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Película > Scare Package (2019)
Poster Scare Package

Scare Package (2019)



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  • 2019-10-04
  • 01 hr 47 min (107 minutos).
  • ✮60 (507 votos)
    • 54 Imdb
    • 44 Filmaffinity
    • 54 Rottentomatoes
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Publicidad Amazon


En un inquietante compendio de terror y humor, "Scare Package" reúne a siete directores visionarios que despliegan su creatividad en una serie de relatos escalofriantes y grotescos. Cada historia, un viaje único a través de los subgéneros del horror, revela mutaciones grotescas y slashers inesperados, jugando con los límites del miedo y la risa. Los gags sanguinolentos se entrelazan en una antología que desafía las convenciones del género, donde lo absurdo y lo aterrador se fusionan para ofrecer una experiencia inolvidable, llevándonos a explorar el lado más oscuro y divertido del terror.

Scare PackageTrailer oficial de la película Scare Package2019-10-04T08:00:00+08:00 Trailer
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Scare PackageVideo de la película Scare Package2019-10-04Trailer
Scare PackageVideo de la película Scare Package2019-10-04Trailer
Publicidad Amazon

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          Críticas de Scare Package realizadas por profesionales


          Resumen de reseñas

          La película se presenta como una antología de terror cómico que, aunque es sanguinaria y absurdamente divertida, logra capturar la esencia del género gracias a su elenco apasionado y a la visión de su director, Koontz. Este homenaje al terror, creado por auténticos fanáticos para su público, se convierte en una explosión de creatividad y humor negro. A pesar de que algunas de sus ideas no son del todo originales y los momentos cómicos podrían haber sido más efectivos, el carisma de los actores y la variedad de viñetas mantienen el interés del espectador.

          Con un enfoque en lo macabro y lo ridículo, esta obra se transforma en un regalo para los amantes del horror, equilibrando momentos escalofriantes con risas contagiosas. Aunque no todas las historias brillan con la misma intensidad, la película consigue ofrecer suficiente material entretenido para mantener al público riendo y disfrutando de su singular propuesta. En conjunto, es una celebración del amor por el terror que, a pesar de sus altibajos, se siente genuina y apasionante.

          ..ver fuentes


          Reseña de

          Sí, es una película sangrienta y muy absurda, pero está especialmente hecha por gente a la que le encanta el terror y dirigida a espectadores que lo adoran (…)

          Reseña de

          Un sólido homenaje al género creado por personas que adoran el terror y dirigido a espectadores que lo adoran.

          Reseña de

          No tiene demasiadas ideas buenas, algo que no habría sido tan malo si los cómicos de la película fueran más graciosos

          Reseña de

          Una deliciosa antología de terror cómico (...) Es una película hecha por fans del terror sobre fans del terror para fans del terror (...)

          Información técnica y general

          Duración: 01 hr 47 min (107 minutos) .

          Color: Color

          Paises productores: La película Scare Package fué producida en EE.UU.

          Lenguaje original: Inglés.

          Títulos en cada país:


          Créditos completos de la película Scare Package


          (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")
          (segment "Cold Open")
          (segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium, Horror Hypothesis")
          (segment "One Time In The Woods")
          (segment "M.I.S.T.E.R.")
          (segment "So Much To Do")



          Mike Myers (segments "Cold Open" - "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium" - "Horror Hypothesis")
          Hannah (segment "Cold Open")
          Tess (segment "Cold Open")
          Wendy (segment "Cold Open")
          House Buying Wife (segment "Cold Open")
          House Buying Husband (segment "Cold Open")
          Ghost (segment "Cold Open")
          Chad Buckley (segments "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium" - "Horror Hypothesis")
          Hawn (segments "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium" - "Horror Hypothesis")
          Sam (segments "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium" - "Horror Hypothesis")
          Customer (segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium")
          Customer's Son (segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium")
          Brenda (segment "One Time In The Woods")
          Tommy (segment "One Time In The Woods")
          Mark (segment "One Time In The Woods")
          Dawn (segment "One Time In The Woods")
          Hank (segment "One Time In The Woods")
          Trip (segment "One Time In The Woods")
          Biker (segment "One Time In The Woods")
          Husband (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          Frank (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          Bartender (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          Wife (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          MISTER Member (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          MISTER Member (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          MISTER Member (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          MISTER Member (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          Partygoer (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          Partygoer (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          Partygoer (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          Partygoer (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          Partygoer (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          The Baby (segment "M.I.S.T.,E.R.")
          Jamie (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          Ali (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          Ray (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          Store Clerk (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          Cableknit Stalker (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          Radio Announcer (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          Evil Laugh (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          Daisy (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")
          Will (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")
          Chloe (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")
          Seth (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")
          Greg (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")
          The Killer (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")
          Franchesca (segment "So Much To Do")
          Marked Man (segment "So Much To Do")
          Maggie (segment "So Much To Do")
          Man In Black (segment "So Much To Do")
          Man In Black (segment "So Much To Do")
          Man In Black (segment "So Much To Do")
          Jessie (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Pete (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Kelly (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Brandon (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Devil's Lake Impaler (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Devils Lake Impaler Additional Scenes (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Joe Bob Briggs (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Christine (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Craig (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Tony (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Gary (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Dixie The Intern (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Mary Ellen (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Earl Birch (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Treadmill Scientist (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Jimmy (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Officer Polderneck (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Impaler Security Guard (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Impaler Security Guard (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Impaler Security Guard (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Hawn Security Guard (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Hawn Security Guard (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Scientist (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Scientist (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Cat (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          Extra (segment "Horror Hypothesis")



          producer (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          producer (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          producer (produced by) / producer (segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium, Horror Hypothesis")
          producer (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")
          producer (segment "So Much To Do")
          Co-productor ejecutivo
          producer (produced by) / producer (segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium, Horror Hypothesis")
          producer (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          producer (segment "Cold Open")
          producer (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")
          producer (segment "Cold Open")
          producer (segment "Cold Open")
          producer (produced by) / producer (segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium, Horror Hypothesis")
          Co-productor ejecutivo
          Productor ejecutivo
          producer (produced by) / producer (segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium, On Time In The Woods")
          producer (segment "Horror Hypothesis")
          producer (produced by)
          producer (produced by) / producer (segment "M.I.S.T., E.R.")
          associate producer (segment "One Time In The Woods")


          Andrew Baird ((segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium, Horror Hypothesis")), Anthony Cousins ((segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")), E.J. Enriquez ((segment "One Time In The Woods")), Kalilah Robinson ((segment "M.I.S.T.E.R.")), Spencer Rollins ((segment "So Much To Do")), Dustin Supencheck ((segment "Cold Open")) y Sonja Tsypin ((segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body"))

          Ayudante de dirección

          Soloman Bachman (second assistant director (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Derek Bishe (first assistant director (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")), Tyler Bryce (second second assistant director (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Rasheed Clarke (first assistant director (segment "So Much To Do")), Briana Rose Lee (first assistant director (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")), Jacob LeRoy (Asistente de dirección), Michelle Millette (first assistant director (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Constantin Traian Preda (first assistant director: segments: M.I.S.T.E.R.), Riley Simpson (second assistant director (segment "Cold Open")), Dax Stringer (first assistant director (segment "Cold Open, One Time In The Woods")) y Brittany Vila (second assistant director (segment "One Time In The Woods"))

          Dirección artística

          Pete Dahl ((segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")), Ashley Landavazo ((segment "Horror Hypothesis")) y Phillip Rios ((segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium"))

          Departamento de arte

          Andrea Bursott (set dresser (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")), Ariana Campyloptera (property master (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")), Sam Deans (Art Assistant (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")), Jeni Fernandez (Art Assistant: segments: M.I.S.T.E.R.), Morgan Fryer (Set Construction (segment "One Time In The Woods")), Alexa Rae Martinez (Art Swing (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")), Morgan McCoy (set dresser (segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium, Horror Hypothesis")) y Lauren Vunderink (property master (segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium") / set dresser (segment "Cold Open"))


          Krista Perry (Acrobacias), Mitchell Rad (stunt double: Joe Bob Briggs (segment "Horror Hypothesis")) y Dax Stringer (stunt coordinator (segment "Cold Open"))

          Efectos visuales

          Andrew Baird (visual effects artist (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Brent Edwards (Efectos visuales), John Laprime (visual effects artist (segment "One Time In The Woods")), Justin Martinez (visual effects supervisor (segment "So Much To Do")), Kris Phipps (visual effects artist (segment "M.I.S.T.E.R.")), Zach Purcell (visual effects artist (segment "Cold Open")), Caleb Sawyer (visual effects supervisor (segment "One Time In The Woods")), Matthew Thomas (visual effects (segment "M.I.S.T.E.R.")) y Peter West (visual effects artist (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill"))

          Departamento de animación

          Chris Naglik (animation director: title sequence)

          Diseño de producción

          Melisa Ales ((segment "M.I.S.T., E.R., So Much To Do")), Courtney Andujar ((segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")), Hillary Andujar ((segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")), Ashley Landavazo ((segment "Cold Open, Rad Chad's Horror Emporium")), Maxwell Nalevansky ((segment "Horror Hypothesis")) y Abbey Nield ((segment "One Time In The Woods"))

          Departamento de maquillaje

          Whitney Costner (hair stylist (segment "M.I.S.T.E.R.") / makeup artist (segment "M.I.S.T.E.R.")), Jennifer Cunningham (key makeup artist (segment "Cold Open")), Andrea De Leon (additional hair/makeup (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Sunny Drissia (makeup artist (segment "So Much To Do")), Elle Stahlmann (assistant makeup artist (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")) y Tate Steinsiek (Special Effects Makeup Supervisor)

          Departamento de musica

          Michael Turner (Music Clearance / Music Consultant) y Jonas Wikstrand (Musical)

          Departamento de vestuario

          Emily Antonetti (wardrobe supervisor (segment "One Time In The Woods")), Ariana Campyloptera (wardrobe (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")), Elise Gardner (wardrobe assistant (segment "Horror Hypothesis") (as Elise Gardner)), Tracy Hawk (costumer (segment "Cold Open")), Valerie McBride (costumer (segment "Horror Hypothesis")) y Chelsea Robbins (costumer (segment "So Much To Do"))

          Departamento de editorial

          Alex Euting (Coordinador de post-producción), Matt McClain (Colorista), Spence Nicholson (Editor adicional), Spencer Rollins (assistant editor (segment "So Much To Do")) y Regina Spurlock (assistant editor (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body"))

          Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

          Axel Alarcon (grip (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Mike Anderson (grip (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), David Atkins (grip (segment "Horror Hypothesis") / key grip (segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium")), Celeste Barbosa (first assistant camera: segments: M.I.S.T.E.R.), Derek Bauer (second assistant camera (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")), Jacob Alexander Berardi (first assistant camera (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Aaron Berecka (second assistant camera (segment "Cold Open")), Torin Bradshaw (first assistant camera (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")), Winnie Cheung (Digital Image Technician (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")), Keegan Cook (lighting technician (segment "Cold Open")), Colten Currey (gaffer (segment "So Much To Do")), Adam Driggers (second assistant camera: segments: M.I.S.T.E.R.), Christopher Eldridge (grip (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")), Benjamin Ellsworth-Feher (gaffer (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Jack Fatheree (grip: "Horror Hypothesis"), Camilo Godoy (gaffer: segments - M.I.S.T., E.R.), Bella Gonzales (gaffer (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")), Heather Grothues (Best Boy Electric (segment "Cold Open")), Alexander Hammond (second assistant camera (segment "So Much To Do")), Ryan Henry (grip (segment "Cold Open")), Andy Hoffman (key grip (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")), John Jackson (key grip: segments - M.I.S.T., E.R.), Jasper Khadjenouri (grip (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")), Peter Klemek (grip (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Sarah Kuck (first assistant camera (segment "One Time In The Woods")), Rodolfo Martinez (best boy electric (segment "Girls' Night Out of Body")), Marcus Mason (gaffer (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")), Fernando Morales Jr. (gaffer (segment "So Much To Do")), Luke Mullen (Digital Imaging Technician (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Gaither Narron (key grip (segment "So Much To Do")), Tanner Nichols (key grip (segment "Cold Open")), Brian R Nixon (Production Photographer / still photographer (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Ben Oliver (gaffer (segment "One Time In The Woods") / key grip (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Erica Robert Pallo (second assistant camera (segment "One Time In The Woods")), David James Peterjohn (first assistant camera (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")), Ivan Salazar (grip (segment "One Time In The Woods")), McKenna Seger (Camera Intern (segment "Horror Hypothesis")), Justin Smith (still photographer (segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium")), Evan Stulc (first assistant camera (segment "So Much To Do")), Ricky Taylor (still photographer (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")), Tia Thompson (second assistant camera: segments: M.I.S.T.E.R.), Thomas VandenDolder (grip (segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")), Jackie Vresics (first assistant camera: segments: M.I.S.T.E.R.) y Adam West (first assistant camera (segment "Cold Open"))


          Winnie Cheung ((segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body")), Alex Euting ((segment "Rad Chad's Horror Emporium, Horror Hypothesis")), Paul Gandersman ((segment "Cold Open")), Richard Louprasong ((segment "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill")), Tyler Mager ((segment "Cold Open")), Chris McInroy ((segment "One Time In The Woods")), Mike Small ((segment "M.I.S.T.E.R.")) y Rhiannon C. Vaughn ((segment "So Much To Do"))

          Decoración de escenario

          Elsbeth Mumm ((segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body"))

          Gestión de producción

          Ayesha Janmohammed (production manager (segment "Girls' Night Out Of Body"))


          Sharon Arteaga (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Nicole Beaudoin (special thanks: segment Cold Open (as Nichole Beaudoin)), Alison Bennett (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Kyle Bogart (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Dennis Burns (very special thanks), Dennis M. Burns (in memory of), Mary Burns (very special thanks), Britton Byfield (special thanks: segment Cold Open), Christine Chen (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Mel Clark (special thanks: segment The Night He Came Back Again), Matt Cooper (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Anthony Cousins (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Michele Cousins (special thanks: segment The Night He Came Back Again), Tom Cousins (special thanks: segment The Night He Came Back Again), Amanda Day (special thanks: segment The Night He Came Back Again), Steven DeGennaro (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Heather Denton (special thanks: segment Girls Night out of Body), Joel Diamond (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Michelle Diamond (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Greg Dorchak (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Lisa Marie Dupree (Agradecimiento especial), Ned Ehrbar (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Erin Einbender (special thanks: segment One Time in the Woods), Mali Elfman (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium / very special thanks), Chris Ernst (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Diane Euting (very special thanks), Steve Euting (very special thanks), Annie Fichtner (special thanks: segment Cold Open), Bill Fichtner (special thanks: segment Cold Open), Lynn Fichtner (special thanks: segment Cold Open), Paul Gandersman (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium / very special thanks), Gloria Garcia (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Paula Garcia (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Nora Garcia-Hejl (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Will Goss (special thanks: segment Cold Open / special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Peter Groesbeck (very special thanks (as Pete Groesbeck)), Jerry Hagins (special thanks: segment Cold Open), Megan Hagins (special thanks: segment Cold Open), Richard Hanson (special thanks: segment The Night He Came Back Again), L.M. Hartner (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Tracy Hawk (special thanks: segment Horror Hypothesis), Chelsea Hernandez (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Shana Hildebrandt (special thanks: segment One Time in the Woods), Jordan Hoisington (special thanks: segment The Night He Came Back Again (as Jordan Beth Hoisington)), Matt Hollinger (very special thanks), Valerie Howard (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Sydney Huddleston (special thanks: segment Horror Hypothesis), Aur-Aelion Israel (special thanks: segment Horror Hypothesis), '110%' Sam Iverson (special thanks: segment The Night He Came Back Again (as Sam Iverson)), Kelly Johnson (special thanks: segment The Night He Came Back Again), Rian Johnson (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Jennifer Kelly (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Jacob Knight (special thanks: segment Horror Hypothesis / special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Aaron B. Koontz (special thanks: segment Cold Open), Damon Koontz (very special thanks), John Kricfalusi (special thanks (as John K.)), Elena Kulikova (special thanks: segment Girls Night out of Body), Jason Kupper (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Steven Lamp (special thanks: segment Horror Hypothesis), Jacquie Lantern (special thanks: segment The Night He Came Back Again), Chris Laverdure (very special thanks), Karina Longworth (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Robert Lovett (very special thanks), Dan Magaha (very special thanks), Michael May (very special thanks), Brian McCollough (special thanks: segment Horror Hypothesis), Chloe McInroy (special thanks: segment One Time in the Woods), Chris McInroy (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Jeff Miles (very special thanks), Brad Miska (very special thanks), Adam Egypt Mortimer (very special thanks), Laura Moss (very special thanks), Maxwell Nalevansky (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium / very special thanks), Phil Nobile Jr. (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Kelso Norris (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R), Graham Northcote (very special thanks), Allie Ochoa (special thanks: segment Cold Open), Matt Patterson (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Kelsey Pribilski (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Jeff Ray (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Ronnie Reeves (special thanks: segment Horror Hypothesis), Daniel Repp (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium (as Dan Repp)), Read Ridley (very special thanks), Mark Roethke (special thanks: segment Cold Open), Andrew Rollins (special thanks: segment So Much To Do), Sharon Rollins (special thanks: segment So Much To Do), Drew Saplin (special thanks: segment Cold Open), Noah Segan (very special thanks), Jorge Sermini (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Sumit Sheth (very special thanks), Jessica Sloan (special thanks: segment Horror Hypothesis), Jeremy Smith (special thanks: segment Cold Open), Stephanie Smith (special thanks: segment Horror Hypothesis / very special thanks), Jemma Tataryan (special thanks: segment So Much To Do), Matthew Thomas (very special thanks), Chris Todd (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Paul Vance (special thanks: segment Rad Chad's Horror Emporium), Tracy Vonderbrink (special thanks: segment Horror Hypothesis), Ben Weasel (special thanks: segment M.I.S.T., E.R) y Sam Zimmerman (very special thanks)

          Empresas distribuidoras

          Ediciones 79/Red RumShudderStudio Hamburg Enterprises

          Empresas productoras

          Paper Street Pictures

          Otras empresas

          Anarchy PostChapman/Leonard Studio EquipmentLakeshore Records
          Palabras claveCientíficoCandyNiñeraAsesinoHombre-loboSeriecientíficoasesinoascensordulces

          Enlaces externos

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          Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Courtney Andujar, Jon Michael Simpson o Luxy Banner? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre Scare Package. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine y series nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!

          Necesitamos tu ayuda

          Aficionado a la pantalla grande, su participación es clave para hacer de un paraíso cinéfilo completo. Queremos construir juntos la mejor base de datos cinematográfica, pero necesitamos su ayuda. ¿Encontraste algún dato faltante en la ficha de Scare Package? ¿Detectaste algún error en la sinopsis o el elenco? ¡Queremos saberlo todo!

          Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

          No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!

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          Desde Buenos Aires hasta el mundo, Tesis sobre un Homicidio se ha convertido en uno de los filmes más recomendados del cine argentino, cautivando audiencias y dejando su huella en la escena internacional.

          En estas películas las escenas picantes son reales

          En Hollywood casi todo lo que ocurre es mentira y parte de una película, sin embargo, existen cintas donde los actores realmente han tenido relaciones y fue parte de la obra publicada. Conócelas acá.

          Lo que Realmente Sucedió detrás de las cámaras en Jurassic Park

          Conoce cómo se filmaron algunas escenas icónicas de Jurassic Park, con improvisaciones incluidas. ¡Descubre las curiosidades detrás del rodaje de un clásico cinematográfico!

          Las mejores escenas de acción en la Historia del cine

          Un grupo de cinéfilos se juntaron para debatir acerca de cuáles son sus escenas de acción favoritas y éste fue el resultado. No te pierdas los vídeos de estas secuencias inolvidables.
