Junie Lowry-Johnson
Créditos en:
Películas en las que Junie Lowry-Johnson trabajo como parte del reparto
2018 | What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space NineCasting
2022 | The Grotto 2020 | The Killing of Two Lovers 2017 | America First 2017 | R Is for Romeo 2017 | The Flag House 2017 | Sock Puppets 2017 | alt.truth 2017 | Imminent Risk 2016 | One Good Memory 2016 | Chrysalis 2016 | A Fog That Won't Lift 2016 | The Judas Wolf 2016 | Pure Peckinpah 2016 | Objection 2016 | From This Day Forward 2016 | Stand Your Ground 2016 | Continual Soiree 2016 | The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of 2016 | Daddy Dearest 2016 | Let's Make a Deal 2016 | Sam I Am 2016 | Follow the Money 2016 | The Barbers of Seville 2016 | Black and Blue 2016 | Tropic of Cancer 2016 | Cuarenta Minutos 2016 | Get Busy Livin' 2016 | Hot in the City 2016 | Normandy Bitch 2016 | Piloto 2016 | Dead Rising: Endgame 2016 | The Way Back 2016 | The Thing with Feathers 2016 | The Times They Are A-Changin' 2015 | The Tradition of Hospitality 2015 | Separation Anxiety 2015 | Down by the River 2015 | War Eagle 2015 | High Noon 2015 | Four Arrows 2015 | Help Wanted 2015 | The Calling Back 2015 | Highway Robbery 2015 | Hector Lives 2015 | Shotgun 2015 | What Happens on the Rez... 2015 | Night Finds You 2015 | The Western Book of the Dead 2015 | Dead Rising 2014 | Ashes to Ashes 2014 | Counting Coup 2014 | Harvest 2014 | Lost Cause 2014 | Population 25 2014 | Death Is Not the End 2014 | Reports of My Death 2014 | Fire in the Hole 2014 | Wanted Man 2014 | I Found You 2014 | In the Pines 2014 | Jesus Gonna Be Here 2014 | Miss Cheyenne 2014 | Of Children and Travelers 2014 | The White Warrior 2013 | They Die by Dawn 2013 | Bad Medicine 2013 | A Good Death Is Hard to Find 2013 | Natural Order 2013 | Election Day 2013 | Tuscan Red 2013 | The Great Spirit 2013 | Sound and Fury 2013 | Tell It Slant 2013 | Party's Over 2013 | The Road to Hell 2013 | Death Came in Like Thunder 2013 | Carcasses 2013 | Unquiet Mind 2012 | Unfinished Business 2012 | Dogs, Horses and Indians 2012 | An Incredibly Beautiful Thing 2012 | 8 Seconds 2012 | The Worst Kind of Hunter 2012 | Dog Soldier 2012 | The Cancer 2012 | A Damn Shame 2012 | The Dark Road 2012 | Pilot 2011 | Presunta inocencia 2011 | The Lies Ill-Concealed 2011 | Moments in the Woods 2011 | Everything's Different, Nothing's Changed 2011 | Hop: Rebelde sin pascua 2011 | Searching 2011 | Farewell Letter 2011 | Flashback 2011 | A Seat at the Table 2011 | I'm Still Here 2011 | And Lots of Security... 2011 | Come on Over for Dinner 2011 | Where Do I Belong? 2011 | Then I Really Got Scared 2011 | Assassins 2011 | I'll Swallow Poison on Sunday 2010 | Down the Block There's a Riot 2010 | Pleasant Little Kingdom 2010 | An Interview with God 2010 | Sorry Grateful 2010 | A Humiliating Business 2010 | Excited and Scared 2010 | Let Me Entertain You 2010 | The Thing That Counts Is What's Inside 2010 | Truly Content 2010 | You Must Meet My Wife 2010 | Remember Paul? 2010 | We All Deserve to Die 2010 | My Two Young Men 2010 | Chromolume No. 7 2010 | The Chase 2010 | Lovely 2010 | The Glamorous Life 2010 | How About a Friendly Shrink? 2010 | I Guess This Is Goodbye 2010 | You Gotta Get a Gimmick 2010 | If... 2010 | A Little Night Music 2009 | Boom Crunch 2009 | Would I Think of Suicide? 2009 | The Coffee Cup 2009 | Careful the Things You Say 2009 | Don't Walk on the Grass 2009 | Everybody Ought to Have a Maid 2009 | The God-Why-Don't-You-Love-Me Blues 2009 | Never Judge a Lady by Her Lover 2009 | Being Alive 2009 | Nice Is Different Than Good 2009 | Rose's Turn 2009 | Look Into Their Eyes and You See What They Know 2009 | A Spark. To Pierce the Dark. 2009 | The Story of Lucy and Jessie 2009 | Crime Doesn't Pay 2009 | In a World Where the Kings Are Employers 2009 | Mama Spent Money When She Had None 2009 | The Best Thing That Ever Could Have Happened 2009 | Everybody Says Don't 2009 | If It's Only in Your Head 2009 | Connect! Connect! 2009 | Marry Me a Little 2009 | Bargaining 2008 | A Vision's Just a Vision 2008 | Me and My Town 2008 | What More Do I Need? 2008 | There's Always a Woman 2008 | Mirror, Mirror 2008 | The Price 2008 | Back in Business 2008 | Kids Ain't Like Everybody Else 2008 | Five the Hard Way 2008 | We're So Happy You're So Happy 2008 | Blow Out 2008 | You're Gonna Love Tomorrow 2008 | Almas pasajeras 2008 | Eagles and Angels 2008 | Shut Down 2008 | Scylla 2008 | Hello, Little Girl 2008 | In Buddy's Eyes 2008 | Sunday 2008 | Witless Protection 2008 | The Gun Song 2008 | Free 2008 | Mother Said 2008 | Locas por el dinero 2008 | Welcome to Kanagawa 2008 | Opening Doors 2007 | Something's Coming 2007 | Distant Past 2007 | You Can't Judge a Book by Its Cover 2007 | Now I Know, Don't Be Scared 2007 | Art Isn't Easy 2007 | If There's Anything I Can't Stand 2007 | The Game 2007 | Smiles of a Summer Night 2007 | Now You Know 2007 | Gossip 2007 | God, That's Good 2007 | Liaisons 2007 | Dress Big 2007 | My Husband, the Pig 2007 | The Little Things You Do Together 2007 | I Remember That 2007 | Come Play Wiz Me 2007 | Getting Married Today 2007 | Not While I'm Around 2007 | What Would We Do Without You? 2007 | No Fits, No Fights, No Feuds 2007 | Into the Woods 2006 | The Miracle Song 2006 | Beautiful Girls 2006 | Children and Art 2006 | Bang 2006 | Sweetheart, I Have to Confess 2006 | Nice She Ain't 2006 | Like It Was 2006 | A Weekend in the Country 2006 | It Takes Two 2006 | Listen to the Rain on the Roof 2006 | A Rich Find 2006 | A Two-Headed Beast 2006 | Full Faith and Credit 2006 | True Colors 2006 | I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For 2006 | Tell Your God to Ready for Blood 2006 | It Wasn't Meant to Happen 2006 | Paradise, Texas 2006 | Don't Look at Me 2006 | Abominable 2006 | Everybody Says Don't 2006 | Could I Leave You? 2006 | Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector 2006 | There Is No Other Way 2006 | Thank You So Much 2006 | Silly People 2006 | There's Something About a War 2006 | Remember: Part 1 2006 | We're Gonna Be All Right 2006 | No One Is Alone 2006 | One More Kiss 2006 | I Know Things Now 2005 | Coming Home 2005 | That's Good, That's Bad 2005 | The Sun Won't Set 2005 | Color and Light 2005 | I Wish I Could Forget You 2005 | They Asked Me Why I Believe in You 2005 | My Heart Belongs to Daddy 2005 | You'll Never Get Away from Me 2005 | You Could Drive a Person Crazy 2005 | Next 2005 | Time Flies 2005 | Hold My Hand 2005 | Dancing for Me 2005 | A Coat of White Primer 2005 | Duma 2004 | Awakening 2004 | The Forge 2004 | The Augments 2004 | Borderland 2004 | Home 2004 | Storm Front, Part II 2004 | Storm Front 2003 | Robando la Navidad 2003 | Todopoderoso 2002 | Cypher 2001 | Pecado original 2001 | Lying in Wait 2000 | Nightingale 2000 | Body and Soul 2000 | Inside Man 2000 | Critical Care 2000 | Repression 2000 | Drive 2000 | Imperfection 2000 | Unimatrix Zero: Part II 2000 | Una banda de cuidado 1999 | Castro - Mi asesino gentil 1999 | Cuerpos salvajes 1999 | La inquilina 1999 | Fuerzas de la naturaleza 1998 | Viaje a las estrellas: Insurrección 1998 | The Siege of AR-558 1998 | Once More Unto the Breach 1998 | Treachery, Faith and the Great River 1998 | Chrysalis 1998 | Take Me out to the Holosuite 1998 | Afterimage 1998 | Shadows and Symbols 1998 | Image in the Sand 1998 | La granja de Sachem 1998 | Baseketball 1998 | Experimento chiflado 1998 | Gia 1997 | Miracle in the Woods 1997 | Tiro al blanco 1997 | Star Trek: Primer contacto 1997 | Mentiroso Mentiroso 1997 | In the Line of Duty: Blaze of Glory 1995 | Pura energía 1995 | In the Line of Duty: Hunt for Justice 1995 | Viaje a las estrellas: La próxima generación 1994 | Casi una condesa 1994 | In the Line of Duty: The Price of Vengeance 1993 | Attached 1993 | Dark Page 1993 | Phantasms 1993 | Gambit, Part II 1993 | Gambit, Part I 1993 | Interface 1993 | Liaisons 1993 | Descent, Part II 1993 | In the Line of Duty: Ambush in Waco 1992 | La mano que mece la cuna 1990 | Fe en la justicia 1989 | Furia ciega 1989 | Renegados 1989 | Powwow Highway 1987 | La Bamba 1987 | Born in East L.A. 1987 | Summer Heat 1986 | Bienvenidas a los 18 1986 | Weekend WarriorsDepartamento de reparto
2016 | Bedfellows 2016 | Truth and Dignity 2016 | A Prayer for Our Daughters 2016 | The Dead and the Living 2016 | Cockroach 2016 | Spring 2015 | The Tradition of Hospitality 2015 | Separation Anxiety 2014 | There Is No End 2014 | The Crossing Place 2014 | Bound 2014 | The Shepherds and the Fox 2014 | Ave Verum Corpus 2014 | Time Has Come Today 2014 | And Here... You Must Listen 2014 | She Was Provisional 2013 | 2002 | Viaje a las estrellas 10: Nemesis 2001 | Sopa de tortilla 2000 | Juzgada por los medios 1998 | El verano de los monos 1986 | Los exploradoresAgradecimientos
2007 | Una loca película de guerraEnlaces externos
Aquí puedes compartir tus reflexiones, anécdotas y opiniones sobre la vida y carrera de Junie Lowry-Johnson. ¿Qué te ha inspirado de su trayectoria? ¿Tienes alguna anécdota personal que desees compartir? ¿Cuál es tu película favorita en la que ha participado?
Tu voz es importante, y queremos escuchar tus pensamientos. Este es un lugar para la comunidad de admiradores y amantes del cine, y tus comentarios son la esencia de esta conversación. Por favor, mantén la discusión respetuosa y constructiva. Cualquier forma de contenido inapropiado será eliminado para mantener un ambiente positivo y enriquecedor para todos.
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Este thriller paraguayo cautivó al mundo entero. 7 Cajas es una explosión de acción y suspenso. Esta joya cinematográfica latinoamericana sigue la historia de un carretillero del Mercado 4 de Asunción que se ve envuelto en un oscuro mundo de crimen
Por más sólido que sea un guión siempre hay espacio para que improvisaciones que se dan durante el rodaje de determinadas escenas queden en el producto final.
Desde Buenos Aires hasta el mundo, Tesis sobre un Homicidio se ha convertido en uno de los filmes más recomendados del cine argentino, cautivando audiencias y dejando su huella en la escena internacional.
En Hollywood casi todo lo que ocurre es mentira y parte de una película, sin embargo, existen cintas donde los actores realmente han tenido relaciones y fue parte de la obra publicada. Conócelas acá.
Conoce cómo se filmaron algunas escenas icónicas de Jurassic Park, con improvisaciones incluidas. ¡Descubre las curiosidades detrás del rodaje de un clásico cinematográfico!
Un grupo de cinéfilos se juntaron para debatir acerca de cuáles son sus escenas de acción favoritas y éste fue el resultado. No te pierdas los vídeos de estas secuencias inolvidables.