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Película > Tennessee Gothic (2019)
Poster Tennessee Gothic

Tennessee Gothic (2019)



Elenco principal:



  • 2019-10-15
  • 1h 28m (88 minutos).
  • Comedia y Horror.
  • ✮52
    • 54 Imdb
    • 50 Themoviedb
    • 54 Rottentomatoes
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Publicidad Amazon


La películas Tennessee Gothic del año 2019, está dirigida por Jeff Wedding y protagonizada por William Ryan Watson quien interpreta a Caleb, Jackie Kelly en el papel de Sylvia, Victor Hollingsworth como Paw, Wynn Reichert personificando a Reverend Simms y Christine Poythress desempeñando el papel de Mrs. Simms (ver créditos completos).

Es una obra de género Comedia y Horror producida en EE.UU.. Con una duración de 1h 28m (88 minutos), esta película tiene diálogos originales en Inglés. La banda sonora para esta producción ha sido compuesta por Greg Bennett.

Los créditos de la trama de esta historia están divididos entre Ray Russell ((screenplay based on his short story)) y Jeff Wedding (guión).

Publicidad Amazon

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Información técnica y general

Duración: 1h 28m (88 minutos) .

Color: Color

Paises productores: La película Tennessee Gothic fué producida en EE.UU.

Donde se filmó: USA, Tennessee, USA, Nashville, Tennessee, USA y Viola, Tennessee, USA.

Lenguaje original: Inglés.

Títulos en cada país:


Créditos completos de la película Tennessee Gothic




Reverend Simms
Mrs. Simms
Empleado de la tienda



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Productor asociado
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Eric Stanze

Ayudante de dirección

Katie Groshong (Asistente de dirección)

Departamento de arte

Fred Groshong (Accesorios) y Erin Grosvenor (Bigelow sign artist)

Efectos visuales

Trevor Williams (Artista de efectos visuales)

Departamento de maquillaje

Katie Groshong (hair and makeup)

Departamento de musica

Scott W. Hallgren (Supervisor musical)

Departamento de sonido

Scott W. Hallgren (location sound), Linzi Holandes (location sound), Gus Stevenson (location sound), Jeff Wedding (dialogue editor / sound designer / sound effects editor) y Murphy Wedding (Sylvia creature sound effects)

Departamento de vestuario

Katie Groshong (Guardarropa)

Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

Adam Halloway (gaffer / still photographer), Brandon Holt (set photographer), Matthew Simard (electrician / grip / still photographer), Eric Stanze (Camarógrafo) y Harry Walker (camera operator / first assistant camera / still photographer)

Gestión de producción

Harry Walker (supervisor de post-producción)


Adam Ahlbrandt (the filmmakers wish to thank), Liam Aldridge (the filmmakers wish to thank), Kentucker Audley (the filmmakers wish to thank), Lee Augusty (the filmmakers wish to thank), Jan Austin (the filmmakers wish to thank), A.P. Baudlin (the filmmakers wish to thank), Per Berg (the filmmakers wish to thank), Suzanne Bettonville (the filmmakers wish to thank), Dan Blanchette (the filmmakers wish to thank), David Bowen (the filmmakers wish to thank), David Bridgers (the filmmakers wish to thank), Emmett Brown (the filmmakers wish to thank), Justin Brown (the filmmakers wish to thank), Karen Brown (the filmmakers wish to thank), Michael Brown (the filmmakers wish to thank), Iggy Butts (the filmmakers wish to thank), Kathy Butts (the filmmakers wish to thank), Patty Campbell (the filmmakers wish to thank), Preston Carnell (the filmmakers wish to thank), Bridget Casey (the filmmakers wish to thank), Mark Chalos (the filmmakers wish to thank), Kat Cloud (the filmmakers wish to thank), Jason Coffman (the filmmakers wish to thank), Bill Cornelius (the filmmakers wish to thank), Steve Daniels (the filmmakers wish to thank), Warren Davis (the filmmakers wish to thank), Misty Dawn (the filmmakers wish to thank), Tom Delfino (the filmmakers wish to thank), Gary Dempsey (the filmmakers wish to thank), Peggy Doerge (the filmmakers wish to thank), Christopher Doyle (the filmmakers wish to thank), David Dunbar (the filmmakers wish to thank), Angelina Endresen (the filmmakers wish to thank), Ford Fanter (the filmmakers wish to thank), Jason Gilliland (the filmmakers wish to thank), Jeffrey Grosvenor (the filmmakers wish to thank), Sheila Grosvenor (the filmmakers wish to thank), Matthew Gulick (the filmmakers wish to thank), Oslin Gulick (the filmmakers wish to thank), Per Axel Hagne (the filmmakers wish to thank), Benji Hanks (the filmmakers wish to thank), Tameron Hedge (the filmmakers wish to thank), Sherry Hickey (the filmmakers wish to thank), Ned Hill (the filmmakers wish to thank), Sharon Hillis (the filmmakers wish to thank), Brandon Holt (the filmmakers wish to thank), Beki Ingram (the filmmakers wish to thank), Atulya Iyengar (the filmmakers wish to thank), Stephen Jackson (the filmmakers wish to thank), Heather Johnson (the filmmakers wish to thank), Mark Johnson (the filmmakers wish to thank), Sean Kelly (the filmmakers wish to thank), William Kelly (the filmmakers wish to thank), Patrick Kennedy (the filmmakers wish to thank), Joe Todd Kerns (the filmmakers wish to thank), Chad Crawford Kinkle (the filmmakers wish to thank), Jeff Klag (the filmmakers wish to thank), Nan Lee (the filmmakers wish to thank), Frank Lennon (the filmmakers wish to thank), Cara Lewis (the filmmakers wish to thank), Jason Limberg (the filmmakers wish to thank), Rebecca Lines (the filmmakers wish to thank), Ken Lobacz (the filmmakers wish to thank), Robert Logue (the filmmakers wish to thank), Michael Lynch (the filmmakers wish to thank), Emily Mally (the filmmakers wish to thank), Anthony McGregor (the filmmakers wish to thank), David Mellow (the filmmakers wish to thank), Johnny Mark Miller (the filmmakers wish to thank), Ryan Mils (the filmmakers wish to thank), Christopher Moore (the filmmakers wish to thank), Ken Moore (the filmmakers wish to thank), Asher Moss (the filmmakers wish to thank), Scott Mumford (the filmmakers wish to thank), Vincent Myles (the filmmakers wish to thank), Kristy Nielsen (the filmmakers wish to thank), Haven Nutt (the filmmakers wish to thank), Robert Orr (the filmmakers wish to thank), Jim Ousley (the filmmakers wish to thank), Andrew Owsley (the filmmakers wish to thank), Blake Owsley (the filmmakers wish to thank), Tim Patience (the filmmakers wish to thank), Keltie Hays Peay (the filmmakers wish to thank), Karsten Peters (the filmmakers wish to thank), Tracy Beckham Phipps (the filmmakers wish to thank), Richard Powell (the filmmakers wish to thank), Christine Poythress (the filmmakers wish to thank), Calvin Lee Reeder (the filmmakers wish to thank), Amanda Reising (the filmmakers wish to thank), Matt Rhoden (the filmmakers wish to thank), Brian Riccomini (the filmmakers wish to thank), James Richards (the filmmakers wish to thank), Matt Riddlehoover (the filmmakers wish to thank), Mikie Rump (the filmmakers wish to thank), James J. Scalf (the filmmakers wish to thank), Meredith Schakel (the filmmakers wish to thank), Bob Schumacher (the filmmakers wish to thank), Scott Scovill (the filmmakers wish to thank), Matthew Simard (the filmmakers wish to thank), Keirsey Stanley (the filmmakers wish to thank), Gus Stevenson (the filmmakers wish to thank), Casey Straunch (the filmmakers wish to thank), Tony Strauss (the filmmakers wish to thank), John Swayne (the filmmakers wish to thank), Jason Swisher (the filmmakers wish to thank), Dustin Tittle (the filmmakers wish to thank), Adam Troutt (the filmmakers wish to thank), Quentin Turnbull (the filmmakers wish to thank), Andrew van den Houten (the filmmakers wish to thank), Andy Van Roon (the filmmakers wish to thank), Todd E. Walnuts (the filmmakers wish to thank), Turner Stewart (the filmmakers wish to thank), Bud Webster (the filmmakers wish to thank), Aeron Wedding (the filmmakers wish to thank), Stephen A. Wedding (the filmmakers wish to thank), Stephen R. Wedding (the filmmakers wish to thank), Clayton Wilder (the filmmakers wish to thank), Cassie Williams (the filmmakers wish to thank), Emily Williams (the filmmakers wish to thank), Trevor Williams (the filmmakers wish to thank), Elvis Wilson (the filmmakers wish to thank), Matt Witte (the filmmakers wish to thank), Rachel Woodhouse (the filmmakers wish to thank) y Becky Wren (the filmmakers wish to thank)

Empresas productoras

En Media Res Films & VideosGypsyRoot Productions

Otras empresas

GypsyRoot Designs & FindsLadybug Vintage and Unique Event Rentals

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Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Jeff Wedding, William Ryan Watson o Jackie Kelly? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre Tennessee Gothic. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine y series nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!

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Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!

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