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Película > Mad Heidi (2022)
Poster Mad Heidi

Mad Heidi (2022)



Elenco principal:



  • 2022-09-07
  • 1h 32m (92 minutos).
  • Aventura, Comedia y Acción.
  • ✮62 (1339 votos)
    • 55 Imdb
    • 58 Themoviedb
    • 46 Filmaffinity
    • 55 Rottentomatoes
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Publicidad Amazon


La películas Mad Heidi del año 2022, está dirigida en conjunto por Johannes Hartmann y Sandro Klopfstein y protagonizada por Alice Lucy quien interpreta a Heidi, Max Rüdlinger en el papel de Kommandant Knorr, Casper Van Dien como President Meili, David Schofield personificando a Alpöhi y Kel Matsena desempeñando el papel de Goat Peter (ver créditos completos).

Es una obra de género Aventura, Comedia y Acción producida en Suiza. Con una duración de 1h 32m (92 minutos), esta película tiene diálogos originales en Inglés y Alemán de Suiza. La banda sonora para esta producción ha sido compuesta por Mario Batkovic.

Para el desarrollo de la historia que cuenta esta obra, se necesitaron nada menos que 4 colaboraciones. Sandro Klopfstein (Guión), Johannes Hartmann (Guión), Gregory D. Widmer (Guión) y Trent Haaga (Guión).

Mad HeidiTrailer oficial de la película Mad Heidi2022-09-07T08:00:00+08:00 Trailer
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Mad HeidiVideo de la película Mad Heidi2022-09-07Trailer
Mad HeidiVideo de la película Mad Heidi2022-09-07Trailer
Mad HeidiVideo de la película Mad Heidi2022-09-07Trailer
Mad HeidiVideo de la película Mad Heidi2022-09-07Trailer
Publicidad Amazon

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          Críticas de Mad Heidi realizadas por profesionales


          Reseña de

          Una cinta bizarra, gore y del género explotaition que sabe combinar bastante bien sus elementos (...) Una sorpresa agradable con un reparto que cumple y se lo pasa bomba (...)

          Reseña de

          Los amantes del cine de acción gonzo tendrán mucho que apreciar, mientras que los versados en la producción de cine independiente admirarán su solidez técnica

          Reseña de

          Debería gustar a cualquiera con un gusto un poco raro y un retorcido sentido del humor (...)

          Reseña de

          Está profundamente comprometida a incluir tantos subgéneros 'grindhouse' como se pueda (...) una delicia para los fans del cine 'exploitation'

          Información técnica y general

          Duración: 1h 32m (92 minutos) .

          Color: Color

          Paises productores: La película Mad Heidi fué producida en Suiza

          Lenguaje original: Inglés y Alemán de Suiza.

          Títulos en cada país:

          Créditos completos de la película Mad Heidi





          Kommandant Knorr
          President Meili
          Goat Peter
          Dr. Schwitzgebel
          Minister Gutzweiler
          Fräulein Rottweiler
          Ueli der Knecht
          Cheesemaster Kari
          Cheese Dealer
          Assistant Cheese Dealer
          The Neutralizer
          Late Minister
          The French Delegates
          The French Delegates
          Helvetia's Nuns
          Helvetia's Nuns
          Lactose-intolerant Inmate
          Kitchen Staff
          Meili's Servant
          Morgenstern Soldier: Balls Kick
          Morgenstern Soldier: Triggerfinger
          Morgenstern Soldier: Snitch
          Morgenstern Soldier: Throwing Star
          Morgenstern Soldier: Yodeler
          Morgenstern Soldier: Split
          Morgenstern Soldier: Musician
          Alpenblick Guard: Shower
          Alpenblick Guard: Lights Out
          Alpenblick Guard: Vanguard
          Alpenblick Guard: Hankie
          Alpenblick Guard: Emergency
          Heidi's Father
          Swiss Housewife
          Trabajador de fábrica
          Trailer Voice
          Angry Farmer
          Angry Farmer
          Swiss Minister
          Amphitheater goer
          Morgenstern Soldier
          Swiss Minister
          Swiss Minister
          Angry Farmer
          Angry Farmer
          Angry Farmer
          Angry Farmer



          fan producer
          Productor asociado
          Productor ejecutivo
          commissioning editor SRF
          fan producer
          fan producer
          Productor asociado
          fan producer
          Productor asociado
          fan producer
          fan producer
          Productor ejecutivo
          fan producer
          Productor en línea
          Productor ejecutivo
          Productor asociado
          head of fiction SRF
          Productor ejecutivo
          Productor ejecutivo
          production executive SRF
          fan producer
          fan producer
          Productor ejecutivo
          Productor asociado


          Gillian Hawser


          Eric Lehner

          Ayudante de dirección

          Thomas Kaufmann (Asistente de dirección), Sapir Kesem Leary (Tercer asistente de produccón) y Stephan Schoenholtz (Asistente de dirección)

          Departamento de arte

          Gian Andri Bezzola (Artista conceptual), Lina Bornhauser (Asistente del departamento artístico), Naomi Erlich (Artista del guión gráfico), Noah Inhauser (Asistente de jefe de utilería) y Martín Mur (Jefe de utilería)


          Can Bilgic (Doble de riesgo), Tolga Degirmen (Coreógrafo de lucha), Frédéric Gerber (Doble de riesgo), Alejandro Gil Mateos (Doble de riesgo), Tanguy Guinchard (co-fight choreographer / stunt performer), Thomas Hacikoglu (action director), Micha Hurni (Doble de riesgo), Khoa Huynh (Doble de riesgo), Mathieu Jaquet (Doble), Franziska Kiefer (Doble de riesgo), Anon Mall (Acrobacias), Josua Meyer (Doble de riesgo), Roland Siegenthaler (assistant stunt coordinator / stunt performer) y Marcel Stucki (Coordinador de dobles)

          Diseño de vestuario

          Nina Jaun

          Efectos visuales

          Patrick Baumann (Artista de efectos visuales), Chris Blaser (on-set visual effects supervisor / photogrammetry artist), Michelle Egli (Artista de efectos visuales), Johnny Fehr (Artista de efectos visuales), Tabea Feuz (Artista de efectos visuales), Kaspar Kilchenmann (opening title design), Sandro Klopfstein (additional vfx), Stefan Leutwyler (Artista de efectos visuales), Leo Matkovic (opening title design), Daniel Mueri (Productor de efectos visuales), Tim Naumann (Artista de efectos visuales), Michael Scialpi (Artista de efectos visuales) y Marcel Werder (Artista de efectos visuales)

          Diseño de producción

          Myriam Kaelin

          Departamento de maquillaje

          Evelyne Baertschi (Estilista adicional), Sharon Berger (Maquilladora), Miriam Blank (Jefe del departamento de maquillaje), Kevin Carter (contact lens painter), Andrea Cociancich (trainee), Miria Germano (Efectos especiales con maquillaje), Norbert Gut (Optician), Dana Hesse (special makeup effects artist: Cheese Mutants), Tanja Koller (special makeup effects artist: Cheese Mutants), Julia Nietlispach (Maquilladora), Claudio Raho (special makeup effects artist: Cheese Mutants), David Scherer (Efectos especiales con maquillaje), Daniel Steffen (Efectos especiales con maquillaje) y Johanna Stierlin (trainee)

          Departamento de musica

          Collin Hegna (additional music)

          Departamento de sonido

          Nicolas Brunner (Mezclador de sonido de producción), Stefan Korte (Re-grabación de sonido), Ramon Orza (ADR Recording (as Ramón Orza) / dialogue editor (as Ramón Orza) / sound designer (as Ramón Orza)), Christian Peruzzetto (Operador de micrófono) y Roland Platz (foley artist / foley mixer)

          Departamento de vestuario

          Miriam Stöcklin (Jefe de vestuaristas)

          Departamento de editorial

          Roger Sommer (Colorista)

          Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

          Chris Blaser (drone operator), Caspar Brog (additional camera operators: fight scenes / gaffer), Tom Brunner (Segundo asistente de cámara), Lukas Franz (Operador de Steadicam), Thomas Hacikoglu (additional camera operators: fight scenes), Orit Teply (focus puller) y Nino Ubezio (Segundo asistente de cámara)

          Gestión de producción

          Serge Gerber (Jefe de producción)


          Ilan Aarons (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Daniel Abalo (Gracias), Marcel Achermann (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Pascal Achermann (the filmmakers would like to thank), Raphael Ackermann (Gracias), Amon Adamantos (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Dave Aeschliman (Agradecimiento especial), Daniel Aigner (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Michael Albertin (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Patrick Altenburger (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Ana Dea Altherr (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Kenichirou Ami (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Enrico Anderes (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Tim Andersen (Agradecimiento especial), Edouard Angebault (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Claudio Antonelli (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Tobias Antonucci (Gracias), Micha Aprile (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Garth Armstrong (Agradecimiento especial), Christian Arnold (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Bruno Arosemena (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Daniel Augsburger (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Tarik Azarnait (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Dean Bakker (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Marco Bauer (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Tobias Bauer (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Peter Baumann (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Wolfgang Baumann (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Daniel Behrens (Gracias), Radek Belina (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Federico Belloni (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Markus Berg (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Simon Berginz (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Nicolas Berlinger (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Ivo Bernegger (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Yves Bertrand (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Marco Bibbia (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Peter Birchler (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Roland Bischofberger (Gracias), Stefan Bitzi (Gracias), Lukas Blaser (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Patrik Blaser (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Goni Boller (Gracias), Sandro Bollschweiler (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Marco Bolognese (Gracias), William Bonhomme (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Andreas Boos (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), David Bormann (Gracias), Thibaut Bosson (Gracias), Klaus Brantl (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Simon Braun (Agradecimiento especial), Thomas Braun (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Franz Brausse (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Roman Brosowski (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Neil Bruce (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Nicolas Brunner (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Roman Brändli (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Jörn Burkart (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Marcel Burri (Gracias), Sebastien Buser (Gracias), Richard Bushey (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Thomas Businger (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Robert Butler (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Gerald Bäck (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Louis Bögli (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Reto Bönzli (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Marco Bühler (Gracias), Stephan Bütikofer (Gracias), Wilko Büttner (Gracias), Daniel Caduff (Gracias), Eric Cambray (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Alessandro Caneve (special thanks / thanks), Matteo Capra (Gracias), Daniel Casparis (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Ciro Ceresa (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Charlie Charlton (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Regis Christinet (Gracias), Alexandre Comby (Gracias), Julian Cordes (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Ciro Cuccu (Gracias), Gianni De Nardi (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Sandro de Stefani (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Olivier De Vriendt (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Chiara Demenga (the filmmakers would like to thank), Arnie Devine (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Gabriel Dill (Gracias), Stephan Dräyer (the filmmakers would like to thank), Ralf-Uwe Duballa (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Fabian Dürmüller (Gracias), Andreas Edte (Agradecimiento especial), Peter Charles Egloff (Gracias), Oliver Eicher (Gracias), Kenneth Ekman (Gracias), Assil El Nadeim (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Christoph Ellinger (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Anaïs Emery (the filmmakers would like to thank), Florian Engelhardt (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Simone Enkerli (the filmmakers would like to thank), Nicole Erdmann (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Kay Eskes (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Rick Eulen (special thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Martin Faltermeier (the filmmakers would like to thank), Arnaud Favre (the filmmakers would like to thank), Jennifer Favre (the filmmakers would like to thank), Gisela Feuz (the filmmakers would like to thank), Valentino Fiore (Agradecimiento especial), Melanie Flury (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), David Fonjallaz (the filmmakers would like to thank), Lionel Fragnière (Gracias), Bharathi Mayandi Franaszek (the filmmakers would like to thank), Andrea Leandro Frank (Agradecimiento especial), Romano Frank (Gracias), René Frei (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Rolf Friedlin (Gracias), Dominik Frutig (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Marco Fuchs (Gracias), Tobias Fuchs (Gracias), Christoph Fuhrmann (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Victor Hugo Fumagalli (the filmmakers would like to thank), Thomas Furter (the filmmakers would like to thank), Romano Galli (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Fabrice Gargantini (special thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jonny Gauer (Gracias), Roger Gautschi (special thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Alex Geissbühler (Gracias), Christoph Gerber (the filmmakers would like to thank), Manu Gerber (the filmmakers would like to thank), Lori Germain (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Luc Girardin (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Philipp Gisler (Gracias), Fabrizio Gobeli (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Christian Graber (Agradecimiento especial), Lukas Graf (the filmmakers would like to thank), Karin Sixtensdotter Graffmo (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Pascal Greuter (the filmmakers would like to thank), Lionel Grossrieder (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Joël Grosvernier (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jürgen Gruber (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Philipp Grundmann (Agradecimiento especial), Uwe Grählert (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Beat Guggisberg (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Yves Halbeisen-Orlando (Agradecimiento especial), Manuel Halter (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jens Hansen (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Ralf Hardegger (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Catherine Hartmann (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), David Hasler (Gracias), Glen Hattersley (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Matthieu Hattich (Gracias), Markos Hatzikas (Agradecimiento especial), Stefan Heiniger (Gracias), Dominik Heinkele (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Hardy Hellstern (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Tim Hemig (Gracias), Laura Herold (the filmmakers would like to thank), Andreas Herzog (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Joel Herzog (Gracias), Alistair Hill (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Teemu Hiltunen (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Cyrill Hitroff (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Maximilian Hochstrasser (the filmmakers would like to thank), Carlos Hof (Gracias), Pascal Holzer (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Luca Honegger (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Simon Horn (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Daniel Hottinger (Agradecimiento especial), Roger Howald (the filmmakers would like to thank), Laila Huber (the filmmakers would like to thank), Philipp Hug (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Simon Hulliger (Gracias), Pascal Hurni (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Bengt Häggland (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), René Hämmerli (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Silvan Hürlimann (Gracias), Boris Ischi (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Lukas Iselin (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Andras Ivics (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Konrad Jablonski (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Christophe Jacot (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jan Jambor (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jack Jansson (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Candy Johnson (the filmmakers would like to thank), Cedric Junillon (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Mirjam Jänni (the filmmakers would like to thank), Mike Kaestner (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Samuel Kalbermatten (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Emina Karic (the filmmakers would like to thank), Matthias Kaufmann (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Daniel Kellenberger (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Stephan Kellerhals (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Takashi Kido (Gracias), Georg Kirchhofer (Agradecimiento especial), Severin Kissling (Agradecimiento especial), Juergen Klaehr (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Urs Klopfstein (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Fabienne Koch (the filmmakers would like to thank), David Kocher (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jussi Koiranen (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Paul Krall (Gracias), Jerry Kreins (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Andreas Kronemann (Gracias), Rolf Kryenbühl (Gracias), Patrick Krähenbühl (Gracias), Felix Kuhn (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Simon Kuhn (the filmmakers would like to thank), Aleksi Kuronen (Gracias), Davis Kwame (the filmmakers would like to thank), Jakub Kána (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Alexander Köhler (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Rolf Lang (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Timo Langen (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jerome Laronche (Gracias), Mario Latzer (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Daniele Lazzaroni (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Philipp Lenherr (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Marc Leu (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Manfred Liechti (the filmmakers would like to thank), Stella Limbach (Agradecimiento especial), Christoph Linder (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Lasse Linder (the filmmakers would like to thank), Tanja Lipak (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Roger Lüber (Agradecimiento especial), Thomas Lüthi (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Daniel Lütolf (Gracias), Annick Mahnert (the filmmakers would like to thank), Pirmin Marti (the filmmakers would like to thank), Raphael Marti (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), David Masshardt (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Louis Mataré (the filmmakers would like to thank), Robert Matatko (Gracias), Adrian Matter (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Matti Mattila (special thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Beki McClemens (the filmmakers would like to thank), Ritu Mehta (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Christian Meier (the filmmakers would like to thank), Dominik Meier (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Lukas Meier (Gracias), Marco Meier (the filmmakers would like to thank), Mark Melnykowycz (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Dario Meloniq (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Felix Mica (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Leigh Michelmore (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Corina Isabella Milz (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Rami Molander (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Sonny Monti (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Nicolas Morain (Gracias), Jessy Moravec (the filmmakers would like to thank), Satoshi Mori (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Frances Morrissey (the filmmakers would like to thank), Vanessa Moselle (the filmmakers would like to thank), Marco Mumenthaler (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Nadia Muntwyler (the filmmakers would like to thank), Louis Mégroz (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), René Müller (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Tiziano Müller (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Nicolas Nater (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Natalie Neff (the filmmakers would like to thank), Mathias Nobs (Gracias), David Nägele (Agradecimiento especial), Fabian Oberhänsli-Rüthemann (Gracias), Andreas Oechslin (special thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Mikael Olsson (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Benno Orsingher (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jasmin Ossola (the filmmakers would like to thank), Gianni Palazzo (Gracias), Patrick Passerini (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Andre Passon (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Michael Peberdy (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Scott C. Pedigo (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Scott Cameron Pedigo (the filmmakers would like to thank: Mad Heidi Ambassadors), Alexander Pelzer (Gracias), Benoît Perritaz (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors (as Benoit Perritaz)), Samuel Petit (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jean Pfyffer (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Ivo Pfyl (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Franco Piatti (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Joaquim Piccand (Agradecimiento especial), Thomas Picek (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Christoph Pieren (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Katharina Pieren (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Arne Pottharst (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Alexandra Preuss (Gracias), Patrick Principe (special thanks / thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jürgen Püschel (Gracias), David Quartenoud (Agradecimiento especial), Jérôme Quennoz (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Roger Ramm (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Marc Ramser (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Stefan Rankwiler (Gracias), Ramon Raschle (Gracias), Andrea Raschèr (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors (as Andrea F. Raschèr)), Maxime Raymond (the filmmakers would like to thank), Stefan Reichle (Gracias), David Reichlin (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Sophie Reinhard (the filmmakers would like to thank), Simon Reinsch (Gracias), Hans-Peter Reist (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Max Rentakallio (the filmmakers would like to thank), Niklas Riedl (Gracias), Michel Rindlisbacher (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Mario Rohrhofer (Gracias), Reinhard Rosin (Gracias), Romano Roth (Gracias), Fredrik Roubert (Gracias), Marcel Rupp (Agradecimiento especial), Yoriyuki Sakai (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Gabriela Salvisberg (Agradecimiento especial), Florian Sandten (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Sara Schaer (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Christoph Schauz (Agradecimiento especial), Martin Scheuter (the filmmakers would like to thank), Stephan Schilling (Gracias), Anja Schindel (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Andrea Schläfli (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Martin Schmidt (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Michael Schneeberger (Gracias), Thomas Schneider (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Valério Schreier (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Yannik Schuler (Gracias), Daniel Schulze (Gracias), Jean-Claude Schuppisser (special thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Matthias Schwestermann (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Markus Schwind (Agradecimiento especial), Adrian Schön (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Andreas Schönhofen (Agradecimiento especial), Markus Schütz (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Robert Seidl (Gracias), Luzian Seiler (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jan Sembera (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Dominik Sengl (the filmmakers would like to thank / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Urs E. Senn (special thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Alex Sich (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jean-François Simon (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jeremy Simond (Agradecimiento especial), Christian Sommer (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Gabriel Sommer (Gracias), Gino Sperini (the filmmakers would like to thank), Robert Steglich (special thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Julian Steiner (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Wendelin Steiner (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Juri Steinhart (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Mindaugas Stonys (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Fabian Storz (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Stefan Strand (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Julia Strauss (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Michael Strubel (Gracias), Fernando Studer (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Mario Stöckli (Gracias), Alex Süsstrunk (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Marcus Tetzlaff (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Colin Thaa (the filmmakers would like to thank), Yohan Thibault (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Fabian Thierer (Gracias), Fragnière Thierer (Gracias), Iwan Thoma (Agradecimiento especial), Ian Thomas (special thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Fabrice Tobler (the filmmakers would like to thank), Balàzs Toth (the filmmakers would like to thank), Chris Townsend (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Franziska Tschannen (Agradecimiento especial), Patrick Tönz (the filmmakers would like to thank), Masayuki Uenaka (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Kanna Ueno (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Dawid Usarz (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Loïc Valceschini (the filmmakers would like to thank), Hans Van Caelenberg (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Jeroen Van Dinteren (the filmmakers would like to thank: early backers), Oscar van Hoogevest (the filmmakers would like to thank), Bjorn Van Steen (Gracias), Rimantas Vancys (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Elmar Vatter (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Esko Viiru (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Andreas Vollmer (special thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Marcel von Hagen (Gracias), Raphael Von Känel (Gracias), Ella Von Muralt (the filmmakers would like to thank), Karin Von Niederhäusern (Gracias), Pascal Von Ow (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Hans Martin Wegmüller (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Andre Weipert (Gracias), Andreas Weiss (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Achim Weitzenbürger (Gracias), Robert Weller (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Tom Wenger (the filmmakers would like to thank), Götz Wichmann (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Michael Wimmer (Agradecimiento especial), Oliver Wolff (thanks / the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Armin Wutscher (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), Thomas Wyler (Gracias), Mathias Wyttenbach (Gracias), Sven Wälti (the filmmakers would like to thank), Koyo Yoshida (the filmmakers would like to thank), Andrea Zampollo (Gracias), Yvan Zbinden (Gracias), Jasmin Zellweger (Gracias), Roger Ziegler (Gracias), Pascal Ziller (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors), René Zimmer (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors) y Manuel Zobl (the filmmakers would like to thank: early bird investors)

          Empresas distribuidoras

          24 Bilder FilmagenturNameless MediaPraesens-FilmCon Un Pack DistribuciónFactoris Films

          Empresas productoras

          Swissploitation FilmsA Film Company
          Palabras claveSuizaZombizombi

          Enlaces externos

          En esta sección podrás acceder a los recursos externos que utilizamos como fuentes. Así podrás chequear toda la información que publicamos y también ampliar tu conocimiento sobre "Mad Heidi".



          Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Johannes Hartmann, Alice Lucy o Max Rüdlinger? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre Mad Heidi. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine y series nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!

          Necesitamos tu ayuda

          Aficionado a la pantalla grande, su participación es clave para hacer de un paraíso cinéfilo completo. Queremos construir juntos la mejor base de datos cinematográfica, pero necesitamos su ayuda. ¿Encontraste algún dato faltante en la ficha de Mad Heidi? ¿Detectaste algún error en la sinopsis o el elenco? ¡Queremos saberlo todo!

          Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

          No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!

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