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Película > La bella y la bestia (1992)
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La bella y la bestia (1992)



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La películas La bella y la bestia del año 1992, conocida originalmente como "Beauty and the Beast", está dirigida en conjunto por Gary Trousdale y Kirk Wise y protagonizada por Robby Benson quien interpreta a Beast, Jesse Corti en el papel de Lefou, Rex Everhart como Maurice, Angela Lansbury personificando a Mrs. Potts y Paige O'Hara desempeñando el papel de Belle (ver créditos completos).

Es una obra de género Familia, Fantasía, Romance, Musical y Animación producida en EE.UU.. Con una duración de 01 hr 24 min (84 minutos), esta película tiene diálogos originales en Inglés y Francés. La banda sonora para esta producción ha sido compuesta por Alan Menken.

Para el desarrollo de la historia que cuenta esta obra, se necesitaron nada menos que 5 colaboraciones. Linda Woolverton ((animation screenplay by)), Brenda Chapman (Historia), Chris Sanders ((story) (as Christopher Sanders)), Burny Mattinson (Historia) y Kevin Harkey (Historia).

La bella y la bestiaTrailer oficial de la película La bella y la bestia1992-07-09T08:00:00+08:00 Trailer
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La bella y la bestiaVideo de la película La bella y la bestia1992-07-09Trailer
La bella y la bestiaVideo de la película La bella y la bestia1992-07-09Trailer
La bella y la bestiaVideo de la película La bella y la bestia1992-07-09Trailer
La bella y la bestiaVideo de la película La bella y la bestia1992-07-09Trailer
La bella y la bestiaVideo de la película La bella y la bestia1992-07-09Trailer
La bella y la bestiaVideo de la película La bella y la bestia1992-07-09Trailer
Publicidad Amazon

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          Críticas de La bella y la bestia realizadas por profesionales


          Resumen de reseñas

          “La Bella y la Bestia” es un hito de la animación que combina a la perfección romance, música y un profundo sentido de la fantasía, creando una experiencia cautivadora. Esta película no solo marcó el inicio de una era dorada para Disney en los años noventa, sino que también logró una nominación al Oscar como Mejor Película, un logro sin precedentes para el cine de animación. Su narrativa, que gira en torno a la transformación de un príncipe maldito y su relación con la valiente Belle, se desarrolla en un mundo visual deslumbrante, lleno de detalles que evocan la magia de clásicos como “Pinocho” y “Dumbo”.

          La banda sonora, compuesta por Alan Menken, es indiscutiblemente memorable, con canciones icónicas que han perdurado en la cultura popular. La profundidad de sus personajes, desde la nobleza de Belle hasta la complejidad del Bestia y el egocentrismo de Gaston, añade capas de emoción a la historia. Cada escena está meticulosamente diseñada para mantener al espectador cautivado, logrando un equilibrio entre la fantasía y lecciones de vida universales, como no juzgar por las apariencias. “La Bella y la Bestia” es, sin duda, un clásico atemporal que seguirá resonando en generaciones futuras.

          ..ver fuentes

          - /5

          Reseña de

          Antes del nacimiento de Pixar, 'La bella y la bestia' fue la mejor película de animación de la historia. (...) perfecta combinación de romance, música, fantasía, humor (...) y media docena de números de canto y danza francamente espectaculares
          - /5

          Reseña de

          Con 'Beauty and the Beast', una película tierna, perfecta y aún más ambiciosa que su predecesora, Disney ha hecho algo que nadie había hecho antes: combinar las últimas técnicas de animación por ordenador con lo mejor de Broadway.
          - /5

          Reseña de

          Con una mirada sorprendente y detallada y una historia sólida, seguro que encantará a un público amplio tanto ahora como en el futuro.


          20/20 Awards

          Felix (2012)

          Academy Awards, USA

          Oscar (1992)

          Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA

          Saturn Award (1993)

          • Nominado | Mejor película de fantasía
            • Nominado | Mejor música

            Información técnica y general

            Duración: 01 hr 24 min (84 minutos) .

            Color: Color

            Paises productores: La película Beauty and the Beast fué producida en EE.UU.

            Lenguaje original: Inglés y Francés.

            Títulos en cada país:


            Créditos completos de la película La bella y la bestia




            Mrs. Potts
            Monsieur D'Arque
            (voice) (as Philip Clarke)
            (voice) (as Stephani Ryan)
            Townsperson (voice) (u)



            Productor ejecutivo
            executive producer: 3-D version
            Productor asociado


            Albert Tavares

            Dirección artística

            Ed Ghertner ((Special version) (as Edward L. Ghertner)) y Brian McEntee

            Departamento de arte

            Kelly Asbury (Artista de desarrollo visual), Hans Bacher (production consultant: visual development), Michael Cedeno (Artista de desarrollo visual), Mac George (designer: stained glass), Jean Gillmore (Artista de desarrollo visual), Joe Grant (Artista de desarrollo visual), Kevin Lima (Artista de desarrollo visual), David Molina (visual development artist (as Dave Molina)), Sue C. Nichols (Artista de desarrollo visual), Michael Peraza Jr. (Artista de desarrollo visual), Chris Sanders (visual development artist (as Christopher Sanders)), Terry Shakespeare (Artista de desarrollo visual), Mel Shaw (production consultant: visual development), John Alvin (poster artist (u)), Darek Gogol (visual development artist (u)) y Daan Jippes (visual development (u))

            Efectos visuales

            Mark Barrows (assistant effects animator), Linda Bel (computer animator), Bob Bennett (Efectos de animación), Kennard Betts (effects breakdown and inbetween artist), Christine Blum (effects animator (as Christine Harding)), Allen Blyth (key assistant effects animator), Brett Boggs (stereoscopic artist (2010 3D version)), Dave Bossert (supervising effects animator), Eduardo Gomez Brieno (Effects BreakDown Artist / effect animator), Kristine Brown (effects breakdown and inbetween artist), Thomas Cardone (digital painter), Rozanne Cazian (CGI senior production coordinator), Felipe Cerdán (Artista de estereoscópica), Dan Chaika (key assistant effects animator), Ed Coffey (Efectos de animación), Barry Cook (visual effects supervisor: Florida), Ian J. Coony (stereoscopic conversion artist (2010 3D version)), Peter DeMund (effects breakdown and inbetween artist / stereoscopic conversion artist), James DeValera Mansfield (assistant effects animator (as James Mansfield)), Mark Dornfeld (optical supervisor), Jeff Dutton (assistant effects animator), Randy Fullmer (Supervisor de efectos visuales), Bernie Gagliano (effects graphics), Mabel Gesner (key assistant effects animator), Allen Gonzales (optical camera operator), Gregory William Griffith (computer animator (as Greg Griffith)), Sandra Groeneveld (effects breakdown and inbetween artist), Jim Hillin (CGI supervisor), Leslie Hough (assistant production manager: animation), Dave R. Howe (stereoscopic artist (3D version 2010)), Amindra Jayasinghe (technical director: 2010 3D version), Christopher Jenkins (effects animator (as Chris Jenkins)), Scott F. Johnston (computer animation software engineer), Shannon Fallis Kane (compositor (as Shannon Fallis-Kane)), Ted Kierscey (supervising effects animator), Cynthia Neill Knizek (assistant effects animator (as Cynthia Neill-Knizek)), Edward Kummer (computer animation software engineer), Dorse A. Lanpher (supervising effects animator (as Dorse Lanpher)), Paul Lewis (effects breakdown and inbetween artist), Dan Lund (effects breakdown and inbetween artist), Dale Mayeda (sequence supervisor (2010 3D version)), Shannon McGee (Artista de estereoscópica), Peter Montgomery (optical consultant), Stephen B. Moore (Supervisor de efectos visuales), Darren Mortillaro (pipeline technical director (2010 3D version)), Mark Myer (supervising effects animator), Masa Oshiro (effects breakdown and inbetween artist), Dan Philips (CGI manager), Lisa Reinert (effects breakdown and inbetween artist (as Lisa Ann Reinert)), David J. Rowe (Compositor), James 'J.R.' Russell (compositor (as James 'JR' Russell)), Matthew F. Schnittker (pipeline technical director (2010 3D version)), Steve Starr (assistant effects animator), Allen Stovall (assistant effects animator), James Tooley (computer animator (as James R. Tooley)), Eusebio Torres (Efectos de animación), John Tucker (key assistant effects animator), Katie Tucker-Fico (stereo lead), Mary Jane 'M.J.' Turner (computer animation software engineer), Tara Handy Turner (stereoscopic technology lead (2010 3D version)), Aurelio x. Vera Jr. (restoration artist (restored version)), Tony West (effects breakdown and inbetween artist), Bruce Grant Williams (assistant production manager: background/color model/checking) y Kelvin Yasuda (Efectos de animación)

            Departamento de animación

            Beverly Adams (breakdown artist: "Lumiere"), Sue Adnopoz (assistant animator: "Lefou"), Tim Allen (animator: "Gaston"), Leyla C. Amaro Nodas (painter (as Leyla C. de Peláez)), Scott Anderson (assistant animator: "Beast"), Tony Anselmo (animator: "Wardrobe"), Ruben A. Aquino (supervising animator: "Maurice"), Debra Armstrong (character lead: "Lumiere"), Rasoul Azadani (key layout/workbook artist), Janet Heerhan Bae (breakdown artist: "Lumiere" (as Hee Rhan Bae)), Kathleen M. Bailey (key assistant animator: "Gaston"), Dorothea Baker (key assistant animator: "Belle"), Tina Baldwin (2D animation processor), Doug Ball (Artista de fondo), Tom Bancroft (animating assistant), Tony Bancroft (animator: "Cogsworth"), Arland Barron (assistant animator: "Lumiere"), James Baxter (supervising animator: "Belle"), Noreen Beasley (breakdown artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Carl Bell (assistant animator: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Bill Berg (supervising character lead: "Beast"), Mitchell Bernal (assistant layout artist), Phyllis Bird (Pintor), Aaron Blaise (animator: "Beast"), Travis Blaise (inbetween artist: "Beast"), Russell Blandino (Pintor), Geefwee Boedoe (animator: "Beast"), Dan Boulos (animator: "Mrs. Potts" and "Chip"), Elliot M. Bour (inbetween artist: "Belle"), Rejean Bourdages (animator: "Lumiere"), Philip S. Boyd (key assistant animator: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Jo Ann Breuer (2D animation processor), Janet Bruce (animation check supervisor), Robert Bryan (animating assistant (as Bob Bryan)), Dave Burgess (animator: "Gaston" (as David Burgess)), Randy Cartwright (animator: "Belle"), Hortensia Casagran (final check/paint supervisor (as Hortensia M. Casagran)), Michael Cedeno (animator: "Belle"), Lillian A. Chapman (inbetween artist: "Gaston" (as Lillian Chapman)), Karen China (2D animation processor), Inna Chon (breakdown artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Anthony Cipriano (inbetween artist: "Gaston"), Brian Clift (supervising character lead: "Philippe"), Merry Kanawyer Clingen (key assistant animator: "Belle"), Diana Coco (Artista de breakdown), Bob Cohen (2D animation processor), Jim Coleman (Artista de fondo), Karen Comella (color models supervisor), Lorna Cook (animator: "Belle"), Ken Cope (key assistant animator: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Robert O. Corley (breakdown artist: "Gaston"), Jesus Cortes (assistant animator: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Annamarie Costa (scene planner), Penny Coulter (color model assistant), Fred Craig (key layout/workbook artist), Kent Culotta (assistant animator: "Belle" / rough inbetweener), Sherrie Cuzzort (Pintor), Margie Daniels (key assistant animator: "Belle"), James A. Davis (assistant animator: "Gaston" (as James Davis)), Anthony de Rosa (animator: "Beast" (as Anthony DeRosa)), Vincent DeFrances (inbetween artist: "Beast"), Andreas Deja (supervising animator: "Gaston"), Lou Dellarosa (key assistant animator: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), William Dely (assistant background artist), Jeff Dickson (assistant layout artist), Marcia Kimura Dougherty (assistant animator: "Maurice" (as Marcia Dougherty)), Greg Drolette (background artist (as Gregory Alexander Drolette)), Debbie Du Bois (assistant background artist (as Debbie DuBois)), Ken Duncan (animator: "Belle"), Lee Dunkman (assistant animator: "Belle"), Russ Edmonds (supervising animator: "Philippe"), Teresa Eidenbock (assistant animator: "Belle"), Leslie Ellery (color model mark-up), Tom Ellery (Artista de historia), John Emerson (Artista de fondo), Thom Enriquez (key layout/workbook artist), Sam Ewing (key assistant animator: "Gaston"), Diana Falk (corrections artist), Rick Farmiloe (animator: "Lefou"), Brian Ferguson (animating assistant), Phyllis Fields (Pintor), Will Finn (supervising animator: "Cogsworth"), Christine Lawrence Finney (key assistant animator: "Belle" (as Christine Lawrence)), Trey Finney (assistant animator: "Lumiere"), Wendie Fischer (breakdown artist: "Belle"), Gareth Fishbaugh (2D animation processor (as Gary Fishbaugh)), Laurey Foulkes (inbetween artist: "Gaston"), Gail Frank (key assistant animator: "Lefou"), Natalie Franscioni-Karp (assistant background artist), James Fujii (breakdown artist: "Gaston"), Cindy Garcia (2D animation processor), Paulino García (painter (as Paulino García DeMingo)), David C. Gardner (assistant layout artist (as David Gardner)), Mac George (assistant layout artist), Michael Gerard (animating assistant), Ed Ghertner (layout supervisor), Dean Gordon (Artista de fondo), Kent Gordon (2D animation processor), Daniel A. Gracey (key assistant animator: "Belle"), Lennie K. Graves (animator: "Lefou" (as Lennie Graves)), Richard H. Green (assistant animator: "Lumiere" (as Richard Green)), Edward R. Gutierrez (breakdown artist: "Lumiere" (as Edward Gutierrez)), Joe Haidar (animator: "Gaston"), Barbara Lynn Hamane (assistant paint supervisor), Karen Hardenbergh (assistant animator: "Belle"), Ray Harris (key assistant animator: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Dan Haskett (Diseñador de personajes), Anne Hazard (Pintor), Mike Hazy (assistant animator: "Lefou" (as Michael Hazy)), Chris Hecox (ink and paint assistant manager), Kris Heller (breakdown artist: "Beast"), Mark Henn (supervising animator: "Belle", Florida), Karen Hepburn (Verificador de animación), Arturo A. Hernandez (assistant animator (special version)), Ken Hettig (inbetween artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Rhonda L. Hicks (assistant paint supervisor / color model mark-up), Grant Hiestand (inbetween artist: "Wolves"), Allison Hollen (breakdown artist: "Philippe"), Bette Holmquist (key assistant animator: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Renee Holt (supervising character lead: "Belle"), Richard Hoppe (supervising character lead: "Maurice"), Daniel Hu (assistant layout artist), Ron Husband (animator: "Gaston"), James Young Jackson (breakdown artist: "Beast" (as James Y. Jackson)), Emily Jiuliano (character lead: "Lefou"), Broose Johnson (animator: "Beast"), David Karp (Pintor), Angelika Katz (line repair), Bill Kaufmann (assistant background artist), Mark Kausler (animator: "Maurice"), Glen Keane (supervising animator: "Beast"), Lisa Keene (background supervisor), Mark Kennedy (animating assistant), Kenneth M. Kinoshita (inbetween artist: "Belle" (as Ken Kinoshita)), Johan Klingler (assistant animator: "Beast"), Norma Klingler (breakdown artist: "Maurice" (as Norma Rivera)), Nancy Kniep (supervising character lead: "Cogsworth"), Dylan Kohler (inbetween artist: "Gaston"), Lureline Kohler (key assistant animator: "Belle"), Rick Kohlschmidt (assistant animator: "Beast"), Marty Korth (supervising character lead: "Gaston"), Tia W. Kratter (background artist (as Tia Kratter)), Doug Krohn (animator: "Belle"), Brad Kuha (animator: "Beast"), Alex Kupershmidt (animator: "Gaston" (as Alexander S. Kupershmidt)), Michael Kurinsky (Artista de fondo), Tom LaBaff (inbetween artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Susan Lantz (assistant animator: "Beast"), Tracy M. Lee (key assistant animator: "Beast"), Larry Leker (key layout/workbook artist), Kellie D. Lewis (breakdown artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others (as Kellie Deron Lewis)), Leticia Lichtwardt (assistant animator: "Belle"), Davy Liu (assistant layout artist), Steve Lubin (assistant animator: "Belle"), Kaaren Lundeen (key assistant animator: "Belle"), Tamara Lusher (breakdown artist: "Belle"), Cristy Maltese (Artista de fondo), Teresa Martin (key assistant animator: "Belle"), Lorenzo Martinez (key layout/workbook artist), Gretchen Maschmeyer Albrecht (ink and paint manager), Beth Ann McCoy (color model mark-up), Paul McDonald (inbetween artist: "Beast"), Teri McDonald (final checker), Miriam McDonnell (corrections artist), Brian McKim (assistant animator: "Lumiere"), Mike McKinney (assistant animator: "Mrs. Potts"), Denise Meara-Hahn (assistant animator: "Belle" (as Denise Meara Hahn)), Harlene Mears (painter (as Harlene Cooper-Mears)), Sarah Mercey (inbetween artist (2002 version) (as Sarah Mercey-Boose)), Anthony Wayne Michaels (breakdown artist: "Belle"), Serge Michaels (assistant background artist), Jane Misek (inbetween artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Deborah Mooneyham (painter (as Deborah Jane Mooneyham)), Rick Moore (Diseñador), Maurilio Morales (inbetween artist: "Lumiere"), Terry Naughton (assistant animator: "Beast"), Brett D. Newton (key assistant animator: "Belle" (as Brett Newton)), Mike Nguyen (animator: "Belle"), Laura Nichols (assistant animator: "Belle"), Matt Novak (key assistant animator: "Lumiere"), Karen Nugent (Pintor), Michael O'Mara (assistant layout artist), Madlyn O'Neill (blue sketch artist), Jennifer Oliver (key assistant animator: "Belle" (as Jennifer Gwynne Oliver)), Cynthia Overman (animator: "Maurice"), Karen S. Paat (Verificador de animación), Vera Pacheco (clean-up supervisor (as Vera Lanpher) / supervising character lead: "Objects", "Townspeople" and oth), Gilda Palinginis (key assistant animator: "Lumiere"), Marsha Park (inbetween artist: "Cogsworth"), Ginny Parmele (key assistant animator: "Belle"), Bill Perkins (key layout/workbook artist), Bruce Phillipson (Pintor), Philip Phillipson (background artist (as Phil Phillipson)), Eric Pigors (assistant animator: "Wolves"), Cheryl Polakow (breakdown artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Ruben Procopio (character sculptor / clean-up supervisor: Florida), David Pruiksma (supervising animator: "Mrs. Potts" and "Chip"), Saskia Raevouri (final checker), John Ramirez (corrections artist), Nik Ranieri (supervising animator: "Lumiere"), William Recinos (key assistant animator: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Dana M. Reemes (assistant animator: "Gaston" (as Dana Reemes)), Mary-Jean Repchuk (inbetween artist: "Gaston"), Robyn Roberts (2D animation processing supervisor (as Robyn L. Roberts) / 2D animation processing supervisor), Pres Romanillos (assistant animator: "Beast" (as Priscillano A. Romanillos)), Karen Rosenfield (assistant animator: "Cogsworth"), Maria Rosetti (assistant animator: "Gaston"), Jacqueline M. Sanchez (inbetween artist: "Philippe"), Randy Sanchez (key assistant animator: "Gaston"), Carmen Sanderson (Pintor), Henry Sato Jr. (rough inbetweener), Jeff Scheftel (quality control), Martin Schwartz (breakdown artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Natasha Selfridge (assistant animator: "Belle"), Gary Shafer (Verificador de animación), Mavis Shafer (Verificador de animación), Tom Shannon (key layout/workbook artist), Heidi Shellhorn (Pintor), Michael Show (animator: "Cogsworth"), Tom Sito (animator: "Beast"), Ric Sluiter (background supervisor: Florida (as Richard John Sluiter)), Lon Smart (key assistant animator), Kevin M. Smith (inbetween artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others (as Kevin Smith)), Bryan M. Sommer (breakdown artist: "Belle"), Fumiko R. Sommer (painter (as Fumiko Roche Sommer)), Ann Sorensen (color model assistant), Daniel St. Pierre (key layout/workbook artist (as Dan St. Pierre)), Robert E. Stanton (Artista de fondo), David Stephan (animator: "Lumiere" (as David P. Stephan)), Bruce Strock (key assistant animator: "Gaston"), Juliet Stroud (assistant animator: "Belle" (as Juliet Stroud Duncan)), Dave Suding (character lead: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Susan Sugita (assistant animator: "Mrs. Potts"), Michael Surrey (animating assistant), Mike Swofford (inbetween artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others (as Michael Swofford)), Allen Tam (layout assistant), Trevor Tamboline (key assistant animator), Dan Tanaka (key assistant animator: "Mrs. Potts"), Barry Temple (animator: "Lumiere"), Bill Thinnes (breakdown artist: "Cogsworth"), Kenny Thompkins (character sculptor), Dave Thomson (scene planner), Peggy Tonkonogy (assistant animator: "Maurice"), Marshall Lee Toomey (assistant animator: "Beast" (as Marshall Toomey)), Alex Topete (character lead: "Wolves"), Donald Towns (Artista de fondo), Michael Tracy (Diseñador), Maureen Trueblood (key assistant animator: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Ann Tucker (scene planning supervisor), Marianne Tucker (key assistant animator: "Cogsworth"), Kevin Turcotte (assistant background artist), Christophe Vacher (Artista de fondo), Britt Van der Nagel (painter (as Britt Vandernagel)), Irma Velez (paint mark-up), Charles R. Vollmer (inbetween artist: "Beast"), Chris Wahl (supervising animator: "Lefou"), Dusty Wakefield (assistant animator), Diana Wakeman (Artista de fondo), Doug Walker (layout assistant), Robert Walker (layout supervisor: Florida), Mark Wallace (assistant layout artist), Eric Walls (rough inbetweener), Elizabeth S. Watasin (breakdown artist: "Maurice" (as Elizabeth Watasin)), Danny Wawrzaszek (inbetween artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others (as Daniel A. Wawrzaszek)), Donna Weir (scene planning assistant), Wendy Werner (breakdown artist: "Beast"), Ron Westlund (breakdown artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Larry White (animator: "Wolves"), Susan Wileman (Pintor), Barbara Wiles (Verificador de animación), Tanya T. Wilson (key layout/workbook artist (as Tanya Wilson)), Ellen Woodbury (animator: "Maurice"), Thomas Woodington (background artist (as Tom Woodington)), Dave Woodman (breakdown artist: "Objects", "Townspeople" and others), Terry Wozniak (key assistant animator: "Wolves"), Phillip Young (animator: "Mrs. Potts" and "Chip" (as Phil Young)), David A. Zaboski (rough inbetweener (as David Zaboski)), Stephan Zupkas (supervising character lead: "Mrs. Potts"), Micki Zurcher (paint mark-up), Philo Barnhart (key assistant animator: Gaston (u)), Elrene Cowan (color stylist (u)) y Albert Francis Moore (xerox processor (u))

            Departamento de musica

            Howard Ashman (songs: lyrics by), Kathleen Bennett (Supervisor de edición de música), Vince Caro (score recording engineer), Emile Charlap (orchestra contractor: New York), Michael Farrow (music mixer: songs / music recordist: songs), David Friedman (conductor / music arranger: vocals), Earl Ghaffari (Editor de música), Norman Ludwin (Músico), Alan Menken (music arranger: songs / music producer: songs / songs: music by), John Richards (music mixer: score / music recordist: score), Michael Starobin (additional score orchestrator), Danny Troob (orchestrator / songs arranger), Ken Watson (orchestra contractor: Los Angeles), Frank Welker (special vocal effects), Tom Boyd (musician: oboe soloist (u)), John Moses (clarinet: musician (u)), Walterio Pesqueira (lyrics: Spanish version (u)), Bryan Pezzone (musician (u)) y James Thatcher (musician: french horn (u))

            Departamento de reparto

            Matthew Messinger (casting associate: New York (as Matt Messinger)) y Mickie McGowan (adr voice casting (u))

            Departamento de editorial

            Robert Bagley (Coordinador de post-producción), Jeannine Berger (Coordinador de post-producción), Beth Ann Collins (editorial staff: Florida), Dale E. Grahn (color timer (as Dale Grahn)), Deirdre Hepburn-Mangione (assistant editor (as Deirdre Hepburn)), Pamela G. Kimber (Editor asistente), James Melton (assistant editor (as Jim Melton)), Gregory Perler (Editor asociado), Kent Pritchett (Colorista), Mary Beth Smith (negative cutter: Buena Vista Negative Cutting), Chuck Williams (editorial staff: Florida) y Eric C. Daroca (assistant editor (u))

            Cámaras y departamento de electricidad

            John Aardal (animation camera operator), Tina Baldwin (digitizing camera operator), Christine Beck (film recorder operator), Jo Ann Breuer (digitizing camera operator), Karen China (digitizing camera operator), Bob Cohen (digitizing camera operator), Lynnette Cullen (digitizing camera operator), John Cunningham (animation camera supervisor), Gareth Fishbaugh (digitizing camera operator (as Gary Fishbaugh)), Louise Foley (camera operation coordinator), Cindy Garcia (digitizing camera operator), Christopher W. Gee (film recorder operator (as Christopher Gee)), Kent Gordon (digitizing camera operator), Joe Jiuliano (camera manager), Mary Lescher (animation camera operator), Robyn Roberts (digitizing camera supervisor), Gary W. Smith (animation camera operator), Al Vasquez (live action video crew), Ariel Velasco-Shaw (film recorder supervisor (as Ariel Shaw)), Chuck Warren (film recorder operator), David Weiss (live action video crew), Gina Wootten (digitizing mark-up), Suzy Zeffren (camera department coordinator) y Robert Edward Crawford (camera operator: pre-production (u))


            John Carnochan, Ellen Keneshea (Versión especial) y Bill Wilner (Sin acreditar)

            Gestión de producción

            Theresa Bentz (Asistente del director de producción), Baker Bloodworth (Jefe de producción), Kelly Eisert (production assistant (2010 3D version)), Brett Hayden (assistant production manager: effects/computer graphics), Patricia Hicks (assistant production manager: layout), Cathy McGowan Leahy (Jefe de producción), Dorothy McKim (Supervisor de producción), Connie Nartonis Thompson (assistant production manager (special edition 2002)), Tim O'Donnell (production manager: Florida), Ron Rocha (pre-production manager), Paul Steele (assistant production manager: Florida), Deborah Tobias (assistant production manager: editorial) y Suzie Vissitzky Tooley (assistant production manager: compositing & retakes (as Suzi Vissotzky))

            Otras personas que participaron

            Karenna Mazur Alderton (production assistant (as Karenna Mazur)), Roger Allers (story supervisor), Raul Anaya (engineering supporter (as Raul E. Anaya)), Mary Anderson (live action model: dance sequence), Laurie Ashbourne (production assistant (as Laurie Sacks)), Kirk Bodyfelt (Asistente de producción), Michael C. Bolds (engineering supporter (as Michael Bolds)), Stephen Bove (Secretaria de producción), Holly E. Bratton (Asistente de producción), Kevin L. Briggs (Asistente de producción), Darrell Brown (production accountant (as Darrell L. Brown)), John Brown (operations manager), Raines Carr (Asistente de producción), Greg Chalekian (Asistente de producción), Patti Conklin (assistant to producer (as Patricia Conklin)), Carole Constantineau (Contador de producción), David Coons (engineering developer), Jim Cox (pre-production script development), Charlie Desrochers (Coordinador de produccion), Hank Driskill (technical supervisor: stereo conversion), Brett Drogmund (Asistente de producción), Dennis Edwards (pre-production script development), Robin J. Flynn (Contador de producción), Randy Fukuda (engineering supporter), Matthew Garbera (Asistente de producción), Scot Greenidge (engineering developer), Thomas Hahn (engineer: Pixar), Robert Haro (operations manager), Peter Hastings (live action reference), Bruce Hatakeyama (engineering supporter), Tim Hauser (pre-production script development), Sean Hawkins (Asistente de producción), Don Henry (Operador de cine), Pradeep Hiremath (engineering supporter), Jim Houston (engineering developer (as James D. Houston)), Dave Inglish (engineering manager), Kiran Bhakta Joshi (engineering supporter (as Kiran B. Joshi)), Mark Kimball (engineering developer (as Mark R. Kimball)), Michael D. Kliewer (technology crew), Eric Lee (Asistente de producción), Brad Lowman (engineering supporter), Tod C. Marsden (production assistant (as Tod Marsden)), Duane May (live action model: dance sequence), Dan McCoy (live action reference), Dorothy McKim (production administrator), Janet McLaurin (Asistente de producción), Mary Jo Miller (Asistente de producción), Rob Minkoff (pre-production script development), Peter Nye (engineer: Pixar), Joe Parra (black and white processing), Kyle Patterson (Contador de producción), Laura V. Perrotta (production assistant (as Laura Perrotta)), Barbara J. Poirier (production secretary: Florida), Bruce Portman (operations coordinator), Marty Prager (engineering developer), Michael K. Purvis (engineering supporter), Carlos Quinonez (engineering supporter), Rebecca Rees (pre-production script development), Anthony F. Rocco (production assistant (as Anthony Faust Rocco)), Darrell Rooney (pre-production script development), Nina Saxon (Diseñador de títulos), Michael Shantzis (engineer: Pixar (as Michael A. Shantzis)), Grace Shirado (engineering supporter), Dale A. Smith (Asistente de producción), Sherri Stoner (live action reference), Michael T. Sullivan (engineering supporter (as Michael Sullivan)), Christopher Tapia (Asistente de producción), Mark M. Tokunaga (engineering supporter), Kevin Traxler (Asistente de producción), Kevin Wade (Coordinador de produccion), John White (black and white processing), David F. Wolf (engineering manager), Paul Yanover (engineering supporter) y Max Howard (studio executive (u))


            Howard Ashman (dedicados) y Vance Gerry (Agradecimiento especial)

            Empresas distribuidoras

            Buena Vista PicturesWarner Bros. FinlandWarner Bros.Buena Vista International (Sweden)Buena Vista InternationalFilmpac Home VideoIntercontinental Film Distributors (HK)VeronicaBuena Vista Home VideoWalt Disney Home VideoAbril VídeoGativideoMontreal CastingIntercontinental VideoSandrew Metronome DistributionWarner Sogefilms S.A.American Broadcasting Company (ABC)Buena Vista Home Entertainment (BVHE)Walt Disney Studios Home EntertainmentABC FamilyMoviemax FamilyFeelgood EntertainmentWalt Disney Studios Motion PicturesWestec Media LimitedBuena Vista International (Austria) GmbH

            Empresas productoras

            Walt Disney PicturesSilver Screen PartnersWalt Disney Feature Animation

            Otras empresas

            Alias Research Inc.BMG Recording Studios, New YorkBuena Vista ImagingBuena Vista Negative CuttingBuena Vista SoundArms Licenshing Section, Hong Kong Police, TheDolby StereoEastman FilmEvergreen Recording StudiosInternational Alliance of Theatrical Stage EmployePixar Animation StudiosSaxon/Ross Film DesignSegue MusicWeddington ProductionsSony StudiosCasting Company, TheTechnicolorWalt Disney Pictures and TelevisionWalt Disney RecordsWarner Bros. Animation

            Enlaces externos

            En esta sección podrás acceder a los recursos externos que utilizamos como fuentes. Así podrás chequear toda la información que publicamos y también ampliar tu conocimiento sobre "La bella y la bestia".



            Aquí, la magia del cine cobra vida a través de tus opiniones. ¿Qué te llevó ver esta película? ¿Eres fan de Gary Trousdale, Robby Benson o Jesse Corti? Comparte tus pensamientos, emociones y críticas sobre La bella y la bestia. ¿Te hizo reír, llorar o reflexionar? Este es el lugar para expresarlo. ¡No te guardes nada! Queremos construir una comunidad apasionada donde la conversación sobre cine y series nunca se detenga. Únete a la charla y déjanos conocer tu mundo cinematográfico. ¡Los comentarios son la pantalla donde se proyecta nuestra diversidad de opiniones!

            Necesitamos tu ayuda

            Aficionado a la pantalla grande, su participación es clave para hacer de un paraíso cinéfilo completo. Queremos construir juntos la mejor base de datos cinematográfica, pero necesitamos su ayuda. ¿Encontraste algún dato faltante en la ficha de La bella y la bestia? ¿Detectaste algún error en la sinopsis o el elenco? ¡Queremos saberlo todo!

            Este es un llamado a todos los simpatizantes del cine: contribuyan con sus conocimientos, aporten sus descubrimientos y compartan esas joyas ocultas que solo los verdaderos fanáticos conocen. Sus opiniones y sugerencias son el ingrediente secreto que hará de nuestra web un lugar insuperable para los amantes del celuloide.

            No hay detalle demasiado pequeño ni opinión insignificante. ¿Algún pedido especial? ¿Una película que sueñas con ver reseñada? ¡Hágannoslo saber! Juntos, haremos de esta comunidad el epicentro del séptimo arte. ¡Dejen sus reseña en la caja de comentarios y juntos hagamos crecer la magia cinematográfica!

            Lo más visto en

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