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Película > Splintered (2010)
Poster Splintered

Splintered (2010)



Elenco principal:



  • 2010-09-03
  • 1h 25m (85 minutos).
  • Thriller y Horror.
  • ✮44
    • 39 Imdb
    • 50 Themoviedb
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Publicidad Amazon


La películas Splintered del año 2010, está dirigida por Simeon Halligan y protagonizada por Stephen Walters quien interpreta a Gavin, Holly Weston en el papel de Sophie, Sacha Dhawan como Sam, Sadie Pickering personificando a Jane y Jonathan Readwin desempeñando el papel de Dean (ver créditos completos).

Es una obra de género Thriller y Horror producida en Reino Unido. Con una duración de 1h 25m (85 minutos), esta película tiene diálogos originales en Inglés. La banda sonora para esta producción ha sido compuesta por Richard Bodgers.

La autoría de la historia que narra esta obra está compartida entre Stephen Trimingham (Guión), Simeon Halligan (Guión) y Mat Archer (Guión).

SplinteredTrailer oficial de la película Splintered2010-09-03T08:00:00+08:00 Trailer
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Publicidad Amazon

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Información técnica y general

Duración: 1h 25m (85 minutos) .

Color: Color

Paises productores: La película Splintered fué producida en Reino Unido

Donde se filmó: UK, Lancashire, England, UK, St Joseph's College, Upholland, Lancashire, England, UK y Delamere Forest, Vale Royal, Cheshire, England, UK.

Lenguaje original: Inglés.

Títulos en cada país:



Créditos completos de la película Splintered




Father Thomas
The Creature
Sophie's Father
Father Jacob
Young Sophie
Young Gavin
Young Vincent
Oficial de policia
Oficial de policia
Stephen Worsley
Praying Boy 1
Praying Boy 2
Praying Boy 3
Sophie's Mother



Productor asociado
Productor asociado
Productor asociado
Productor ejecutivo


Michelle Smith


Michael Costelloe (Director de fotografía)

Ayudante de dirección

Andy Kitching (Asistente de dirección), Fiona Pegram (Tercer asistente de produccón), Clare Shepherd (first assistant director (as Claire Shepherd)) y Terry McShane (additional assistant director (u))

Dirección artística

Dave Powell, Tony Rooney y Dan Taylor

Departamento de arte

Phil Botting (additional construction chippy), David Caterall (additional construction chippy), Fred Duran-Jorda (Asistente de utilería), Louise Hines (props hand), Barry Renshaw (Artista del guión gráfico), Mason Rooney (additional construction hand), Daniel Wharton (props hand), Antony Wright (props hand) y Tony Rooney (property master (u))


Abbi Collins (Coordinador de dobles), Ray Nicholas (Doble de riesgo), James Roach (action double: Vincent), Amy Tyger (stunt double: Sophie), Marcus White (Doble de riesgo) y Thomas Woods (stunt double: Father Thomas (as Thomas Woods))

Diseño de vestuario

Scott Langridge

Efectos visuales

Sam Crothers (Productor de efectos visuales), Vanessa Cutt (Coordinador de efectos visuales), Christina Harrison (Artista de efectos visuales), Nick Harrison (Artista CG), Ben Haworth (visual effects compositor / visual effects supervisor), Matt King (lead cg artist), Andrew Li (match mover) y Shirley Sarker (Pintor mate)

Diseño de producción

Paul Kondras

Departamento de maquillaje

Stephen Dee (prosthetics designer), Kate Heney (additional makeup assistant), Rebecca Lloyd (Maquilladora), Darren Longthorne (prosthetics designer), Kathryn Newsome (Aprendiz de maquillaje), Claire Osler (additional makeup assistant), Emma Rohan (makeup work experience), Helen Whincup (additional makeup assistant) y Angela Williams (Diseñador del pelo/Diseñador de maquillaje)

Departamento de sonido

Andy Clarke (sound trainee (as Andrew Clarke)), Sally Hasketh (Editor de efectos de sonido), Gareth Hemes (sound technician / boom operator (u)), Paul Hickey (sound technician), Nick Johnson (Editor de efectos de sonido), Mark Scourfield (sound recordist: epk), Alan Sheldon (post-production sound / sound designer / sound recordist (u)), Caroline Singh (sound trainee) y Ryan McMurray (sound trainee (dailies) (u))

Departamento de vestuario

Caroline Harris (Supervisor de vestuario), Nikki Lloyd (Asistente adicional de vestuario), Rebecca Salisbury-Moss (wardrobe assistant (as Rebecca Salisbury Moss)) y Scott Langridge (costumer (u))

Departamento de reparto

Andrea Layfield (casting assistant: Northern casting) y Loren Mclaughlan (casting runner (as Loren Mclaughlin))

Departamento de editorial

Ali Awad (Primer asistente de editor) y Diane Hutchinson (post script services)

Departamento de transporte

Alan Evans (Capitán de transporte)

Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

Kerry Arthur (additional camera assistant), Alice Berkeley (additional camera assistant), Thomas Beswick (additional lighting trainee / assistant camera: second unit (u)), Grenville Charles (Fotógrafo), Mark Davenport (Primer asistente de cámara), Emma Friend (Asistente de cámara), Ric Hallworth (electrician trainee (as Richard Hallworth)), Laurie Jeffery (additional photography), Tobin Jones (Asistente de cámara), Jameel Kazmi (electrician trainee), Joe MacDonald (best boy (as Joe Macdonald)), Danny Mendieta (second second assistant camera: second unit (u)), Julius Ogden (Asistente de cámara), Ben Oliver (focus puller), Dave Powell (Fotógrafo), Mark Rickitt (Capataz), Stephen Rosimus (Aprendiz de camarógrafo), Chris Sarginson (electrician (as Christopher Sarginson)), Greg Smith (camera operator: epk), Andrew Swarbrick (Fotógrafo), Martin Talbot (camera operator: epk), Ian Thraves (Fotógrafo), Emilio Vidarte (Aprendiz de camarógrafo) y Anthony Ward (Iluminador)

Gestión de producción

Sarada McDermott (supervisor de post-producción)


Ann Alexander (this film would not have been possible without the support of), John Bate (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Nigel Bennett (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Mark Bower (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Lisa Brookes (Agradecimiento especial), Suzie Bunn (Agradecimiento especial), Chris Burgess (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Roger V. Burton (this film would not have been possible without the support of (as Roger Burton)), Rosina Carbone (Agradecimiento especial), Julie Carson (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Michael Clavell-Bate (this film would not have been possible without the support of (as Michael Clavel Bate)), Gillian Clayton (Agradecimiento especial), James Clayton (Agradecimiento especial), Rosie Collier (Agradecimiento especial), Richard Crackles (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Paul Crolley (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Frank Daiyan (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Andrew Davies (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Alan Dempsey (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Tim Edwards (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Jason Furnival (Agradecimiento especial), Eileen Gartside (Agradecimiento especial), Mark Getliffe (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Simon Goodchild (this film would not have been possible without the support of), John Gregory (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Mike Healy (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Richard Heggie (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Diane Hill (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Margaret Hope (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Mariam Hussain (Agradecimiento especial), Jonathan Jackson (Agradecimiento especial), John Kazar (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Rebecca Keenan (Agradecimiento especial), Paul Lawton (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Stephen Lundy (Agradecimiento especial), Giles Maynard Connor (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Sarah McCall (Agradecimiento especial), John McMuldroch (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Dominique Molloy (Agradecimiento especial), Tony Mooney (Agradecimiento especial), Lisa Morley (Agradecimiento especial), Rachel Mozley (Agradecimiento especial), Matthew Murphy (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Neeraj Pathak (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Andrew Patrick (Agradecimiento especial), Jean Pickering (Agradecimiento especial), Stuart Pickering (special thanks (as Stewart Pickering)), John Pugh (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Colin Rigby (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Cybelle Rowbottom (Agradecimiento especial), Jeff Salkeld (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Adam Smith (Agradecimiento especial), Daniel Stevenson (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Marcia Tankle (Agradecimiento especial), Anne Taylor (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Neil Topping (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Ric Traynor (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Dawn Trimingham (Agradecimiento especial), David Twigge (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Edward Twigge (this film would not have been possible without the support of), James Twigge (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Michael Twigge (this film would not have been possible without the support of), David Unwin (this film would not have been possible without the support of), Gerry Vose (Agradecimiento especial) y Bill Wheale (this film would not have been possible without the support of)

Empresas distribuidoras

Well Go USA EntertainmentKaleidoscope Home EntertainmentSyfy Universal

Empresas productoras

Splintered FilmsNot a NumberBTG McInnes Corporate Finance

Otras empresas

All Clear FilmsHallidaysAnchor TrainingSkylab DesignHummingbird Sound

Empresas de efectos especiales

Palabras claveAdolescenteRedneckCriaturacriaturabritánicoadolescentes

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Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

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