La películas Next Door del año 2020, está dirigida por Matt Shaw y protagonizada por Jan Anderson quien interpreta a India, Vas Blackwood en el papel de Harry, Amanda Clapham como Chloe, Tony Cook personificando a Mark y Louis du Toit desempeñando el papel de Zombi (ver créditos completos).
Es una obra de género Comedia, Drama y Horror producida en Reino Unido. Con una duración de 1h 23m (83 minutos), esta película tiene diálogos originales en Inglés. La banda sonora para esta producción ha sido compuesta por Brian Alan DeLaney, Vidan Hadzi-Vidanovic, Roland Macintosh y Henry Thompson.
La autoría de la historia que narra esta obra está compartida entre Matt Shaw (Escrito por), Justin Park ((additional writing by) &) y Peter Mckeirnon ((additional writing by)).
Lamentablemente por el momento no contamos con enlaces a proveedores para esta obra. Pasa por nuestro catálogo películas para ver online y encuentra films disponibles. También puedes dejarnos un comentario para que le demos prioridad y te avisaremos cuando se encuentre disponible
Duración: 1h 23m (83 minutos) .
Color: Color
Paises productores: La película Next Door fué producida en Reino Unido
Lenguaje original: Inglés.
Títulos en cada país:
Matt Shaw ((casting by))
Dean Letts (Director de fotografía)
Peter Mckeirnon (Asistente de dirección) y Justin Park (Asistente de dirección)
Michael Knight (Diseñador gráfico) y Henry Thompson (Diseñador gráfico)
Henry Thompson (Efectos visuales)
Nipona Khan (Maquilladora), Helena Larsen (Maquilladora), George Moore (Maquilladora), Lee Morgan (Maquilladora), Sarah Jayne Shaw (Asistente de maquillaje) y Chase Wagg (Maquilladora)
Klayton Dean (Registrador de sonido) y Soroosh Gholampur (Registrador de sonido)
Peter Mckeirnon (Camarógrafo)
Kyle Acosta (the producers wish to thank), Pidde Andersson (the producers wish to thank), Stephen Apicco (the producers wish to thank), Claire Louise Armstrong (the producers wish to thank), Ross Arrowsmith (the producers wish to thank), Ben Arthur (the producers wish to thank), Matt Ashton (the producers wish to thank), Ray Atchley (the producers wish to thank), Lee Bailes (the producers wish to thank), Patrick D Baker (the producers wish to thank), Jason Ball (the producers wish to thank), Tracy Wharton Beattie (the producers wish to thank), Francois Belanger (the producers wish to thank), Abby Braunsdorf (the producers wish to thank), Jeremy W. Brown (the producers wish to thank), Henk Brugge (the producers wish to thank), James Carnmal (the producers wish to thank), Alexander Choukanov (the producers wish to thank), John Christopher (the producers wish to thank), Travers Cleeman (the producers wish to thank), Mick Cooper (the producers wish to thank), Andrew Cordwell (the producers wish to thank), Katy Costello (the producers wish to thank), Steven Cottrell (the producers wish to thank), Jennifer Crawford (the producers wish to thank), Enrico D'Aniello (the producers wish to thank), Pete D'Arruda (the producers wish to thank), Kelley Daniel (the producers wish to thank), Brian Davidson (the producers wish to thank), Guy Anthony De Marco (the producers wish to thank), Kellen DeRuy (the producers wish to thank), Theresa Derwin (the producers wish to thank), Markus Dietrich (the producers wish to thank), Alexandra Diot (the producers wish to thank), Kevin Doe (the producers wish to thank), Ralph Donatelli (the producers wish to thank), Ethan Donbavand (the producers wish to thank), Jasher Drake (the producers wish to thank), Louis du Toit (the producers wish to thank), Paul Dulski (the producers wish to thank), Andrea Dutton (the producers wish to thank), Darren Edmett (the producers wish to thank), David Elvy (the producers wish to thank), Nathan Erickson (the producers wish to thank), Paul M. Feeney (the producers wish to thank), Thilo-W. Finger (the producers wish to thank), Thomas Flowers (the producers wish to thank), Andrew Frudenberg (the producers wish to thank), József Gallai (the producers wish to thank), Bernard John Alexander Galpin (the producers wish to thank), Maik Gaulke (the producers wish to thank), Ellie Gibbons (the producers wish to thank), Amy Gilchriest (the producers wish to thank), Keith Gillis (the producers wish to thank), Steven Grace (the producers wish to thank), Andy Gray (the producers wish to thank), Alan Greig (the producers wish to thank), Judy Haigh (the producers wish to thank), Sophie Hall (the producers wish to thank), Sophie Alexandra Hall (the producers wish to thank), Alison Hardy (the producers wish to thank), DC Harrison (the producers wish to thank), Michele Hartsoe (the producers wish to thank), Elizabeth Hasara (the producers wish to thank), Ross Heath (the producers wish to thank), Luke Helmer (the producers wish to thank), Jay Hennigan (the producers wish to thank), Mark Henson (the producers wish to thank), Laura J. Hickman (the producers wish to thank), Graham Hodge (the producers wish to thank), Richard Holmes (the producers wish to thank), Symone Hooley (the producers wish to thank), Daryl Hrdlicka (the producers wish to thank), Xavier Hugonet (the producers wish to thank), Francois Rolin Jacquemyns (the producers wish to thank), Greg James (the producers wish to thank), Robert Jennings (the producers wish to thank), Brett Erik Johnson (the producers wish to thank), Maz Johnson (the producers wish to thank), D.G. Jones (the producers wish to thank), Kim Jones (the producers wish to thank), Penny Jones (the producers wish to thank), Amy Joy (the producers wish to thank), Mal Jutley (the producers wish to thank), Batty Kay (the producers wish to thank), Micky Kay (the producers wish to thank), Melissa Kaza (the producers wish to thank), Maisy-Kay Kendrick (the producers wish to thank), John J. Kerecz (the producers wish to thank), Shaun R.L. King (the producers wish to thank), Nicolaj Klitbo (the producers wish to thank), Petri Kopakkala (the producers wish to thank), Jeffrey Koval (the producers wish to thank), Ugur Kutay (the producers wish to thank), Rasmus Ladegaard (the producers wish to thank), Erik Lara (the producers wish to thank), Tim Laubscher (the producers wish to thank), Rudy Ledbetter (the producers wish to thank), Rocky Lee (the producers wish to thank), Jan-Fei Li (the producers wish to thank), Richard William Todd (the producers wish to thank), Brian Luna (the producers wish to thank), Jamie Robert MacDougall (the producers wish to thank), Claire MacGregor (the producers wish to thank), Calum Mackenzie (the producers wish to thank), Joan Macleod (the producers wish to thank), Joshua Macmillan (the producers wish to thank), Marvin Maddicks Jr. (the producers wish to thank), Alain Marche (the producers wish to thank), Frank Martin (the producers wish to thank), Dane-Mychal Marvin (the producers wish to thank: CF3 - Cult Fans, Films & Finds), Paul McCarron (the producers wish to thank), Shane McCarthy (the producers wish to thank), Mike McCloud (the producers wish to thank), Sam McHaffey (the producers wish to thank), Christopher Scott McHenry (the producers wish to thank), George McIntosh (the producers wish to thank), Jim Mcleod (the producers wish to thank: Ginger Nuts Of Horror), Marques A. McPeck (the producers wish to thank), Jeff Menapace (the producers wish to thank), Steven Millan (the producers wish to thank), Dustin Montierth (the producers wish to thank), Bryan F. Moose (the producers wish to thank), Benjamin Morningstar (the producers wish to thank), Vincent Myles (the producers wish to thank), Adam Nagy (the producers wish to thank), Christi Newton (the producers wish to thank), Keith Norman (the producers wish to thank), David A. Oakes (the producers wish to thank), Thomas Eugene Otterman (the producers wish to thank: Thomas Otterman Horror Q&A Productions), Sarah Palmer (the producers wish to thank), Stuart Park (the producers wish to thank), Nigel Parkin (the producers wish to thank), Oscar Pavlo (the producers wish to thank), Jade Louise Pearson (the producers wish to thank), Lisa Perez (the producers wish to thank), Anthony Pierce (the producers wish to thank), Andrew Pinnock (the producers wish to thank), Jeremy Plume (the producers wish to thank), Trevor Poole (the producers wish to thank), Melissa Potter (the producers wish to thank), David Render (the producers wish to thank), David Rey (the producers wish to thank), Donald E. Reynolds (the producers wish to thank), Kelly Rickard (the producers wish to thank), Chad Ridgely (the producers wish to thank), Ernie Rivera (the producers wish to thank), Stian Sandland (the producers wish to thank), Suzanne Scherrer (the producers wish to thank), Adam Searle (the producers wish to thank), Maria Sebelist (the producers wish to thank), Julie Shaw (the producers wish to thank), Marie Shaw (the producers wish to thank), K.C. Shea (the producers wish to thank), John H. Shelton (the producers wish to thank), Dan Shepperd (the producers wish to thank), Brian Shultes (the producers wish to thank), Patti Smeltzer (the producers wish to thank), Billy Smith (the producers wish to thank), Dickon Springate (the producers wish to thank), Christian Staas (the producers wish to thank), Dennis Staats (the producers wish to thank), Isabell Stamms (the producers wish to thank), Lars Steenberg (the producers wish to thank), Stephen Carey Stopford (the producers wish to thank), Roger Strahl (the producers wish to thank), David Strege (the producers wish to thank), R.P. Sullivan (the producers wish to thank), Craig Surko (the producers wish to thank), Eddie Tam (the producers wish to thank), Darius Zia-Mahmoud Tammami (the producers wish to thank), Justin Thorpe (the producers wish to thank), Richard Todd (the producers wish to thank), Lisa Tone (the producers wish to thank), Ron Trembath (the producers wish to thank), John J. Tuite (the producers wish to thank), Quentin Turnball (the producers wish to thank), Chuck Vaile (the producers wish to thank), Melanie Van Horn (the producers wish to thank), Barry Vonk (the producers wish to thank), James C. Ward (the producers wish to thank), Andrew Ware (the producers wish to thank), Matt Warner (the producers wish to thank), Dean M. Watts (the producers wish to thank), Roberta Webb (the producers wish to thank), Matthew Philip Wee (the producers wish to thank), Mike Whelan (the producers wish to thank), Nadia White (the producers wish to thank), Bobby Williams (the producers wish to thank), Tony Wright (the producers wish to thank) y Jennifer Elizabeth York (the producers wish to thank)
En esta sección podrás acceder a los recursos externos que utilizamos como fuentes. Así podrás chequear toda la información que publicamos y también ampliar tu conocimiento sobre "Next Door".
Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Matt Shaw, Jan Anderson o Vas Blackwood? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre Next Door. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine y series nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!
Aficionado a la pantalla grande, su participación es clave para hacer de un paraíso cinéfilo completo. Queremos construir juntos la mejor base de datos cinematográfica, pero necesitamos su ayuda. ¿Encontraste algún dato faltante en la ficha de Next Door? ¿Detectaste algún error en la sinopsis o el elenco? ¡Queremos saberlo todo!
Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.
No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!
Este thriller paraguayo cautivó al mundo entero. 7 Cajas es una explosión de acción y suspenso. Esta joya cinematográfica latinoamericana sigue la historia de un carretillero del Mercado 4 de Asunción que se ve envuelto en un oscuro mundo de crimen
Por más sólido que sea un guión siempre hay espacio para que improvisaciones que se dan durante el rodaje de determinadas escenas queden en el producto final.
Desde Buenos Aires hasta el mundo, Tesis sobre un Homicidio se ha convertido en uno de los filmes más recomendados del cine argentino, cautivando audiencias y dejando su huella en la escena internacional.
En Hollywood casi todo lo que ocurre es mentira y parte de una película, sin embargo, existen cintas donde los actores realmente han tenido relaciones y fue parte de la obra publicada. Conócelas acá.
Conoce cómo se filmaron algunas escenas icónicas de Jurassic Park, con improvisaciones incluidas. ¡Descubre las curiosidades detrás del rodaje de un clásico cinematográfico!
Un grupo de cinéfilos se juntaron para debatir acerca de cuáles son sus escenas de acción favoritas y éste fue el resultado. No te pierdas los vídeos de estas secuencias inolvidables.