley (the producers wish to thank), Mark Pogachefsky (Agradecimiento especial), Sam Pollard (Agradecimiento especial), Hough Pool (the producers wish to thank), Jany Rademakers (the producers wish to thank), Ryder R. Robison (the producers wish to thank), Carol Rodgers (the producers wish to thank), Elizabeth Rodgers (the producers wish to thank), Jim Rodgers (the producers wish to thank), Rena Ronson (Agradecimiento especial), Linda Rousell (the producers wish to thank), Bryant Santana (the producers wish to thank), Amy Schalet (the producers wish to thank), Ben Scott (the producers wish to thank), Pensiri Scott (the producers wish to thank), Rick Seward (the producers wish to thank), Rick Siegel (the producers wish to thank), Sandra Sperka (the producers wish to thank), Ginger Stemnock (the producers wish to thank), Gary Tade (the producers wish to thank), Nneka Uwaje (the producers wish to thank), Sanderij Van Der Doef (the producers wish to thank), Sue Van Tongeren (the producers wish to thank), Catherine Vaughn (the producers wish to thank), Anne Vincent (the producers wish to thank), James Wagoner (Agradecimiento especial), Selma Weisman (the producers wish to thank) y Alice Wertin (the producers wish to thank)

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