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Película > Dollar King (2016)
Poster Dollar King

Dollar King (2016)



Elenco principal:



  • 2016-10-22
  • ✮87
    • 87 Imdb
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Publicidad Amazon


La películas Dollar King del año 2016, está dirigida por Drew Pollins y protagonizada por Jason Boggs quien interpreta a Danny, John Charles Meyer en el papel de Devin, Ed Mattiuzzi como Duke, Susan Berger personificando a Sheila y John McCool Bowers desempeñando el papel de Ernie (ver créditos completos).

. La banda sonora para esta producción ha sido compuesta por Miles Bergsma.

En cuanto al guión de esta obra, se encuentra a cargo de DM Brent guión DM Brent (guión).

Publicidad Amazon

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Información técnica y general

Créditos completos de la película Dollar King




Fat Pat



Productor en línea


Britton Foster

Ayudante de dirección

Feras Alfuqaha (Asistente de dirección: fotografía adicional), Evan Bluestein (Asistente de dirección: fotografía adicional), Chris Kiley (Asistente de dirección) y Michael Risner (Asistente de dirección)

Dirección artística

Perla Bornholdt

Departamento de arte

Kim Berens (Diseñador gráfico), Alex Greif (Asistente del departamento artístico) y Jake Aspen (Jefe de utilería)


Meggin Penkal (Doble) y Kara Petersen (Coordinador de dobles)

Diseño de vestuario

Anna Geisle

Efectos visuales

Richard Steele (Coordinador de efectos visuales)

Diseño de producción

Ariel Vida

Departamento de maquillaje

Pam Lljubo (hair: additional photography / special makeup: additional photography) y Laura Richardson (key hair / key makeup)

Departamento de musica

Steve London (Compositor: música adicional)

Departamento de sonido

Tara Blume (Efectos de sala (Foley)), Delroy Cornick (boom operator / sound mixer), Ryan Gegenheimer (Editor de sonido), Kyle Lane (adr mixer / sound editor), Ryan Maguire (Mezclador de efectos), Greg Papania (Re-grabación de sonido), Leah Putlek (Editor de foley) y Dan Snow (sound supervisor)

Departamento de vestuario

Katie Feldman (Vestuarista)

Departamento de editorial

Bruce Goodman (Colorista) y Christopher Young (Editor asistente)

Departamento de transporte

Bob Bayless (owner: picture car), Mike Hellerstein (driver / transportation coordinator) y Tim McIntosh (Conductor)

Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

David Barahona (best boy electric: additional photography / grip), Jeff Beachnau (Iluminador), Thomas R. Burke (Fotógrafo), Chris Chrisenbery (first assistant camera: additional photography), Axel Cubias (best boy grip: additional photography), Jesper Duelund (key grip: additional photography), Robert Dyke (Electricista), Britton Foster (Camarógrafo), Mengle Han (Fotógrafo), Caleb Heller (Camarógrafo), Scott Hillman (Ayudante del encargado de equipamientos de cámara), Samuel Kim (Segundo asistente de cámara), Yoni Klein (best boy / gaffer: additional photography), Sonny Martinez (Electricista), Rasa Acharya Partin (Capataz), Nicholas Ponticelli (utilidad), Gaul Porat (Asistente), Michael Rogers (second assistant camera / second assistant camera: additional photography), Chris Simidian (utilidad), Mauricio Svartman (Fotógrafo), Caleb Tou (Primer asistente de cámara) y Ujwala Viswanath (Camarógrafo)

Gestión de producción

Jane Hollon (Jefe de producción)


Rene Aghaianian (additional thanks), Amy Akers (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Mitchell Allen (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Christopher Andersen (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Daniel Andrew (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Tiffany Andrew (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Amartei Armar (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Alyssa Battistoni (the filmmakers wish to thank: supporter), Andrew Bertell (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Bruce Bertell (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Linda Bertell (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Jason Boggs (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), David Bolen (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Reed Moore Books (additional thanks), Christine Bortolin (the filmmakers wish to thank: supporter), Hannah Boston (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Madeline Boston (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Jonathan Boulanger (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Mackenzie Bowen (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Harriet Brent (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Steven Brent (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Lynn Campanella (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Andrea Casazza (the filmmakers wish to thank: supporter), Lindsay Chan-Kent (the filmmakers wish to thank: supporter), Lianne Charlebois (the filmmakers wish to thank: supporter), Yiyi Chen (the filmmakers wish to thank: partner & benefactor), Haley Cullingham (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Jesse Dallal (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Dawn Marie Deibert (additional thanks), Irina Demian (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Sean Dennin (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Jordan Domey (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Chase Doutre (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Brian Edge (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Pasha Eshghi (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Thed Evan (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Patty Facy (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Ashleigh Foster (the filmmakers wish to thank: partner & benefactor), Julian Foster (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Peg Gabor (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Lally Gartel (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Jenny Genin (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), James Gill (the filmmakers wish to thank: supporter), Ada Gleich (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Iris Haywoode (the filmmakers wish to thank: supporter), Garrett Healey (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Laura Healey (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Jason Helmandollar (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Brianna Herman (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Judy Herwig (additional thanks: The Glendale Office of the City Clerk), Cheryl Hiltzik (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Ariella Hoffman (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Marjorie Houston (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Isabelle Hughan (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Renzel Joshington (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Murray Keogh (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Tatiana Khoury (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Adam Klemencic (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Jordan Kramers (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Melanie La Phan (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Kevin Laughren (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Geoff Leavitt (additional thanks), Chris Leendertse (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Eliza Leendertse (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Rosie Leisure (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Lucas Lieberman (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Jacob Lieman (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Rebecca Bertell Lieman (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Danielle Lis (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Sarah Louadi (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Brent Lukowski (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), David Mansuryan (additional thanks: Dollar King), Allison McCrea-Smith (the filmmakers wish to thank: partner & benefactor), Arni McKinley (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Ian Miersch (the filmmakers wish to thank: supporter), Dan Mondoux (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Amber Morris (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Elisabeth Nestico (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Pino Nestico (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Nadav Nur (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Tawnya Pancharovski (the filmmakers wish to thank: supporter), Barbara Pollins (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Eric Pollins (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Liam Port (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Linda Price (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Brian Renzi (the filmmakers wish to thank: supporter), Behan Salamati (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Mitch Salm (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Kenda Shaheen (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Graham Smith (the filmmakers wish to thank: partner & benefactor), Jason J. Smith (the filmmakers wish to thank: friend), Keith Smith (the filmmakers wish to thank: partner & benefactor), Kathy Starodub (the filmmakers wish to thank: partner & benefactor), Mary Starodub (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Mike Starodub (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron), Tanya Temelkovski (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Martyna Tyszko (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor), Kayla Yama (the filmmakers wish to thank: patron) y Leo Zuckerman (the filmmakers wish to thank: contributor)

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Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Drew Pollins, Jason Boggs o John Charles Meyer? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre Dollar King. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine y series nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!

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Aficionado a la pantalla grande, su participación es clave para hacer de un paraíso cinéfilo completo. Queremos construir juntos la mejor base de datos cinematográfica, pero necesitamos su ayuda. ¿Encontraste algún dato faltante en la ficha de Dollar King? ¿Detectaste algún error en la sinopsis o el elenco? ¡Queremos saberlo todo!

Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!

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