La películas Bonehill Road del año 2017, está dirigida por Todd Sheets y protagonizada por Eli DeGeer quien interpreta a Emily Stevens, Ana Rojas-Plumberg en el papel de Eden Stevens, Linnea Quigley como Suzy , Millie Milan personificando a Tina y Dilynn Fawn Harvey desempeñando el papel de Dueño de club (sin acreditar) (ver créditos completos).
Es una obra de género Thriller y Horror producida en EE.UU.. Con una duración de 1h 24m (84 minutos), esta película tiene diálogos originales en Inglés.
En cuanto al guión de esta obra, se encuentra a cargo de Todd Sheets Todd Sheets.
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Duración: 1h 24m (84 minutos) .
Color: Color
Paises productores: La película Bonehill Road fué producida en EE.UU.
Lenguaje original: Inglés.
Títulos en cada país:
Kathy Fields (Jefe de utilería), Jack McCord (Diseñador de escena), R.J. Parish (carpenter / props) y Brian Willet (props / set designer)
Eli DeGeer ( Dobles de chófer), Douglas Epps ( Dobles de chófer), Amanda Payton ( Dobles de chófer), Jane Plumberg ( Dobles de chófer) y Antwoine Steele (Coordinador de dobles)
Marvin Blake (creature costume designer)
Stacy Weible (key makeup artist: Linnea Quigely)
Arborea (Compositor: música adicional), Mostly Autumn (Compositor: música adicional), Justin Burning (Compositor: música adicional), Matt Cannon (Compositor: música adicional), Toshiyuki Hiraoka (Compositor: música adicional) y Jupiter-8 (Compositor: música adicional)
Alexander Brotherton (Sonido), Skyler Roberts (boom operator / sound) y Joe Sherrick (Sonido)
Amanda Payton (Coordinador de casting) y Todd Sheets (casting producer)
Rashad Al-Ghannam (Técnicos de iluminación), Yousef Al-Ghannam (Técnicos de iluminación), Stephen Bloodworth (lighting technician (as Stephen Ferrandino)), Aaron Brazier (Iluminador), Alexander Brotherton (assistant camera / lighting design), Nate Karny Cole (Iluminador), Shalyn Blain Lillard (Técnicos de iluminación), Skyler Roberts (Técnicos de iluminación), Brian Shadensack (Técnicos de iluminación), Todd Sheets (lighting design), Joe Sherrick (assistant gaffer / key grip), Michael Alan Smith (key lighting grip / lighting design) y Aaron Tiny Wright (Iluminador)
Avery Aaron (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Robert Abraham (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Frank Acevedo (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Eric Adams (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Gary Adams (Agradecimiento especial), Gary Dean Adams (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Hans Adams (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Brian Aguilar (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Vicki Johnston Alewel (Agradecimiento especial), Chris Alexander (Agradecimiento especial), Paul Alvarado (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jerry Angell (Agradecimiento especial), Jerrod Archer (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Don Averett (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Armando Ayala (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Mando Ayala (Agradecimiento especial), Eric Barber (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Leigh Barnes (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Nicolas Ryan Barron (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Clinton Baysinger (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Weston Beck (Agradecimiento especial), Bobbie Bell (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Ann Bender (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Brandon Bennett (Agradecimiento especial), Robert Benson (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Thomas Berdinski (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible / special thanks), Brian K. Bergstad (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), James Bickert (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible / special thanks), Stephen Biro (Agradecimiento especial), Ryan Blazic (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Mike Bockey (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Christian Bogh (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Ron Bonk (Agradecimiento especial), Troy j Boone (Agradecimiento especial), Johnny Bouchard (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Derek Bourgeois (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), James Boyer (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Roger Braden (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Paul Bradford (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Christopher Brandon (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Sandra Brandon (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Chris Brandt (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Matt Brassfield (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible (as Matthew Brassfield)), Seth Brenner (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Marc Brimfield (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Mark Brown (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Melissa Browning (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Julianna Brudek (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible (as Julianna Brudeck)), Richard Bub (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Richard Budzinski (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Justin Burning (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible / special thanks), Dave Butler (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Sesto Cairo (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Alberto Camacho (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jessica Cameron (Agradecimiento especial), Matt Cannon (Agradecimiento especial), Matthew Canter (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Alec Capps (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Chester Carman (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Andy Carstens (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Torina Case (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Joe Castro (Agradecimiento especial), Alexander Cherepanov (Agradecimiento especial), Erik Childress (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Natasha Chisdes (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), David Chopping (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Thomas Christy (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Justin Chung (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Michele Clauser (thanks (credit only)), Michele Clauser (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Marcus Clauss (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Terry Clements (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Walter Ray Coleman (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Sean Collins (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Kyle Connolly (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Rebecca Cooley (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Gary Cooper (Agradecimiento especial), Rory Corrigan (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Gary Coulbourne (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), James Cowx (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jake Creasy (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Louise Cross (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Buck Curran (Agradecimiento especial), Hayley Curtis (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Christopher Danyo (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Russ Davis (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Stefanie Davis (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Tamara Davis (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), David Decoteau (Agradecimiento especial), Vincent DiCostanzo (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible (as Vincent Diconstanzo)), Eileen Dietz (Agradecimiento especial), Matt Dilworth (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible (as Matthew Dilworth)), Ron Dipinto (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), William H. Donovon (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Ray Doyal (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Phillip Dragotta (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Darrell Drahn (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jessica Dwyer (Agradecimiento especial), Terry Edman (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Shawn Edwards (Agradecimiento especial), Jake Faith (Agradecimiento especial), Dustin Fallon (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Paul Farrell (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Kathy Fields (Agradecimiento especial), Phiip Foss (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Lisa Fox (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Matthew Frazier (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Mick Garris (Agradecimiento especial), Stuart Gechlik (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Gil Gershman (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), David Ghane (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Mike Gibbons (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Paul Gill (special thanks: GDS-FX), Brian Gilliam (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Alberto Giovannelli (Agradecimiento especial), Aaron Gnirk (special appreciation: BDFS Studios), Killian H. Gore (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Robert Gore (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Tim Gross (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Josh Guest (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible (as Joshua R. Guest)), Clu Gulagher (Agradecimiento especial), John Gulagher (Agradecimiento especial), Chris Gunn (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Chris Gurtlinger (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Austin Hamilton (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Tanner Daniel Harl (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Richard Hartwig (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Rob Hauschild (Agradecimiento especial), William Hausdorf (Agradecimiento especial), Benjamin Hausman (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Earl Hayhurst (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Chris Haynes (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Wayne Heatley (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), John Henery (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Stephanie Hensley (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Stacy L. Henson (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Steve Hergina (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Ehren Hertel (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Matt Hill (Agradecimiento especial), Larry L. Hobbs (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Marc Hofstatter (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Bruce Holecheck (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Glenda Hovey (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Del Howison (Agradecimiento especial), Rodney Hudnall (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Tommy Huffman (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Glen Huntly (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jessica Hutson (Agradecimiento especial), Steve Ingleston (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Ian Jane (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Daniel Jansson (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Darian Johnson (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Denver Johnson (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Daniel A. Jones (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Ryan Jones (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Claes Jonsson (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Deanna Jurczak (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Rolfe Kanefsky (Agradecimiento especial), Erica Kauffman (huge thanks: Atomic Cotton), Zack Kauffman (huge thanks: Atomic Cotton), Lloyd Kaufman (Agradecimiento especial), Jay Kay (Agradecimiento especial), James Kelly (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Brandon Kinchen (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Brandon King (Agradecimiento especial), Kim King (Agradecimiento especial), Kevin Klemm (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Madeleine Koestner (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jackie Kong (Agradecimiento especial), Patrick Krause (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Barry M. Lamont (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Nick Langsford (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Patrick Larson (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Randall Law (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Johnny Legnard (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Sean Leonard (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Lee Lewis (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), John M. Liga (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Donald J. Lillard (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Tammie L. Lillard (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Merwyn Lim (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Hongjun Lin (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Edward Linders (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Randy Lloyd (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Sheila Lockhart (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Lynn Lowery (Agradecimiento especial), Karen Maitzen-Sarkady (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible (as Karen Maitzen)), Richard Majewski (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Paul Maritz (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Guillermo Martinez (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Drew Marvick (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Stacy Mccarty (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Eric McCormack (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jason McCracken (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Michael McCutchen (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Mike McCutchen (Agradecimiento especial), Jenius McGee (Agradecimiento especial), Doug McKinney (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jonathan Mclain (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), David McMahon (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Heather Mead (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jenny Mettee (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Michelle Meyer (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Ross Meyer (Agradecimiento especial), Ben Miller (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Dawn Skaggs Mollohan (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Matt Monsch (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Bryan F. Moose (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible (as Bryan Moose)), Matthew Mortenson (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), James Moss (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Kari Moulder (Agradecimiento especial), Joshua Mulcahy (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jeremy D. Mull (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Brian Mullett (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Shelbo Mullins (Agradecimiento especial), Shelby Mullins (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible / special thanks), James Mullis (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Andrea Munoz (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Joseph Murillo (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Clifford Napier (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Sarah Nash (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), David Naughton (Agradecimiento especial), Chris J. Neal (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Zack Nettleton (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Flynn Nichols (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Stamati Nicolakis (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Zeb Nipper (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Daniel Norgard (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Ramiro Nuñez (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Joe O'Connell (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Shane O\'Reilly (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), David Oakes (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Laura Oatman (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Andrew Oliver (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Patrick Ostrander (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Bryan Edward Ott (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Daniel Palmer (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jill Pancake (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Brett Papworth (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), David Parker (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jacob Payne (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Michael Perone (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Russell Perrett (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Karsten Peters (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Lee Philipson (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Angela Phillips (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Scott Poertner (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Moe Porne (Agradecimiento especial), Zach Potter (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Ryan Powell (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Michael Prall (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Adam Praska (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jeremy Prevost (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible (as Jeremy R. Prevost)), Elton Ramirez (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Kaleigh Rangel (Agradecimiento especial), Chris Olen Ray (Agradecimiento especial), Fred Olen Ray (Agradecimiento especial), Mike Reeb (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Patricia Rhoads (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Brett Ridley (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Michael Ring (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jennifer Robbins (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Adam Roberts (Agradecimiento especial), Marcel Rodriguez Jr. (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Daniel Roebuck (Agradecimiento especial), Kenny Rogers (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Gustavo Lizarraga Rojas (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Gavin Rye (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Andrew Salmons (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Garth Sanders (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Randy Sanders (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Cameron J. Scott (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Laura Sexton (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Todd Sheedlo (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Josh Shelton (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Randy D. Shirley (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible (as Randy Shirley)), Andrew Shroyer (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Duane A. Sikes (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Jill Sixx (Agradecimiento especial), Jonathan Smith (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Ross Snyder (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Melinda Sommerville (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Mike Steinheiser (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Charles Stevens (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Stuart Stilborn (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Cormac Strain (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), David Strege (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Alan C. Strutz (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Tim Sweeten (Agradecimiento especial), Brad Sykes (Agradecimiento especial), Adam Temple (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Kevin Tenney (Agradecimiento especial), Dylan Hartford Thomas (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Chloe Thompson (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Trevor Thorkildsen (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Alex Tiller (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Doug Tilley (Agradecimiento especial), Jeremy Todd (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Damin Toell (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Shawn Tracy (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Terry Tsolakis (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Quentin Turnbull (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Brad Twigg (Agradecimiento especial), Hans Van Den Broeck (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Vinnie Verrinoldi (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Matthew Votruba (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Chris Wallace (Agradecimiento especial), John Ward (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible / special thanks), Brett Warren (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Brian Wasarovich (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Skyler Wathen (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Nicklaus Weaver (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Chris Weisbach (Agradecimiento especial), Shane Wheeler (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Mike Whelan (huge thanks), Chris Wike (²huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Peter Wilder (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Bobby Williams (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Chris Williams (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Chuck Williams (Agradecimiento especial), Lee Williams (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), David Wilson (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), William Sean Wilson (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Michael Wulf (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Zachary Wyeld (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Joel D. Wynkoop (Agradecimiento especial), John Yanez (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Roger Youmans (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Travis Youmans (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Bob Zag (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Chris Zaragoza (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible), Joe Ziemba (Agradecimiento especial) y Amy Zitzer (huge thanks to the following who made this movie possible)
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Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Todd Sheets, Eli DeGeer o Ana Rojas-Plumberg? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre Bonehill Road. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine y series nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!
Aficionado a la pantalla grande, su participación es clave para hacer de un paraíso cinéfilo completo. Queremos construir juntos la mejor base de datos cinematográfica, pero necesitamos su ayuda. ¿Encontraste algún dato faltante en la ficha de Bonehill Road? ¿Detectaste algún error en la sinopsis o el elenco? ¡Queremos saberlo todo!
Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.
No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!
Este thriller paraguayo cautivó al mundo entero. 7 Cajas es una explosión de acción y suspenso. Esta joya cinematográfica latinoamericana sigue la historia de un carretillero del Mercado 4 de Asunción que se ve envuelto en un oscuro mundo de crimen
Por más sólido que sea un guión siempre hay espacio para que improvisaciones que se dan durante el rodaje de determinadas escenas queden en el producto final.
Desde Buenos Aires hasta el mundo, Tesis sobre un Homicidio se ha convertido en uno de los filmes más recomendados del cine argentino, cautivando audiencias y dejando su huella en la escena internacional.
En Hollywood casi todo lo que ocurre es mentira y parte de una película, sin embargo, existen cintas donde los actores realmente han tenido relaciones y fue parte de la obra publicada. Conócelas acá.
Conoce cómo se filmaron algunas escenas icónicas de Jurassic Park, con improvisaciones incluidas. ¡Descubre las curiosidades detrás del rodaje de un clásico cinematográfico!
Un grupo de cinéfilos se juntaron para debatir acerca de cuáles son sus escenas de acción favoritas y éste fue el resultado. No te pierdas los vídeos de estas secuencias inolvidables.