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Película > Waiting for the Moon
Waiting for the Moon

Waiting for the Moon (1987)



Elenco principal:



  • 1h 28m (88 minutos).
  • Drama.
  • 6/10
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La película Waiting for the Moon del año 1987, está dirigida por Jill Godmilow y protagonizada por Linda Hunt quien interpreta a Alice B. Toklas, Linda Bassett en el papel de Gertrude Stein, Jacques Boudet como Guillaume Apollinaire, Andrew McCarthy personificando a Henry Hopper y Bernadette Lafont desempeñando el papel de Fernande Olivier (ver créditos completos).

Es un filme de género Drama producido en Reino Unido, EE.UU., Francia y Alemania occidental. Con una duración de 1h 28m (88 minutos), esta película tiene diálogos originales en Inglés. La banda sonora para esta obra ha sido compuesta por Michael Sahl.

En IMDb, la película recibió una puntuación moderadamente buena de 6 puntos sobre 10.

Los créditos de la trama de esta historia están divididos entre Jill Godmilow (Historia) y Mark Magill ((screenplay) / (story)).

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          Información técnica y general

          Duración: 1h 28m (88 minutos) .

          Color: Color

          Paises productores: La película Waiting for the Moon fué producida en Reino Unido, EE.UU., Francia y Alemania occidental

          Donde se filmó: Nucourt, France y Villers-en-Arthies, France.

          Lenguaje original: Inglés.

          Títulos en cada país:



          Créditos completos de la película Waiting for the Moon




          Alice B. Toklas
          Gertrude Stein
          Guillaume Apollinaire
          Henry Hopper
          Fernande Olivier
          Pablo Picasso
          Monsieur Thiele
          Madame Thiele
          Ernest Hemingway
          Director de escena
          Sound Effects Man
          Bordello Madame
          Baby Willi



          Productor en línea
          Productor en línea
          Productor ejecutivo
          Productor asociado
          Productor en línea
          production executive: Société Française de Production


          Pat Golden y Laura Kennedy


          André Neau (Director de fotografía)

          Ayudante de dirección

          Frédéric Bourboulon (Asistente de dirección), Géraldine Petrovic (Asistente de dirección) y Alain Peyrollaz (Asistente de dirección)

          Departamento de arte

          Philippe Boulenouar (art department crew (as Phillipe Boulnouar)), Jeanne-Louise Bulliard (Jefe de utilería), Nicolas Doyon (art department crew), Bat Sheva Givaty (painting reproductions: H. Aoki Studio), Antonio Grassi (art department crew), Michèle Hautin (art department crew), Patrice Leturcq (art department crew), Laurence Malaplatte (art department crew (as Laurence Malaplate)), Marc Noël (art department crew), Philippe Renucci (art department crew) y Nathalie Scapel (art department crew)

          Diseño de vestuario

          Elisabeth Tavernier ((as Élisabeth Tavernier))

          Diseño de producción

          Patrice Mercier

          Departamento de maquillaje

          Josée De Luca (additional make-up artist), Hollywood Di Russo (hair stylist (as Hollywood DiRusso) / makeup artist (as Hollywood DiRusso)) y Agathe Moro (haircutter)

          Departamento de sonido

          Scott Breindel (Registrador de sonido), Philippe Charrier (Operador de micrófono), Sophie Cornu (Editor de sonido), Marielle Fernandez (Asistente de editor de sonido), William Flageollet (Re-grabación de sonido), Alain Garnier (Grabador de Foley), Catherine Leygonie (looping supervisor: Tri Track Sync), Alain Lévy (foley assistant (as Alain Levy)), Jérôme Lévy (foley artist (as Jérôme Levy)) y François Sniatecki (post-synchronization timer)

          Departamento de vestuario

          Charlotte David (Jefe de vestuaristas)

          Departamento de editorial

          Catherine Despratz (assistant editor (as Catherine Despratx)), Wendy Hori (Aprendiz de editor), Anne Saint Macary (Editor asistente) y Adeline Yoyotte (associate editor (as Adeline Yoyotte-Husson))

          Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

          Jean-Louis Angelini (Camarógrafo), Stéphane Bietron (additional electrician), Laurent Daum (loader), Gilles Fortier (Asistente de electricidad), Jean-Pierre Goilard (Encargado de equipamiento de cámara), Yves Goustard (focus puller), Théo Louis Jean (grip (as Théophile Louis-Jean)), Claude Marcillac (Asistente) y Jean-Marie Vimard (chief electrician)

          Decoración de escenario

          Marie Mercier Bourboulon ((as Marie Bourboulon))

          Gestión de producción

          Frédéric Bourboulon (Jefe de producción)


          Carole Lange (the producers wish to thank (as Carole Lange)), José Achaehe (the producers wish to thank), Gilles Ades (the producers wish to thank), Tim Angle (the producers wish to thank), Doro Bachrach (the producers wish to thank), Stellar Bennett (the producers wish to thank), Maurice Bernart (the producers wish to thank), Gladys Berry (the producers wish to thank), Dominique Besnehard (the producers wish to thank), Andrée Bocca (the producers wish to thank), Peter Bradley (the producers wish to thank), Leon Brettler (the producers wish to thank), Lee Breuer (the producers wish to thank), Richard Brick (the producers wish to thank), Charles Brill (the producers wish to thank), Ian Calderon (the producers wish to thank), Geoffrey Carey (the producers wish to thank), Christian Charret (the producers wish to thank), Brenda Curran (the producers wish to thank), Pascale Dauman (the producers wish to thank), Gilbert de Goldschmidt (the producers wish to thank), Guillaume de Vergès (the producers wish to thank (as Guillaume De Verges)), Jean-Noël Dible (the producers wish to thank), Mark Dichter (the producers wish to thank), Bertrand Dormoy (the producers wish to thank), Marie-Hélène Estève (the producers wish to thank), Ellen Flamm (the producers wish to thank), Charles Fox (the producers wish to thank), Christian Fuin (the producers wish to thank), William Gass (the producers wish to thank), Jean-Marc Gernigon (the producers wish to thank (as Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Marc Gernigon)), Marjorie Glasser (the producers wish to thank), Lynn Godmilow (the producers wish to thank), Peggy Gormly (the producers wish to thank), Priscilla Guastavino (the producers wish to thank), John Hanson (the producers wish to thank), Michael Hausman (the producers wish to thank), Tom Johnston (the producers wish to thank), Yolande Jurzykowski (producers gratefully acknowledge support from), E. Ann Kaplan (the producers wish to thank), Nancy Kemp (the producers wish to thank), Howard Klein (the producers wish to thank), Robert Kramer (the producers wish to thank), Marcia Jean Kurtz (the producers wish to thank), Jeanne Labrune (the producers wish to thank), Gunther Langhard (the producers wish to thank), Steve Lavine (the producers wish to thank), Jennifer Lawson (the producers wish to thank), Robert Littman (the producers wish to thank), Bryan Lourd (the producers wish to thank), Deborah Lucchesi (the producers wish to thank), Jean Mabille (the producers wish to thank (as Mr. & Mrs. Jean Mabille)), Jacques Mader (the producers wish to thank), Marie-Christine Malbert (the producers wish to thank), Ruth Maleczech (the producers wish to thank), Paul Mallon (the producers wish to thank), Holly Massee (the producers wish to thank), Jack Massee (the producers wish to thank), Kim Massee (the producers wish to thank), Catherine Meynial (the producers wish to thank), Margaret Ménégoz (the producers wish to thank), Ellen Novak (the producers wish to thank), Estelle Parsons (the producers wish to thank), Daniel Patry (the producers wish to thank (as Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Patry)), Arthur Penn (the producers wish to thank), Sylvie Perin (the producers wish to thank), Eric Peter (the producers wish to thank), George Pilzer (the producers wish to thank), David Preminger (the producers wish to thank), Robert Redford (the producers wish to thank), Ruth Reiss (the producers wish to thank), Fred Roos (the producers wish to thank), Susan Rose (the producers wish to thank), Jérôme Rudes (the producers wish to thank), Jean-Pierre Ruh (the producers wish to thank), Maïté Ruh (the producers wish to thank), Paul Ryan (the producers wish to thank), Michelle Satter (the producers wish to thank), Ruth Schell (the producers wish to thank), Barbara Schulberg (the producers wish to thank), Elisabeth Serman (the producers wish to thank), Julien Serman (the producers wish to thank), Barbara Shapiro (the producers wish to thank), Chris Sievernich (the producers wish to thank), Lilyan Sievernich (the producers wish to thank), Britta Sjogren (the producers wish to thank), Bertrand Tavernier (the producers wish to thank), Olivier Thaon (the producers wish to thank), Roberta Lynn Tross (the producers wish to thank (as Roberta Tross)), Rene Valleh (the producers wish to thank), Sterling Van Wagenen (the producers wish to thank (as Sterling Vanwagenen)), Daniel Vigne (the producers wish to thank), Valeria Wasilewski (the producers wish to thank), Deborah Werbner (the producers wish to thank) y Victoria Westhead (the producers wish to thank)

          Empresas distribuidoras

          Skouras PicturesPublic Broadcasting Service (PBS)Cine SaisonFacets Multimedia DistributionKey Video

          Empresas productoras

          American Playhouse Theatrical FilmsNew Front FilmsA.B. FilmsThe Laboratory for Icon & IdiomSociété Française de Production (SFP)

          Otras empresas

          Agfa GevaertAmerican PlayhouseArriflexCorporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)Elison

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          Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Jill Godmilow, Linda Hunt o Linda Bassett? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre Waiting for the Moon. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!

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          Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

          No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!

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