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Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos

Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos (2003)



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La película Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos del año 2003, está dirigida por Pedro Temboury y protagonizada por Curro Cruz quien interpreta a Jess, Sonia Okomo en el papel de Danuta, Julio Sanjuán como Custó, Paul Lapidus personificando a Dr. Malvedades y Jesús Franco desempeñando el papel de Miyagi (ver créditos completos).

Es un filme de género Fantasía, Comedia y Acción producido en España. Con una duración de 1h 19m (79 minutos), esta película tiene diálogos originales en Español. La banda sonora para esta obra ha sido compuesta por Jorge Muñoz Cobo.

Recibió una calificación pobre en IMDb, alcanzando 3 puntos sobre un máximo de 10.

Los créditos de la trama de esta historia están divididos entre Pedro Temboury (Escritor) y Pablo Álvarez Almagro ((as Pablo Álvarez)).

Alrededor del mundo, este largometraje recibió varios títulos, aunque lamentablemente solo contamos con "Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos" que fué el que se utilizó en Alemania y España. La diversidad de títulos para una misma película suele ser fascinante. Nos encantaría saber cómo se titula esta obra en tu país. ¡Cuéntanos en los comentarios y enriquece nuestra experiencia cinematográfica!

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          Información técnica y general

          Duración: 1h 19m (79 minutos) .

          Color: Color

          Paises productores: La película Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos fué producida en España

          Donde se filmó: Torremolinos, Málaga y Baños del Carmen, Malaga, Spain.

          Lenguaje original: Español.

          Títulos en cada país:


          Créditos completos de la película Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos




          Dr. Malvedades
          Capitán de la Policía
          Boyfriend #1
          Manolo Pies Negros
          Kidnapped girl #1
          Kidnapped girl #2
          Kidnapped girl #3
          Karate Zombie #1
          Karate Zombie #2
          Karate Zombie #3
          Karate Zombie #5
          Karate Zombie #6
          Disinterested collaboration
          Dr. Orloff
          Beach cocky
          Karate fighter 1
          Boyfriend of kidnapped girl #4
          Locutor de radio
          Monja surfera
          Cura surfista católico
          Subcomandante Bermudas
          Chuk Lee
          Bigotes en la playa


          (as Jorge Explosion)


          Productor en línea
          Productor asociado
          Productor asociado


          Fulgencio Martínez

          Ayudante de dirección

          Daniel Aguirre (Director de la segunda unidad)

          Departamento de arte

          Sandra Rosa (assistant decorator)


          Oliver Denis (fights choreographer), Fulgencio Martínez (stunts: Flaco), Jorge Muñoz Cobo (stunts: zombies and karate fighters (as Jorge Explosion)), Pedro Temboury (stunts: zombies and karate fighters) y Varo Temboury (stunts: zombies and karate fighters (as Varo))

          Diseño de vestuario

          Bubi Escobar

          Departamento de maquillaje

          Carol Salvador (Maquilladora)

          Departamento de musica

          Guzmán Arguello (musician: flute), Begoña Canal (musician: voices), Fany (musician: voices (as Fany sin los Dandys)), Miguel Herrero García (musician: trumpet and trombone), Iván González (recording assistant (as Iván González 'El Chapista')), Armando Longo (musician: wah wah), Luismi (Músico: Percusión), Manu (Músico: Percusión), Jorge Muñoz Cobo (musician: guitar, bass, drums, vocals, tambourine and castanets (as Jorge Explosion)), Chus Naves (musician: keyboards), Ramio Pardo (musician: voices), Ivan Gonzalez Rodriguez (musician: violin (as Iván González Rodríguez 'Mitch')), Sonia Rubiera (musician: shouts) y Mar Undershakers (musician: voices)

          Departamento de sonido

          Nacho Arenas (assistant sound editor (as Nacho R. Arenas)), Pedro Barbadillo (Sonido), Javier Cafarena Crespo (Registrador de sonido), Francisco De Paula Perea (Registrador de sonido), Jaime Fernández (Re-grabación de sonido) y Ricardo Viñas (Consultor de sonido dolby)

          Departamento de editorial

          Javier Mosqueda (telecine colorist)

          Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

          Miguel Angel Andreu (Asistente de cámara), Alex Doucet (Fotógrafo), E.P.C. (cameras), José Luis García (Electricista), Diego Gastón (Asistente de cámara), Juan Ignacio Lorente (camera auxiliary) y José Luis Matoso (Asistente de cámara)

          Decoración de escenario

          Carlota Botas

          Gestión de producción

          Emilio Schargorodsky (Gerente de unidad)


          Darío Adanti (this film would not have been possible without), Juan Alexander (this film would not have been possible without), Alejandro García Aparicio (this film would not have been possible without), Sergio Barrejón (this film would not have been possible without), The Beach Boys (this film would not have been possible without), Bjeta (this film would not have been possible without (as B-Jeta)), Raquel Cabra (this film would not have been possible without), Miguel Caffarena (this film would not have been possible without (as Miguel Cafarena)), Pedro Calleja (this film would not have been possible without), Víctor Carrasco (this film would not have been possible without), Víctor Chen (this film would not have been possible without), Borja Crespo (this film would not have been possible without), Carolina Cruz (this film would not have been possible without), Eva de la Fuente (this film would not have been possible without), Nina de Mier (this film would not have been possible without), Raúl de Torres (this film would not have been possible without), Diego Domínguez (this film would not have been possible without), Rafael Díaz-Salgado (this film would not have been possible without (as Rafael Díaz Salgado)), Mayi Entrena (this film would not have been possible without), Casto Escopico (this film would not have been possible without), Elena García Espejo (this film would not have been possible without), Alberto Esteban (this film would not have been possible without (as Alberto Esteban y la gente de Molinare)), Felix Explosion (this film would not have been possible without), Varo Explosion (this film would not have been possible without), Jaime Felgueroso (this film would not have been possible without), Nacho Felgueroso (this film would not have been possible without), José Luis García Arrojo (this film would not have been possible without), Alvaro García (this film would not have been possible without), Chechu García (this film would not have been possible without), Raúl García (this film would not have been possible without), José Carlos Gaspar (this film would not have been possible without), Charly Glamour (this film would not have been possible without), Don José González Arias (this film would not have been possible without), Benjamín Gordon (this film would not have been possible without), José María Gruille (this film would not have been possible without), Pelayo Gutiérrez (this film would not have been possible without), Luisa Gómez (this film would not have been possible without), Santiago Lorenzo (this film would not have been possible without), Bela Lugosi (this film would not have been possible without), José López (this film would not have been possible without), Juan López (this film would not have been possible without), Pablo Mas (this film would not have been possible without (as Pablo Más)), Alberto González Mateo (this film would not have been possible without), Albert Meagle (this film would not have been possible without), Vicente Miralles (this film would not have been possible without), Anita Misiles (this film would not have been possible without), Juan Molina (this film would not have been possible without), Victoria Molina Temboury (this film would not have been possible without), Carlos Molina (this film would not have been possible without), Rafa Méndez (this film would not have been possible without), Bibiana Olaizola (this film would not have been possible without), José Luis Olaizola (this film would not have been possible without), David Poblete (this film would not have been possible without), Joey Ramone (dedicated to), Ramones (this film would not have been possible without), Ramón Reina (this film would not have been possible without), Guillermo Represa (this film would not have been possible without), Montserrat Reyes (this film would not have been possible without), Jorge Riera (this film would not have been possible without), Fernando Rodríguez (this film would not have been possible without), Lina Romay (this film would not have been possible without), Sergio Scala (this film would not have been possible without), Koldo Serra (this film would not have been possible without), David Serrano (this film would not have been possible without), Susi Sexy (this film would not have been possible without), Rosa Sogorb (this film would not have been possible without), María Elena Sáinz de Rozas (this film would not have been possible without (as Mª Elena Sainz de Rozas)), Sergi Sánchez (this film would not have been possible without), Marta Temboury (this film would not have been possible without), María Temboury (this film would not have been possible without), Eduardo Torallas (this film would not have been possible without), Luis Miguel Trovillelet (this film would not have been possible without), Manolo Valencia (this film would not have been possible without), Glenn Sean Yarbrough (this film would not have been possible without) y Alicia Yubero (this film would not have been possible without)

          Empresas productoras

          Nueva Producciones Cinematográficas S.L.Vértice 360

          Otras empresas

          Cero en ConductaE.P.C.Estudio Circo PerottiEstudios Calle PinillosExa

          Enlaces externos

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          Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Pedro Temboury, Curro Cruz o Sonia Okomo? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!

          Necesitamos tu ayuda

          Aficionado a la pantalla grande, su participación es clave para hacer de un paraíso cinéfilo completo. Queremos construir juntos la mejor base de datos cinematográfica, pero necesitamos su ayuda. ¿Encontraste algún dato faltante en la ficha de Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos? ¿Detectaste algún error en la sinopsis o el elenco? ¡Queremos saberlo todo!

          Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

          No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!

          Guía de Streaming

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