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Película > La Sirena (2017)
Poster La Sirena

La Sirena (2017)



Elenco principal:



  • 2017-06-04
  • ✮64
    • 64 Imdb
Ver película
Publicidad Amazon


La películas La Sirena del año 2017, está dirigida por Rosita Lama Muvdi y protagonizada por Jordan Monaghan quien interpreta a Mia, Kelsey Reinhardt en el papel de Mara , Darrel Cherney como Hector, Vera Cherny personificando a Pearl y Jameson Lee desempeñando el papel de Hector's Baby (ver créditos completos).

. La banda sonora para esta producción ha sido compuesta por Erick Del Aguila.

En cuanto al guión de esta obra, se encuentra a cargo de Rosita Lama Muvdi Escrito por Rosita Lama Muvdi (Escrito por).

Publicidad Amazon

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Información técnica y general

Créditos completos de la película La Sirena




Hector's Baby
Hector's Baby



Productor en línea


Dani J. Scott ((as Stephanie Wetherbee))


Kristen Correll

Ayudante de dirección

Teri J. Barber (Asistente de dirección) y Carey Field (Asistente de dirección)

Dirección artística

Maria Potapova

Departamento de arte

Matt Adams (set builder), Cameron Barrett (set builder), Alex Dixon (art department pa), Corey Klinefelter (Coordinador de construcción), Justin Or (art department pa) y Akina Ryder (Jefe de utilería)


Jessica Harbeck (Coordinador de dobles)

Diseño de vestuario

Kristina Selby

Efectos visuales

Henry Abrams (creature design), Dragos Berghia (vfx coordinator), Justin Chandra (Compositor digital), Kevin Colina (Artista digital), Daniel DeEntremont (Artista digital), Jeffrey I. Kaplan (Artista digital), Joe Laude (Artista digital), Geoff Leavitt (Supervisor de efectos visuales), Samuel Malone (Artista digital), Arthur Mesa (Compositor digital), Fred Pienkos (vfx supervisor), Pascual Rubio (Artista digital), Sean M. Scott (Artista digital), Andrew Wang (Artista digital), Rebecca West (vfx producer) y Emmanuel Yatsuzuka (Artista digital)

Diseño de producción

Ben Rosa

Departamento de maquillaje

Kimberly Romo (hair stylist / make-up) y Ashleigh Thiel (special effects make-up head)

Departamento de sonido

Mike Anderson (Operador de micrófono), Larry Benjamin (mezclador), Delroy Cornick (Mezclador de sonido de producción), Penny Harold (sound designer / sound fx editor), Mark Hensley (mezclador), Christian Lainez (Operador de micrófono), Habib Tannous (foley artist / foley mixer) y Tim Terusa (adr editor / dialogue editor / sound supervisor)

Departamento de vestuario

Alyx Chung (Ambientador)

Departamento de editorial

Dinara Aprymova (Editor asistente), Laura Borowsky (account executive: Technicolor), Nicholas Hasson (Colorista intermedio digital), Nadia Nabhan (Productor intermedio digital) y Wanqiu Sun (Editor asistente)

Departamento de transporte

Calli Hellerstein (Conductor), Mike Hellerstein (Coordinador de transporte), Tim McIntosh (Conductor) y Emmanuel Velasquez (Conductor)

Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

Dave Anglin ("b" camera), Marcin Banasiak (Iluminador), Jeremy Brussell (Jefe de mecánicos), Robert Soup Campbell (Primer asistente de cámara), Frances Chen (Electricista), Patrick Correll (Iluminador), Andrae Crawford (Primer asistente de cámara), Blake Danchik (Iluminador), Dan Dwyer ("b" camera), Dennis Dwyer ("b" camera), Simon England (Camarógrafo), Victor Faucon (Electricista), Kyran Ford (assistant chief lighting technician / chief lighting technician: additional), Alexander Gasviani (Asistente de electricidad), James Goldman (Camarógrafo), Lauren Guiteras (Iluminador), Harry Heng (Segundo asistente de cámara), Ian Hotujac (Iluminador), Favienne Howsepian (Camarógrafo), David Hurd (loader), Mark Jeevaratnam (Técnicos de iluminación), Randy Johnson (crane technician), Brian Keller ("b" camera), Yoni Klein (Iluminador), Chad Kotz (Fotógrafo), Oliver Lukacs (Iluminador), Mary MA (Iluminador), David Marmon (Electricista), Markus Mentzer (Camarógrafo), Nathan Mielke (electrician / grip), Andrew Monbouquette (Iluminador), Rasa Acharya Partin (Encargado de equipamiento de cámara), Nobuyoshi Sakurai (Segundo asistente de cámara), Bryce Shields (Asistente de vídeo), Justin Stroh (Capataz), Scott Summers (Electricista), Mike Wiser (Iluminador) y Joshua Zucker-Pluda (Electricista)

Decoración de escenario

Amy Meros

Gestión de producción

Ming (Jefe de producción)


Vincent Alindogan (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Maria Alice Arida (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Adam Brandy (Agradecimiento especial), Josephine Chandra (Agradecimiento especial), Vera Cherny (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Willis Chung (Agradecimiento especial), Hector Consuegra (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Julian Coymat (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Laura Santoyo Dangond (Agradecimiento especial), Natalia Parra Dayton (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Yolanda Abufhele de Muvdi (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Joanna Dee (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Iliana Delgado (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Natalya Delgado (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Jenna Doolittle (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Sabrina Doyle (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Mia Drake Inderbitzin (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Heather Elmer (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Deniz Emre (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Susan Emre (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Catalina Fernandez (Agradecimiento especial), Peter Ferri (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Sabina Friedman-Seitz (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Shan Gao (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Maria Del Carmelo Gomez (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Hai Han (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Courtney Hoffman (Agradecimiento especial), Justin S. Hong (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Xiyu Hu (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Maria Luna Jaramillo (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Daniella Jassir (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Gina Johnson (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Liz Kerin (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Annika Kurnick (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Sophie Lachmann (Agradecimiento especial), Stephanie Lama (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Tzejoei Lau (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Caitlin Leahy (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Neil S. Lewis (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Ron Lewis (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Teresita Lewis (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Jifu Li (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Meng Li (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Zhiqiang Lian (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Danmei Liu (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Feng Liu (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Alexa Lopez (Agradecimiento especial), Nancy Ly (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Hao Ma (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Cherish McDowell (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Haoran Meng (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Ivan Meza (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Francesca Miranda (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), J. Casey Modderno (Agradecimiento especial), Lina Montoya (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Betty Muvdi (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Diana Muvdi (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Julio M. Muvdi (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Rosita Muvdi (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Muriel Naim (Agradecimiento especial), Tara Violet (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Bo-You Niou (Agradecimiento especial), Mariana Novak (Agradecimiento especial), Jessica Pantoja (Agradecimiento especial), Guangyuan Qiang (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Siyi Ren (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Matthew Richmond (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Francesca Riechel-Sarup (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Fiammetta Romano (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Jianna Maarten Saada (Agradecimiento especial), Ayman Safadi (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Roberto Saieh (Agradecimiento especial), Gang Shi (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Haiguang Sun (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Wentao Sun (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Han Tan (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Chuyin Tian (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Manuel Trujillo (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Marvin Wang (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Shiyu Wang (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Shuojie Wang (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Simo Wang (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Yue Wu (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Youde Xie (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Li Xu (Agradecimiento especial), Zhiqing Xu (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Han-seok Yoon (Agradecimiento especial), Jackson Young (Agradecimiento especial), Bowei Yue (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Zhigang Zeng (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Limingzhu Zhang (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Shasha Zhang (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), Rong Zheng (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors), De Gao Zhou (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors) y Qing Zhou (the filmmakers wish to thank the following donors)

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Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Rosita Lama Muvdi, Jordan Monaghan o Kelsey Reinhardt? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre La Sirena. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine y series nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!

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Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!

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