Paul Baker
Créditos en:
Departamento de arte
2023 | Babylon 2022 | Doctor Strange en el multiverso de la locura 2016 | Call It Mother's Intuition 2016 | Is Someone Really Dead? 2016 | It's About Frank 2016 | Always Bet Black 2016 | There Are Worse Things Than Murder 2016 | We're Good People Now 2012 | Lost My Power 2012 | With So Little to Be Sure Of 2012 | Any Moment 2012 | Is This What You Call Love? 2012 | What's the Good of Being Good 2012 | Give Me the Blame 2012 | Finishing the Hat 2012 | The People Will Hear 2011 | Witch's Lament 2011 | The Art of Making Art 2011 | School of Hard Knocks 2011 | Watch While I Revise the World 2011 | Making the Connection 2011 | Secrets That I Never Want to Know 2011 | Cowboys & Aliens 2011 | Thor 2011 | The Lies Ill-Concealed 2011 | Moments in the Woods 2011 | Everything's Different, Nothing's Changed 2011 | Searching 2011 | Farewell Letter 2011 | Flashback 2011 | I'm Still Here 2011 | And Lots of Security... 2011 | Come on Over for Dinner 2011 | Then I Really Got Scared 2011 | I'll Swallow Poison on Sunday 2010 | The Thing That Counts Is What's Inside 2010 | Truly Content 2010 | You Must Meet My Wife 2010 | Remember Paul? 2010 | Epiphany 2010 | We All Deserve to Die 2010 | My Two Young Men 2010 | Chromolume No. 7 2010 | The Chase 2010 | Lovely 2010 | The Glamorous Life 2010 | How About a Friendly Shrink? 2010 | I Guess This Is Goodbye 2010 | You Gotta Get a Gimmick 2010 | The Ballad of Booth 2010 | If... 2010 | A Little Night Music 2009 | Boom Crunch 2009 | Would I Think of Suicide? 2009 | The Coffee Cup 2009 | Careful the Things You Say 2009 | Don't Walk on the Grass 2009 | The God-Why-Don't-You-Love-Me Blues 2009 | Never Judge a Lady by Her Lover 2009 | Being Alive 2009 | Nice Is Different Than Good 2009 | Arrástrame al infierno 2009 | G.I. Joe: El origen de Cobra 2009 | Rose's Turn 2009 | Look Into Their Eyes and You See What They Know 2009 | A Spark. To Pierce the Dark. 2009 | The Story of Lucy and Jessie 2009 | Crime Doesn't Pay 2009 | Simplemente no te quiere 2009 | Everybody Says Don't 2009 | If It's Only in Your Head 2009 | Marry Me a Little 2009 | Bargaining 2008 | Back in Business 2008 | Kids Ain't Like Everybody Else 2008 | We're So Happy You're So Happy 2008 | You're Gonna Love Tomorrow 2007 | Gossip 2007 | God, That's Good 2007 | Liaisons 2007 | Dress Big 2007 | My Husband, the Pig 2007 | The Little Things You Do Together 2007 | I Remember That 2007 | Come Play Wiz Me 2007 | Getting Married Today 2007 | What Would We Do Without You? 2007 | Into the Woods 2006 | Bang 2006 | Sweetheart, I Have to Confess 2006 | Nice She Ain't 2006 | Las torres gemelas 2006 | Like It Was 2006 | A Weekend in the Country 2006 | It Takes Two 2006 | It Wasn't Meant to Happen 2006 | Don't Look at Me 2006 | Everybody Says Don't 2006 | Could I Leave You? 2006 | There Is No Other Way 2006 | Thank You So Much 2006 | Silly People 2006 | There's Something About a War 2006 | Remember: Part 1 2006 | We're Gonna Be All Right 2006 | No One Is Alone 2006 | One More Kiss 2006 | I Know Things Now 2005 | I Wish I Could Forget You 2005 | They Asked Me Why I Believe in You 2005 | My Heart Belongs to Daddy 2005 | You'll Never Get Away from Me 2005 | You Could Drive a Person Crazy 2005 | Next 2003 | Where the Red Fern Grows 2002 | Hitters 2002 | La vida continúa 2001 | Bones: El ángel de la oscuridad 2001 | Madison 2000 | Un domingo cualquiera 1999 | Chapter Zero 1999 | Lejos de Providencia 1998 | La isla de McCinsey 1997 | Mayday 1996 | Illtown Sin fecha | Rebel MoonOtra participaron
1997 | Gente peligrosaAgradecimientos
2018 | OccupationEnlaces externos
Aquí puedes compartir tus reflexiones, anécdotas y opiniones sobre la vida y carrera de Paul Baker. ¿Qué te ha inspirado de su trayectoria? ¿Tienes alguna anécdota personal que desees compartir? ¿Cuál es tu película favorita en la que ha participado?
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Este thriller paraguayo cautivó al mundo entero. 7 Cajas es una explosión de acción y suspenso. Esta joya cinematográfica latinoamericana sigue la historia de un carretillero del Mercado 4 de Asunción que se ve envuelto en un oscuro mundo de crimen
Por más sólido que sea un guión siempre hay espacio para que improvisaciones que se dan durante el rodaje de determinadas escenas queden en el producto final.
Desde Buenos Aires hasta el mundo, Tesis sobre un Homicidio se ha convertido en uno de los filmes más recomendados del cine argentino, cautivando audiencias y dejando su huella en la escena internacional.
En Hollywood casi todo lo que ocurre es mentira y parte de una película, sin embargo, existen cintas donde los actores realmente han tenido relaciones y fue parte de la obra publicada. Conócelas acá.
Conoce cómo se filmaron algunas escenas icónicas de Jurassic Park, con improvisaciones incluidas. ¡Descubre las curiosidades detrás del rodaje de un clásico cinematográfico!
Un grupo de cinéfilos se juntaron para debatir acerca de cuáles son sus escenas de acción favoritas y éste fue el resultado. No te pierdas los vídeos de estas secuencias inolvidables.