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ValienteTrailer oficial de la película Valiente2012-07-12 Trailer
Película > Valiente

Valiente (2012)



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ValienteVideo de la película Valiente2012-07-12Trailer
ValienteVideo de la película Valiente2012-07-12Trailer
ValienteVideo de la película Valiente2012-07-12Trailer
ValienteVideo de la película Valiente2012-07-12Trailer


La película Valiente del año 2012, conocida originalmente como "Brave", está dirigida en conjunto por Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman y Steve Purcell y protagonizada por Kelly Macdonald quien interpreta a Merida, Billy Connolly en el papel de Fergus, Emma Thompson como Elinor, Julie Walters personificando a The Witch y Robbie Coltrane desempeñando el papel de Lord Dingwall (ver créditos completos).

Es un filme de género Aventura, Familia, Fantasía, Comedia y Animación producido en EE.UU.. Con una duración de 01 hr 33 min (93 minutos), esta película tiene diálogos originales en Inglés. La banda sonora para esta obra ha sido compuesta por Patrick Doyle.

Obtuvo una calificación sólida en IMDb, con 7 puntos sobre un máximo de 10.

Para el desarrollo de la historia que cuenta esta obra, se necesitaron nada menos que 4 colaboraciones. Brenda Chapman ((story by) / (screenplay)), Mark Andrews (Guión), Steve Purcell (Guión) y Irene Mecchi (Guión).

A nivel internacional, este largometraje tuvo diversas denominaciones, incluyendo "Merida Waleczna" en Polonia, "Karaliska drasa" en Lituania, "Rebelle" en Bélgica (Título francés) y Francia. La diversidad de títulos para una misma película suele ser fascinante. Nos encantaría saber cómo se titula esta obra en tu país. ¡Cuéntanos en los comentarios y enriquece nuestra experiencia cinematográfica!

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          Información técnica y general

          Duración: 01 hr 33 min (93 minutos) .

          Color: Color

          Paises productores: La película Brave fué producida en EE.UU.

          Lenguaje original: Inglés.

          Títulos en cada país:



          Créditos completos de la película Valiente





          The Witch
          Lord Dingwall
          Lord MacGuffin
          Lord Macintosh
          Young Merida
          Young Macintosh
          The Crow
          Wee Dingwall
          Martin (voice)
          Queen Elinor (voice) (u)
          Additional Voices (u)



          Productor ejecutivo
          Productor asociado
          Productor ejecutivo
          Productor ejecutivo


          Natalie Lyon y Kevin Reher

          Departamento de arte

          Paul Abadilla (set artist), Armand Baltazar (set artist), Megan Bartel (art coordinator), Andrea Blasich (development artist), Nelson 'Rey' Bohol (set artist), Maxwell Brace IV (Artista del guión gráfico), Corinne Cavallaro (art coordinator), Isabel Conde (art intern), Jason Deamer (character artist), Greg Dykstra (Escultor), Tony Fucile (character artist), Mike Gabriel (development artist), Michel Gagné (development artist), Carter Goodrich (development artist), Noah Klocek (set art director), Tia W. Kratter (shading art director (as Tia Wallace Kratter)), Ted Mathot (Artista del guión gráfico), Lorien McKenna (additional art management), Scott Morse (Artista del guión gráfico), Dana Murray (art manager), Daniel Lopez Muñoz (character artist (as Daniel López-Muñoz)), Huy Nguyen (set artist), Matt Nolte (character art director), Laura Phillips (shader packet artist), Japeth Pieper (shader packet artist), Steve Pilcher (end titles art and designer), Jerome Ranft (Escultor), Cassandra Smolcic (Artista grafico), Nathan Stanton (Artista del guión gráfico), Jay Ward (additional art management), Derek Williams (set supervisor) y Mark Cordell Holmes (graphic artist (u))

          Efectos visuales

          Frank Aalbers (simulation artist), Paul Aichele (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Laura Beth Albright (character shading and paint artist), Dallis Anderson (global technology coordinator), Alexis Angelidis (Artista de efectos), Hemagiri Arumugam (crowds technical artist), Amit Baadkar (Artista de efectos), Tim Babb (lightspeed lead), Nick Bartone (shot lighting artist), Byron Bashforth (character shading and paint artist), David Batte (matte paint technical), Lloyd Bernberg (Maestro artista de iluminación), Randy Berrett (Pintor mate), Tim Best (technical lighting lead), Katie Bickley (shot lighting artist), Max Bickley (shot lighting artist (as Maxwell Bickley)), Jeremy Birn (shot lighting artist), Neil Blevins (additional technical artist and intern), John Bodley (global technology engineer), Brian Boyd (Maestro artista de iluminación), Stephan Vladimir Bugaj (pipeline lead), Juan J. Buhler (Artista de efectos), Don Bui (shot lighting artist), Christopher M. Burrows (sets shading lead), Krissy Cababa (effects manager), Gordon D.B. Cameron (global technology supervisor (as Gordon Cameron)), Alfonso Caparrini (shot lighting artist), Jay Carina (stereo and international technical lead), Cathleen Carmean (global technology coordinator), Mathieu Cassagne (shot lighting artist), Edwin Chang (simulation artist), Chris Chapman (development and effects artist (as Chris Chapman)), Edward Xi Chen (shot lighting artist (as Ed Chen)), Philip Child (character shading and paint artist), Ye Won Cho (shot lighting artist), Jiayi Chong (global technology engineer), Kaitlin Chong (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Pauline Chu (sets coordinator), Claudia Chung (simulation supervisor (as Claudia Chung Sanii)), Tracy Lee Church (Artista de sombreado y pintura del set), Charu Clark (shot lighting artist), Scott Clifford (master lighting artist (as Scott G. Clifford)), Justine Codron (shot lighting artist), Patrick Coleman (global technology engineer), Kim Collins (crowd and rendering manager), Michael B. Comet (character modeling and articulation artist (as Michael Comet)), Keith Cormier (shot lighting artist), Kate Cronin (rendering pipeline team), Pamela Darrow (simulation cloth and groom manager), Naomi Davidson (production finance lead), Jason Davies (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Andrew Dayton (sets modeling artist), Airton Dittz Jr. (Maestro artista de iluminación), David Dixon (sets technical development), Masha Ellsworth (character shading and paint artist), Jared Fong (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Michael Fong (software integration: Presto), Susan Fisher Fong (rendering and optimization artist (as Susan Fisher Wong)), Maël François (shot lighting artist (as Mael Francois)), Carl N. Frederick (lightspeed technical director (as Carl Nai Frederick)), Piper Freeman (lighting coordinator), Seth Freeman (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Denise Blakely Fuller (Pintor mate), Henry Garcia (simulation shot lead (as Henry Dean Garcia)), Rob Gibbs (character modeling and articulation artist (as Robert Gibbs)), Robert Graf (rendering and optimization artist), Philip Graham (rendering and optimization artist), Joshua Grant (rendering pipeline technical lead (as Josh Grant)), Christopher Griffin (simulation artist), Rogan Griffin (simulation artist), Emron Grover (cloth lead), Patrick Guenette (additional technical artist and intern), Stephen Matthew Gustafson (simulation artist), Laura Hainke (groom artist), Dave Hale (Artista de efectos), Lou Hamou-Lhadj (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Christian Haniszewski (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Bethany Jane Hanson (rendering pipeline team), Jim Cody Harrington (effects artist (as Cody Harrington)), Jack Hattori (additional technical artist and intern), Bernhard Haux (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Jamie Hecker (sets technical lead), Sarah Jo Helton (character manager), Allen Hemberger (Artista de efectos), Mark Thomas Henne (simulation artist), Kate Charlotte Hodges (global technology production assistant), Jesse Hollander (Maestro artista de iluminación), Joshua Hollander (director of stereoscopic production), Chris Horne (lightspeed technical director), Wen-Chin Hsu (shot lighting artist), Richard Hurrey (character modeling and articulation artist / simulation artist), Brandon Hyman (lighting fix coordinator), Katherine Ipjian (shot lighting artist), Sungyeon Joh (shot lighting artist), Jason Johnston (Artista de efectos), Thidaratana Annee Jonjai (Artista de sombreado y pintura del set), Ben Jordan (character shading and paint artist / global technology engineer), Christina F. Julian (stereoscopic coordinator), Eduardo Martin Julve (shot lighting artist), Fran Kalal (cloth artist / simulation artist), Steve Karski (Artista de sombreado y pintura del set), Humera Yasmin Khan (rendering supervisor), Jonathan Kiker (shot lighting artist), Michael Kilgore (character shading and paint artist), Jae Hong Kim (master lighting artist (as Jae H. Kim)), Laurie Kim (global technology engineer), Stephen King (character shading and paint artist), Kristifir Klein (sets modeling lead), Keith Daniel Klohn (development and effects artist), Mach Tony Kobayashi (Artista de efectos), Sonoko Konishi (character modeling and articulation artist / cloth artist), Mitch Kopelman (Maestro artista de iluminación), Tanja Krampfert (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Boris Krasnoiarov (rendering pipeline team), Josée Lajoie (shot lighting artist), David Lally (simulation artist), Tashana Landray (global technology manager / sweatbox manager), Ken Lao (Maestro artista de iluminación), Heegun Lee (global technology engineer), Maria Lee (character shading and paint artist), Minhyung Lee (shot lighting artist (as Min Hyung Lee)), William Austin Lee (character rigging lead (as Austin Lee)), Yun Lien (rendering pipeline team), Andy Lin (Artista de la iluminación), Li-Ting Liu (additional technical artist and intern), Hsiao-Hsien Lo (crowds technical artist (as Hsiao-Hsien Aaron Lo)), Michael Lorenzen (crowds technical artist), Nick Lucas (Artista de efectos), David MacCarthy (effects supervisor), Jenny Macy (character shading and paint artist), Alex Mandel (stereoscopic manager), Emmanuel Maniez (shot lighting artist), Luke Martorelli (Maestro artista de iluminación), Jennifer M. McCormick (simulation coordinator), Lorien McKenna (story manager), Kevin McNamara (additional technical artist and intern (as Kevin McNamara)), Ian Megibben (Iluminación), Salvatore Melluso (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Jason Merck (Pintor mate), Lauren Montuori (crowds coordinator), Arnold Moon (sets modeling artist), Thomas Moser (simulation artist), Jean-Daniel Nahmias (global technology engineer), Nicholas Naugle (shot lighting artist (as Nick Naugle)), Ashok Nayar (rendering and optimization artist), Kristen Needham (sets dressing artist), Alexander Nehls (simulation technical lead), Alexis Lombardi Nelson (character coordinator), Ernesto Nemesio (Pintor mate), Carmen Ngai (cloth artist), Martin Nguyen (global technology engineer), Ariela Nurko (global technology engineer / rendering and optimization artist), Michael O'Brien (effects technical lead (as Michael K. O'Brien)), Paul Oakley (shot lighting artist), Jonathan Page (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Leslie Pao (rendering coordinator), Roxanne Paredes (stereoscopic rendering), Leon JeongWook Park (crowds technical artist / global technology engineer (u)), Eric Peden (rendering pipeline team), Burt Peng (shot lighting artist), Jonathan D. Penney (stereoscopic rendering), Kirsten Peterson (effects coordinator), Lena Petrovic (groom lead), Anne Pia (rendering pipeline manager), Andrew Pienaar (Iluminación), Mark Piretti (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Nick Pitera (international technical team), Ben Porter (groom artist), John Singh Pottebaum (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Konstantin Promokhov (Artista de efectos), Jonathan Pytko (Maestro artista de iluminación), Josh Qualtieri (sets modeling artist), Inigo Quilez (sets forest development), Samantha Raja (simulation artist), José Luis Ramos (shot lighting artist (as Jose L. Ramos Serrano)), Farhez Rayani (lighting artist: promo, Pixar Animation Studios), Angelique Reisch (shot lighting artist), Jordan Rempel (Maestro artista de iluminación), Zach Repasky (global technology engineer (as Zachary Repasky)), Edgar Rodriguez (cloth artist / simulation artist), Christopher Rydalch (crowds technical artist), Vandana Reddy Sahrawat (Maestro artista de iluminación), Ferdi Scheepers (global technology engineer), Patrick Schork (global technology engineer), Don Schreiter (rendering pipeline team), Julien Schreyer (shot lighting artist), Alex Seiden (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), David Shavers (Maestro artista de iluminación), Philip Shoebottom (shot lighting artist), Kexx Singleton (character modeling and articulation artist (as Kevin Singleton)), Nadim Sinno (rendering and optimization artist), Erik Smitt (Maestro artista de iluminación), Olivier Soares (simulation artist), Michael Sparber (Maestro artista de iluminación), Jacob Speirs (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Tim Speltz (Artista de efectos), Peter Sumanaseni (character shading and paint artist), Richard Sun (matte paint technical / sets shading and paint artist), Eunkyoung Lee Swearingen (shot lighting artist (as Kyoung Lee Swearingen)), Yung Lian Frank Tai (sets dressing artist (as Yung-Lian Frank Tai)), Jeremie Talbot (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Renee Tam (lightspeed technical director), Brian Tindall (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Alexandra Tkatcheva (additional technical artist and intern), Jason Topolski (global technology coordinator (as Jason 'Jtop' Topolski) / sweatbox coordinator (as Jason 'Jtop' Top), Kelli Townley (rendering and optimization artist), Jenni Tsoi (lighting manager), Gaston Ugarte (sets modeling artist (as Gastón Ugarte)), Jeremy Vickery (Maestro artista de iluminación), Enrique Vila (Artista de efectos), Chuck Waite (groom artist), Deirdre Warin (sets manager), Brett Warne (sets technical development), Douglas Waters (simulation artist), Bill Watral (development and effects artist), Veronica Watson (character coordinator / simulation coordinator), Matthew Webb (matte paint lead), Emily Weihrich (crowds technical artist), Bob Whitehill (Supervisor de estereoscópica), Andy Whittock (sets forest development (as Andrew Whittock)), Weera Tom Wichitsripornkul (Artista de sombreado y pintura del set), Matthew Kiyoshi Wong (Artista de efectos), Athena Xenakis (character shading and paint artist), Jane Yen (Artista de efectos), Maria Yershova (Maestro artista de iluminación), Hana Yoon (simulation coordinator), Meng Yu (simulation artist), Nathan Zeichner (crowds technical artist), Barry Zundel (Modelado de personajes y artista articulación), Yong Kim (character shading and paint artist (u)), Holly Lloyd (digital artist (u)) y Jesse Weglein (lighting technical director (u))

          Departamento de animación

          Renee Adams (project lead: Presto animation system), Simon Allen (Animador adicional), Brad Andalman (project lead: Presto animation system), Dovi Anderson (character developer and animator), John R. Anderson (simulation team: Presto animation system), Lindsay Andrus (animator (as Lindsay VanderGalien)), Alan Barillaro (Supervisor de animación), Andrew Beall (Corrección y animador adicional), Jonathan Bianchi (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Rodrigo Blaas (character developer and animator), Malcolm Blanchard (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Sequoia Blankenship (crowds and additional animator), Stas Bondarenko (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Evan Bonifacio (crowds and additional animator), Sunya Boonyatera (core team: Presto animation system), Maxwell Brace IV (story artist (as Max Brace)), John Broadhead (simulation team: Presto animation system), Jude Brownbill (Animador), Ian Buono (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Andrew Butts (core team: Presto animation system), Daniel Campbell (animation shot support), James Campbell (Diseñador), Shaun Chacko (character developer and animator), Juei Chang (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Guillaume Chartier (Corrección y animador adicional), Kevin Chesnos (Animador), Alden Chew (pipeline team: Presto animation system), Chris Chua (character developer and animator (as Christopher Chua)), Andrew Coats (Animador), Emma Coats (Artista de historia), Brett Coderre (Animador), Jonathan Collins (character developer and animator), Jeremy Cowles (pipeline team: Presto animation system), Don Crum (Animador adicional), Bena Currin (animation technical lead), Pamela Darrow (additional animation management), Eric S. Degner (Corrección y animador adicional), Ronnie Del Carmen (Artista de historia adicional), Robb Denovan (Animador), David DeVan (directing animator), Doug Dooley (Animador), Everett Downing Jr. (Animador), Thomas Drake (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Paul Edmondson (pipeline team: Presto animation system), George Elkoura (core team: Presto animation system), Robert Ell (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Claire Faggioli (layout coordinator), McKay Farley (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Justin Farris (crowds and additional animator), Ike Feldman (crowds and additional animator), Gregory Finch (core team: Presto animation system), Graham Finley (crowds and additional animator), Kurt Fleischer (core team: Presto animation system), June Foster (animation shot support), Doug Frankel (Animador), Rob Gibbs (animation shot support (as Robert Gibbs)), Maureen Giblin (layout manager), Curran W. Giddens (Animador), Louis Gonzales (Artista de historia), Craig Good (Diseñador), Andrew Gordon (Animador adicional), F. Sebastian Grassia (pipeline team: Presto animation system), Craig Anthony Grasso (story artist (as Craig Grasso)), Sylvia Gray Wong (Diseñador), Eric Gregory (project lead: Presto animation system), Thomas Hahn (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Mark Curnell Harris (Animador), Aaron J. Hartline (additional animator (as Aaron Hartline)), Aron Hatfield (character developer and animator), Travis Hathaway (character developer and animator), Tara Hernandez (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Mark Hessler (core team: Presto animation system), Catherine Hicks (Corrección y animador adicional), Kitt Hirasaki (UI design team: Presto animation system), Tsung-Yin Hsieh (Corrección y animador adicional), Steven Clay Hunter (Supervisor de animación), Hayley Iben (simulation team: Presto animation system), Paul Isaacs (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Eliza Ivanova (Corrección y animador adicional), Shriram Neelakanta Iyer (pipeline team: Presto animation system), Guilherme Sauerbronn Jacinto (Animador), Oren Jacob (project lead: Presto animation system), Patrick James (Diseñador), David Janssen (Diseñador), Rob Jensen (character developer and animator), Andrew Jimenez (end titles animation lead), Barry Johnson (Artista de historia), Ron S. Jong (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Thomas Jordan (character supervisor), Masa Jow (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Paul Kanyuk (crowds lead), Ethan Karson (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Nancy Kato (Animador), Ryan Kautzman (simulation team: Presto animation system), Courtney Casper Kent (animation fix coordinator (as Courtney Casper)), Jae Hyung Kim (Animador), Jason Kim (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Ken Kim (Animador), Murat N. Konar (UI design team: Presto animation system), Vladimir Kooperman (crowds and additional animator), Aaron Koressel (Animador), Shawn Krause (Animador adicional), Venkateswaran Krishna (articulation team: Presto animation system), Stephen Krug (animation coordinator), Bruce Kuei (Animador), Valerie LaPointe (Artista de historia adicional), Brian Larsen (story supervisor), John Chun Chiu Lee (character developer and animator), Brett Levin (core team: Presto animation system), Patrick Lin (Diseñador), Brian London (animation technical coordinator), Ramiro Lopez Dau (Animador), John Robert Loy (core team: Presto animation system (as John Loy)), Aaron Luk (core team: Presto animation system), Edward Luong (pipeline team: Presto animation system), Carolina López Dau (crowds and additional animator (as Carolina Lopez Dau)), Sue Maatouk-Kalache (UI design team: Presto animation system (as Sue Maatouk Kalache)), Austin Madison (Animador), Michal Makarewicz (Animador), Steve Mason (Animador), Ted Mathot (Artista de historia), Rich McKain (Animador), Deneb Meketa (core team: Presto animation system), Paul Mendoza (crowds lead), Michael J. Miller (core team: Presto animation system), Tamsen Mitchell (core team: Presto animation system), Cameron Miyasaki (Animador), Alex Mohr (core team: Presto animation system), Gray Monheit (articulation team: Presto animation system), Scott Morse (Artista de historia), Javier Moya Alonso (Animador), Dave Mullins (Animador adicional), Sowmya Natarajan (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Juan Carlos Navarro Carrión (Animador), Victor Navone (Animador), Dan Nguyen (Animador), Neth Nom (crowds and additional animator), Daniel Leaf Nunes (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Kevin O'Hara (character developer and animator), Erick Oh (Corrección y animador adicional), Michelle Ohana (Corrección y animador adicional), Gregg Olsson (Diseñador), Cory Omand (core team: Presto animation system), Jordi Oñate Isal (crowds and additional animator), Sukwon Park (Diseñador), Bret 'Brook' Parker (animation tools lead (as Bret Parker)), Janifer Patterson-Noble (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Jan Pfenninger (Diseñador), Maxwell Planck (pipeline team: Presto animation system), Andreas Procopiou (Animador), Charlie Ramos (Diseñador), Arun Rao (pipeline team: Presto animation system), Jay Rennie (crowds and additional animator), Corey Revilla (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Arjun Rihan (Diseñador), Manuel Zenon Rodriguez (Corrección y animador adicional), Jaime Landes Roe (character developer and animator (as Jaime Landes)), Peter Roe (Artista de sombreado y pintura del set), K.C. Roeyer (Animador), Nickolas Rosario (Animador), Bobby Rubio (story artist (as Bobby Alcid Rubio)), Allison Rutland (Animador), Jessica Sances (animator (as Jessica Torres)), Mark Sanford (Diseñador), Gini Cruz Santos (Animador adicional), Leo Santos (Diseñador), Florian Sauer (core team: Presto animation system), Michael Sauls (crowds and additional animator), Andy Schmidt (character developer and animator (as Andrew L. Schmidt)), Chris Schoeneman (core team: Presto animation system), Brett Schulz (Animador), Stefan Schulze (core team: Presto animation system), Stefan Schumacher (Corrección y animador adicional), Joshua Seaver (UI design team: Presto animation system), Ozan Serim (pipeline team: Presto animation system), Michael Shantzis (pipeline team: Presto animation system), Bill Sheffler (character supervisor), J. Garett Sheldrew (Artista de historia), Sarah Shen (UI design team: Presto animation system), Mark Shirra (Diseñador), Matthew Silas (layout lead), Jaclyn Simon (animation manager), Burton Siu (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Peter Sohn (Artista de historia adicional), Terry Song (crowds and additional animator), Jordan Sorensen (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Maria Milagros Soto (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Nathan Stanton (Artista de historia), Ryan Stelzleni (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Matthew Strangio (Animador), Vitaliy Strokous (crowds and additional animator), Allison Styer (UI design team: Presto animation system), Benjamin Su (animator (as Benjamin Po An Su)), Nick Sung (Artista de historia), Raphael Suter (Animador), Colin Hayes Thompson (character supervisor), Derek Lee Thompson (additional story artist (as Derek Thompson)), Rob Duquette Thompson (Animador adicional), Gerald Tiu (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Erin Tomson (core team: Presto animation system), Becki Tower (crowds and additional animator), JC Tran-Quang-Thieu (animator (as Jean-Claude Tran Quang Thieu)), J. Warren Trezevant (crowds and additional animator), Benjamin Turman (simulation team: Presto animation system), Saschka Unseld (Diseñador), Carl Jon Van Arsdall (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Dirk Van Gelder (articulation team: Presto animation system), Kristoff Vergne (animator (as Kristophe Vergne)), Carlo Vogele (Animador), Charlene Wang (Diseñador), David Wehr (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Royce Wesley (Animador), Brad West (layout and animation team: Presto animation system), Ricky Wight (crowds and additional animator), Sam Wijegunawardena (project lead: Presto animation system), Jason Williams (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Alon Winterstein (Corrección y animador adicional), Andy Witkin (simulation team: Presto animation system), Anthony Ho Wong (crowds and additional animator), Edwin Wong (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Stephen L. Wong (animator (as Stephen Wong)), Adam Woodbury (core team: Presto animation system), Michael Wu (Animador), Shiqi Yang (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), Kureha Yokoo (directing animator), Hana Yoon (animation coordinator: Presto software), Richard Yoshioka (quality assurance and infrastructure team: Presto animation system), David Yu (core team: Presto animation system (as David G. Yu)), Tom Zach (Animador), Florian Zitzelsberger (core team: Presto animation system), Ron Zorman (character developer and animator), Luke Zulauf (core team: Presto animation system), Josh Cooley (storyboard artist (u)), Daniel Gonzales (crowds and additional animator (u)), Jonathan Hurwitz (animation production intern (u)) y Bastian Wartenberg (layout artist (u))

          Diseño de producción

          Steve Pilcher

          Departamento de musica

          Bill Abbott (music editor: US), David Alberman (leader: London Symphony Orchestra), Willie Armstrong (musician: bagpipe), Chris Barrett (additional music engineer), Christopher Benstead (music editor: UK (as Chris Benstead)), Ashley Chafin (Coordinador de producción musical), Donna Cole-Brule (music business affairs), Rupert Cross (Programador musical), Fiona Cruickshank (additional assistant music engineer), Patrick Doyle (score orchestrator), Andrew Dudman (Mezclador de banda sonora/Grabador de banda sonora), Jill Heffley (executive music assistant), Jarlath Henderson (musician: uilleann pipes), Kyle Stuart Howie (musician: bagpipe), Barney Jones (production music editor), Bryn Lewis (musician: celtic harp), London Symphony Orchestra (score performer), Lorne MacDougall (musician: bagpipe), Tom MacDougall (Supervisor musical), Chris Montan (Productor musical ejecutivo), Andrew Page (music production director), Neil Percy (musician: Celtic percussion), Colin Rae (Preparación musical), Maggie Rodford (Productor), James Shearman (conductor / score orchestrator), Christopher Stout (musician: Celtic fiddle), Jim Sutherland (musician: Celtic percussion), Jimmy Tsai (music production assistant), Kyle Warren (musician: bagpipe), Matheu Watson (musician: Celtic whistles), Chantelle Woodnutt (assistant to score producer), Patrick Jonsson (assistant music engineer (u)), Carmine Lauri (orchestra leader (u)), Jason Poss (music transcription (u)) y Nick Taylor (additional score recording engineer (u))

          Departamento de reparto

          Louis Elman (adr voice casting (u))

          Departamento de editorial

          Mari Aizawa (editorial manager), Jeanne Applegate (Segundo asistente de editor), Rod G. Bogart (image mastering color systems architect (as Rod Bogart)), Ann Brilz (editorial manager), Susan Brunig (image mastering color grading operator), Torbin Xan Bullock (second film editor), David Condolora (international production editorial), Matt DeMartini (Coordinador editorial), Bryan Dennis (image mastering assistant projectionist), Mark Dinicola (image mastering colorist), Anthony David Duran (image mastering projection scheduler), Sarah Fernbacher (Coordinador editorial), Lisa Fotheringham (Coordinador editorial), Bradley Furnish (Segundo asistente de editor), Dominic Glynn (image mastering lead engineer), Winston O. Good (image mastering media control operator), Robert Grahamjones (Editor de películas), John Hazelton (image mastering senior projectionist), Glenn Kasprzycki (image mastering media control operator), Bill Kinder (director of editorial and post-production), Laurel Ladevich (additional post-production support), Laura Meyer (international graphics), Mark Milla (Coordinador de post-producción), Ben Morris (Pasante editorial), André Pang (image mastering software engineer), Richard Pinkham (image mastering media control operator), Sarah K. Reimers (Primer asistente de editor), Drew Rogge (image mastering software engineer (as Drew TTV Rogge)), Vanessa Rojas (Asistente editorial), Jose Rosa (Asistente de post-producción), Laura Savidge (image mastering software engineer), Cynthia Slavens (director of image mastering), Andra Smith (image mastering media services supervisor), Beth Sullivan (image mastering administration manager), David Suther (second film editor), Tessa Swigart (Segundo asistente de editor), Robert Tachoires (image mastering media services manager), David Tanaka (international production editorial (as David H. Tanaka)), Serena Warner (Editor adicional), Jeff Whittle (image mastering media control operator), Christine Wilcock (post-production management assistant), Robin D. Young (image mastering supervisor (as Robin Leigh)), Erick Ziegler (additional post-production support), Christopher Zuber (Segundo asistente de editor), Jim Passon (color timer (u)) y David Thomas (digital cinema producer (u))

          Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

          Erik Anderson (image mastering camera operator), Robert Anderson (director of photography: camera), Shawn Brennan (senior camera operator), Danielle Feinberg (director of photography: lighting) y Andrew Jimenez (end titles camera lead)


          Nicholas C. Smith

          Gestión de producción

          Paul Cichocki (supervisor de post-producción), Jeffrey Dean (post-production supervisor: non-theatrical), Cynthia Lusk (international production manager), Ryan Lynch (production manager: end titles), Eric Pearson (Director de post-producción) y Andrea Warren (Jefe de producción)

          Enlaces externos

          En esta sección podrás acceder a los recursos externos que utilizamos como fuentes. Así podrás chequear toda la información que publicamos y también ampliar tu conocimiento sobre "Valiente".


          Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Mark Andrews, Kelly Macdonald o Billy Connolly? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre Valiente. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!

          Necesitamos tu ayuda

          Aficionado a la pantalla grande, su participación es clave para hacer de un paraíso cinéfilo completo. Queremos construir juntos la mejor base de datos cinematográfica, pero necesitamos su ayuda. ¿Encontraste algún dato faltante en la ficha de Valiente? ¿Detectaste algún error en la sinopsis o el elenco? ¡Queremos saberlo todo!

          Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

          No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!

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